Before I begin the story, the Japanese words for 'tenshi', 'chisai', and 'jo' are translated for 'angel', 'small', and 'girl' as mentioned in the title. Tenshi appears halfway in the 27th episode of her favorite anime, Saru Getchu! Okay, now on to the story…


Chapter one: Running away

If there was one thing in the world that Tenshi hated, it's going home everyday after school and getting picked on about her size. Yes, her size. A major change affected Tenshi's body height since she was born. The doctors thought she had dwarfism but instead they think it was a natural birth and she became in really good health. Her mother sadly died shortly when she was at age 4. Now that she's 13, Tenshi lives with her dad and her new stepmother of whom he married. She also has two stepsisters: Naru, 16 years of age, and Kiri, who is nine or ten years old. Although she is small for her age, she is very beautiful and skinny out of all girls. She has long auburn hair tied up in a spiked bun, and her turquoise eyes shimmered in the afternoon sunlight as she focused on her special flute she is playing for music practice. She is currently in both music and choir classes at school, and when people hear both her flute and her voice, they seem to think that she is a very talented high school girl that is small. Another thing about her is that she takes kung-fu lessons, which explains why she is thinner and athletic than her siblings and that she exercises all the time. All over her walls there were medals resembling all the completions she made so far, and on her shelves were seven or eight golden trophies. Only her dad was very proud of her, and she wished that her mom was there to see her little girl continue to do her best. But sadly not, because her stepsisters think that she's miss popularity or something. They always call her squirt or runt and that really came to the point where Tenshi cannot take anymore of them taking advantage of everything she used to have.

When she was about to pick a song she learned from class and practice singing for choir, her father called her down for dinner. A little irritated and not saying anything, she ran downstairs into the kitchen to her usual place at the table. Both her sisters, Naru and Kiri, took their places as well but they were arguing about sharing make-up and other stupid things. 'I could kill them both,' Tenshi thought, 'Then I'd be relieved of them keeping their mouths shut for once.' Refusing to get into the argument, she kept quiet and waited for her stepmom to set their plates of food down so she could eat in peace. Both her parents were looking at only her with concern, and as she tried to quiet Tenshi's sisters down, her dad asked, "Tenshi, honey, are you okay? Why aren't you talking?" But she only looked up at him with a silent saddened emotion in her eyes, then stared down at her food, still not saying anything. "Tenshi? Can you answer me?" Her dad asked again, "Can you tell me what's wrong?" The girl was about to say something when Naru sneered, "Probably the midget's too scared to talk because she's so retarded!" With tears in her eyes, Tenshi stood up from her seat and skulked up to her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She could hear the loud yelling coming from downstairs as she cried silently while getting out her duffel bag, stuffing everything she needed: clothes (even underwear… which is kinda what she had to take with her xD), toothbrush, toothpaste that she got out of the bathroom, her PSP and video games, and hairbrush, along with her flute. By the time she got done, Tenshi stared over at her window which she could escape out of. She ran to it and struggled to get it open, hearing the footsteps of her dad and stepmom coming up the stairs. "Tenshi! We want to talk to you! Please open the door sweetie!" "We punished Naru and grounded her for two weeks! Please let us talk to you!"

'I can't do this,' Tenshi thought, 'I can't live here in this hellhole where I was born. I'm gonna live somewhere, where I have a REAL and DECENT family! No one's going to stop me!' She looked over at the door with tears in her eyes. "Goodbye…" she whispered in her slightly deep voice. She threw her bag out the window, and so did she, leaving it open. Soon she ran away from the house in the rainy night. Tenshi didn't really care if she's soaking; she needed to get out of here, away from this place. She looked behind her to make sure nobody was following her, except the sound of growling coming from her neighbor's yard. A mangy-furred dog charged her in time for her to fall on the pavement, her bag thrown a few inches away from her. It jumped on her, getting mud all over her formal shirt as she tried to push the dog off of her, but it instead bit down hard on her hand, making her scream loudly in pain. Tenshi shouted and kicked it away while standing up and ran to pick her bag up, running off as quickly as possible. But she tripped over again, laying there breathing hard, and blood was trickling from her bitten hand. Suddenly, a portal of light appeared in front of her, glittering white, purple, every color that seemed familiar to her as she slowly stood up and just stared at it. She knew it came from the Ape Escape anime. But Tenshi became a little nervous to go inside the portal. She sensed the dog running at her again, and she had to think fast: get in or run off somewhere else.

As it jumped and bared its teeth, she shouted and jumped into it, the portal disappearing as the animal stopped and looked around, snarling and barking. For a while, Tenshi didn't see anything but pure blackness. Then out of the Blue (pun there), light shone and soon she was dropped relentlessly on the floor with a grunt. She quickly stood up to find the Ukki Five discussing something, but it was too late to hide behind one of the chairs because Specter spotted her and yelled/commanded something angrily at her in Japanese. Everyone stared down at her paralyzed body with curiosity. After a few moments of silence, Tenshi was going to reply to the leader but she instead let out a growling shout in agony and fell back on the floor, convulsing violently as Specter demanded one of the monkeys to do something. Both Ukki Pink and Yellow were panicking, except for Ukki Red, who just stood there and stared at the scene, but he looked shocked nonetheless.

Ukki Blue tried to help her up and calm her down but she was lashing out at him helplessly and tried to kick and swipe, growling and yelling as she did. Seeing that, Ukki White took something out of his lab coat pocket and showed Specter what looked like a pink fluid in a long needle, explaining it to him, then levitated over to Blue and Tenshi, pulling her away from the tall monkey and targeted the needle at her neck. Successfully he injected it in one of her veins and heard her scream loudly as he quickly flew back to his place beside Specter. Both of them patiently watched the foreign liquid take effect over the girl's body. Drool was slowly dripping out of Tenshi's mouth as blood gently streamed on both her neck and her hand where the dog had bitten her. In the last minute Tenshi looked straight up at only Specter blankly. Then, with a soft moan, she passed out on the floor, motionless. White flew back to her later on and pulled out a patch in which he stuck on where the spot of her neck is bleeding. Examining the bag that she took along with her, he picked it up in his hands as Ukki Red threw Tenshi over his shoulder and both walked out of the meeting room into the dark hallway.

The automatic door opened as Red settled the smaller human gently down on the floor, White setting her bag somewhere. It was almost like Tenshi was in the hospital. She was tested and examined on for the rest of the night until she wakes up sometime the next day. 'Guess I'm in the right place,' Tenshi thought in her mind, though she's unconscious. She thought she heard distinct talking and cackling for a moment, then the two male monkeys left with the door turning into a blank wall. So begins the story of Tenshi and her new experience in this world.


Before I wrap this up, Tenshi appears in the ending of episode 27, just to let readers know. Hope you enjoy this! R&R if you like it!