She knocks on his doorway one afternoon, and when he answers it, he sees her hair, wild and tangled (she's growing it again), and her eyes, also wild. That's all he can see, because she's filling his vision with a little stick. A stick with pink on the end of a white tab.

"Oh, shit," Jacob says, and there's a pause before Leah does anything. When she does, it's very violent and kind of angry. (but hey, this is Leah Clearwater. When it anything NOT violent and angry?) She slams a hand into his chest, effectively sending him stumbling backwards. "Ow! Ow! I can't breathe!" Wheezing, Jacob looks up through blurry vision to see Leah entering his home and advancing menacingly. "Wa….wait." he holds up an imploring hand, but strengthens his voice with alpha-ness. Leah isn't forced into obeying, but instincts make her think twice. "Okay. It's positive. Who's the father?"

"You DICK!" screams Leah, looking deranged. "I'm not the whore of La Push! We'll leave that to your spawny imprint!"

Jacob feels a bolt of fury. "She is NOT the whore of La Push! She's not even on the rez!"

"Oh, so she's right outside," Leah mocks. "At any rate, you and I both know she jumped in the sack with not only Nahuael, but that other leech that visited a while ago. I've only had sex with one guy in the last two years, Jake, so you'd better think long and hard." She zeroes in on him with narrowed eyes.

"Me?" croaks Jacob.

"Ding ding ding," Leah spits. "You. Ready to have a baby? No? Well, me either."

Jacob's head is reeling. "Leah…" he manages, "Lee…oh God."

"You're being religious now?" Leah attempts to be even harder and more sarcastic then she has been, but suddenly it cracks, and she leans against the doorframe with tears in her eyes. "Shit, Jake, I can't have a baby. This wasn't supposed to happen, Goddammit! I'm…I'm sterile! I was supposed to get married and…and…imprint and stop phasing and THEN have a…have a…" her voice cracks and she looks away, biting her lip. Jacob's shoulders slump and he starts coming towards her, but she reacts by rearing backwards, staring at him for a minute, and then she opens her mouth. The scream that comes pouring out is inhuman, but it isn't wolfy either. It's a sound of pure fury. Before he can blink, she's lunged at him, and he registers her nails sinking deep into his skin before his echoing roar of pain. Her knees hit him in his stomach area – how the hell did she jump like that?! Is she secretly a ninja? – and her forehead cracks into his. Her hands are pummeling, her feet are gouging, and Jacob reacts by instinct. With an inhuman snarl, he throws her to the ground and flings himself on top, pinning her. Their faces are inches apart, and suddenly her eyes cool from the furious passion into something else, and her breathing quickens with his.

"Um…" Jacob says, and he knows that the light pink spreading along her sharp cheekbones is mirrored in his face. "Sorry!" he scrambles off of her, although something tries to hold him back. "Um…I…" he needs to change the subject now. "What was that about?"

For once, Leah looks lost for words. It isn't for long, though. She scrambles upwards and snaps, "You knocked me up! I'm pissed! But then you…" she stops and blushes furiously. "You pulled that sexy-alpha move, or whatever that was."

"Shut up!" Jacob's still too embarrassed to make it sound forceful. "I have instincts of a wolf."

"Are you one with the wolf inside of you, Jakey?" Leah asks innocently. Far too innocently. Jacob narrows his eyes in pretend warning. "Haha, I'm so scared. Anyway, I have to go…tell mom, probably…so yeah. I'll…leave now."

"Leah?" Jacob wants to stop her suddenly, but she turns her back quickly. "Leah, I want to tell you…I'm going to help you with this kid. I'm not gonna leave you without help."

"We'll see what Nessie has to say," is Leah's bitter response before she clicks the door shut behind her.

Nessie doesn't have anything good to say about it indeed. "You knocked her up?" growls his imprint, her perfect hand clenched into fists. "Well, tell her to abort the thing!"

What? Thinks Jacob. "No," he says out loud. "No, Ness." He smoothes back her shimmery hair soothingly. "Ness, this child is half of me! And half of Leah! I can't just abort it. I love it…"(and it's mother)… "too much."

"So it's gonna be an ugly bastard kid." Nessie's eyes cut little shards of hate at Jacob. "Whatever, Black."

"Whoa." Jacob feels a strange surge of fury towards his imprint. "That's uncalled for. Everybody knows you did that other halfbreed the second you could."

Nessie's cheeks flush and he mouth opens in fury. "You!" she can't seem to think of anything else to say, though, so she tries to punch him. He catches her fist in the air with ease.

"Really now. Calm down." Something strange happens for a minute; his heartbeat slows down and he feels freer that he has in a while. Confused, he drops her hand and squints, at the same time a sharp, vicious pain, worse than both of Leah's knees in his gut, hits his chest. Doubling over, Jacob gasps wildly for breath for the third time that day. Above him, he hears Nessie.

"Jake, stop it. Get up." Pause. "Jake?" Pause. "Jacob!" Finally she sounds worried. "Jacob! No, no, no, are you okay? Oh, Jake!" She crouches to his newly shortened level and stares into his eyes. For a few seconds, the pressure increases, but then it slowly ebbs away. Grateful, Jacob collapses all the way, feeling like somebody just ripped out his heart and maybe throat. "Ness," he croaks, "I'm fine." He manages a slightly reassuring smile.

"Are you sure?" she puts a hand on his skin and squeezes gently. "C'mon, honey, lets get you to the couch."

For the rest of the day, Jacob deals with feeling horribly weak and sick. Leah, several miles away, is dealing with the same thing, if not for entirely different reasons.

A/N.* So, at first it was gonna be a LOOOONG one-shot, but I decided against it. This is my fiiiirst chaptered fic! *squeal* I hope I do a good job. Any suggestions for the plot, you can put them in reviews or whatever ^.^

Um, as a side noteeee. I HATE those fics where Leah has a kid (with whoever) and then the kid starts growing up and is so cute and spunky and speshul. I hate mostly all Twilight characters and Twilight in general because ALL the main characters are so damn speshul ALL THE TIME. And usually leah spoils the kid in those fics, which I can't see happening. So this will mostly be Leah's pregnancy to the birth of the kid and then maybe the epilogue will be a ten or twenty years later thing. Haha. Updates will be at least twice a week!