A/N: Bonjour, sorry for the wait mes amies but, voici another chapitre of TMT! PLEASE remember to review at the end, ox.
Disclaimer: Zero.
Teach Me Tonight
Chapter Two.
Well, what can I say? Another job well done by yours truly- me.
I thanked the lord multiple times today that next week was the finally week of filming. Don't get me wrong, I do love Mackenzie Falls but, spending nine months with the same annoying people does make you go kind of insane. And today was one of those days where I wished I was not the star of America's #1 hit tween show (which is rare).
I couldn't wait for summer to come along. How am I spending it you may ask? Hear, why don't I tell you: en la gran EspaƱa! Not sure what it means? No worries, I didn't til Sunday. I'm going away to Spain for two whole months. Every summer, my family and I rent some kind of beach house. Last summer was Germany, the summer before that was Switzerland. Before that was Australia, before that was Italy, and well the list goes on... Next summer, I'm thinking France, non?
Basically we just hang out there, go sight-seeing, you know? Usually everyone notices me, (because I am Chad Dylan Cooper) and then I find myself a nice group of people I call 'friends'. Find some hot chick I call my 'summer fling' and then end up coming back here. Same routine every year. You might say boring, but I might have to disagree. People, get the picture: new country every year, new friends every year. Best of all, new babe every year. So not boring.
But at the moment, that's not what I'm so excited for. After everyone at Condor's is done filming, all the kids through a massive rap-party. And not the small childish ones they through at the studio. Nope, we're talking about the sickest party of the year at one of the star's house. Catching my drift yet? Well last year was pretty amazing, it was at the host of Meal or No Meals' place. Before that Tawni Hart had hers. And so on. But this year is different. It is my chance to shine. The party will be at my place. And I was determined to make it the best. It's going to be the one where everyone is going to remember it. Period.
As I was happily party planning in my mind, I hadn't realized I finally made it home. I still had a little over an hour before my stupid study-date with little miss (not-so) sunshine. I walked into my fabulous castle that I call home and informed the staff that a guest will be coming soon. For some odd reason they hate it when a guest comes over they didn't know about. So what? It's not like the guest is coming t see them. Whatever, it doesn't matter. I figured I still had a lot of time to kill, so I decided on working out for a half hour then shower. I changed my clothes and walked downstairs to the gym. Let's get ripped!
I got lost. I got lost on my way to Chad's effin' house... twice! I got lost twice! In the effin' rain! I mean, I knew he lived pretty far so (and I quote) he 'can get away from the city and have some privacy' (unquote) but seriously, he lived pretty much in the middle of nowhere! He lived near other celebrities too. I overheard him once say that his neighbor is Justin Timberlake. Big deal? I mean, I live in a very nice apartment and my neighbor is the manager at McDonald's...
I can't wait for summer.
He really thought he was the greatest. If only you could only see his house - or should I say palace. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't speechless. It was exactly how anyone wanted a house to look like. I felt royalty just by looking at it. It was flawless. I parked right in between Chad's white and black convertible. I made my way up the beautiful stone stairs and rang the doorbell. The door was almost as big as church doors, my goodness. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised especially about what happened next; some reason, I thought Chad -or even a family member- would open the door. But no, of course the Cooper's have a butler.
"Good afternoon Miss Munroe, we've been expecting you." Yup, that wasn't creepy or anything.
All I could do was smile and thank him. After that, I was completely in awe. The inside of the house was a million times better then the outside. It was as if it were my dream home. It was mix of old Hollywood glamor with modern style. Kudos to the interior designer. I was in fact, amazed.
I finally snapped out of it when the butler asked for my jacket. I kicked off my rain boots and turned to the butler again. He finished putting my jacket away and walked over to me and spoke in his thick deep British accent. Only Chad would actually hiring an English man.
"Mr. Cooper is upstairs in his bedroom." And with that he walked away. How was I suppose to know which is Chad's room?
I made my way to the elegant staircase and spotted a maid walk by. "Excuse me, which is Chad's room?"
She looked at me as if she wanted to die. "You'll know."
