Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Orange Kimono

A/N: I wanted to write a few short stories about Sesshomaru, Jaken and Rin since there were not enough of them in the series. If you like a chapter please Review.

Author: Angel Kamiya


New Friend

That night Jaken started to make camp for Lord Sesshomaru. As always after his master had left to do something it was up to him to get things ready. It was his responsibility to go pick up branches for the fire. This usually repeated every night. To anyone else it might have been a constant chore but Jaken was happy to help Sesshomaru.

The little girl that Sesshomaru had revived with his Tenseiga was still following them. Jaken didn't know what he was going to do about her.

A few days ago Jaken had asked Sesshomaru why they hadn't gotten rid of her but his lord only told him to leave her alone. Sesshomaru didn't mind being followed all the time by this wretched human girl? Jaken decided to wait and see what would happen. Maybe the girl would get tried of following them everywhere and finally leave?

Jaken suddenly heard a loud cry from not far away.

Jaken picked up the Staff of Heads and rushed forward. It took only moments for him to find her

"What's the matter you silly girl?" Jaken yelled, backing away. "Why did you make that sound?"

The girl was twice as tall as he was and she didn't say anything when he approached. Jaken noticed that her hand was bloody. The girl had probably been clumsy and cut it on a rock. Jaken moved closer and was surprised when she didn't back away. Most humans were scared of demons but this one didn't seem to be for some reason.

"Follow me. If we don't take care of that cut many vicious demons will be here shortly. Human blood can't be ignored by some demons. They'll eat you. Lord Sesshomaru might be displeased if that happens."

Jaken sat down and pointed at the cooked fish by the fire that he hadn't ate yet. Rin picked it up and started eating. The girl seemed like she was starving.

"What's your name girl?" Jaken asked, talking out a small bag.


The girl didn't say anything more. As Jaken started treating the large cut on her right hand he thought about what to ask next.

"You certainly don't talk much. I don't remember Lord Sesshomaru asking you to go along with us." Jaken sighed.

Jaken leaned back against the tree taking one last look at the little girl named Rin. For some reason the girl still hadn't left. Jaken closed his eyes. It had been a really long day and he needed some rest before Sesshomaru got back. Jaken tried to sleep.

Some time later Sesshomaru returned. The dog demon was surprised to see that the girl that had been following them was now sleeping by the fire across from his servant. What had given her the courage to finally approach them? It looked like Jaken had made a new friend.