Happy New Year!

Black Star glanced at the clock and sighed in frustration. He suddenly started jumping up and down.

"Alright, somebody kiss me. Somebody kiss me, it's midnight! Somebody kiss me!" he moaned. He was about to give up when he was spun around and kissed firmly. Black Star's eyes flew wide open and all he could make out was ash white hair. The whole room was silent, except for the click as Maka documented the best friends first kiss with her camera.

"Oh my stars!" Black Star thought, "Soul kissed me!"

When the other boy pulled back, Black Star let out a shaky breath.

"Whoa…" he murmured. Every pair of eyes was on the two best friends and the tension hung thick in the air like smog, chocking everyone in its path. Soul smiled sheepishly at him and rubbed the back of his neck.

"You did ask…" he said quietly. Black Star coiled his arms around Soul's waist and pulled their bodies together.

"And if I asked again? What would you say?" The ninja boy asked seductively. Soul blushed a little but when he spoke his voice was smooth and calm.

"I would have to oblige to your request." He replied. Black Star smirked and leant close to Soul's face.

"Kiss me?" he asked rather timidly. Soul grinned widely before leaning forward and pressing his lips upon his friends once again. Kidd rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Idiots." He spat.

So there we have it! I hoped you liked it =D I couldn't resist adding Kidd in at the end, just thought he would say something like that XD