I ignored the rude maid and continued walking upstairs. The top floor had a hallway going to the left and the right. And one right in the middle going straight ahead. I decided to go down the vertical hallway and saw nothing that stood out. I groaned in frustration and walked down the right hallway. The only thing that stood out was a door covered in pictures of a group of girls with little posters of all sorts of celebrities. Then another door with a bunch of posters of sports. Not Chad. I walked down the opposite direction and found the door I've been looking for. The second last door on the left with a golden star on it, just like on his dressing room. Only difference, this one was bigger. Much bigger.
I cursed around my breath. I knocked and received no answer. "Open up Chad!" I yelled. I knocked again but louder. Was he trying to annoying me on purpose? Probably. I knocked one more time, "I'm coming in if you don't answer me!" And I waited.
Can't say I didn't warn him. I gently pushed open the door and was greeted by an empty bedroom.
I walked further in. I was jealous, that's for sure. Chad's bedroom was four times the size of my own living room. Speaking of which, he even had his own mini one near the corner. A giant king size bed, an office like desk near the wall and along with other things.
I jumped at the sound of a door opening. But it wasn't his bedroom door that opened. Nope, Chad walked out of his very own bathroom in nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. Just. My. Luck.
He screamed when he saw me, and I screamed back. We ended up doing that for a moment. "What the hell? Sonny, what are you doing here?" Seriously? Seriously.
I tried, and I mean I tried my very best not to look at him. But, I couldn't form any English words coming from my month and my eyes were just traveling up and down his body. Oh boy, he has an eight pack. Oh god, he's tanned. Oh dear lord, he is beautiful.
"Munroe, stop your drooling." He said with that stupid smirk.
Holy crap, I was drooling! I could feel my cheeks burn and I wiped my month. I finally snapped out of it and noticed Chad walking towards me. Oh man...
"Like what you see sunshine?" Yes, yes I do. He kept walking and I swear if he walks any closer I just might faint. I held my hand out and spoke up (finally), "Get dressed Chad."
The smirk was still dancing upon his lips and I was very close on slapping it away. I repeated what I said and tried my best to look at his face, but ended up looking at his chest... again. "We've got a study date to attend to, remember?"
"Set up then. Get ready." He demanded. What a jerk.
"Fine, now go get dressed... please."
He finally walked off and entered his walk-in closet. SOB. I swear I could hear him laugh once he closed the door. I had to find something to lean against or hold on to because I was weak in the knees.
I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape my month once I closed the door. I didn't expect to see Sonny in my room, so I was a bit taken back. But running into her with me looking like this, was definitely the highlight of my day. I could easily tell that Sonny was turned on. I mean, look at me. I am pretty god-like. If I were a girl, I would want me too... as weird as that sounds.
My thought bubble popped when I heard Sonny on the other side of the door. We did have some studying to do and we couldn't waste anymore of my precious time. I settled into some casual clothing and threw on some socks. I was hoping to see Sonny set up at my desk with books and papers everywhere. But no, Sonny had her bag, books, paper, pencils, whatever spread all over the floor. She was lying on her stomach with her legs dangled in the air. What on earth is she doing?
"Sonny, what is it?" I asked as I pointed to her and all her crap everywhere. She looked at me as if I had ten heads.
"Chad, you told me to set up and I did. This is how I study."
"This is clearly why you are failing." She needed to study in a professional way, not like some child who's about to color. I gathered her things and ignored her protest. I made my way to my very large desk and placed everything upon it. "This is how I study. And since I am your tutor, I am teaching you the way CDC does it. On a desk!" I could tell she was a bit insulted but she'll get over it.
"Chad, I still don't understand how you are so smart." She rolled her eyes at me and I just ignored her statement. We both sat down and I began to tutor her.
If you're really wondering how I'm so smart, I'll tell you the truth. I was not born with it. Some people are and some people work for it. I for one, worked for it. When I was younger -before I even became famous- my family would go visit my grandparents for the entire summer, every summer. At times, when my parents go off to business trips, we would have to be with my grandparents because we had no one else.
My grandfather is probably one of the smartest man I have ever known. He's a retired university professor from Harvard. He's been teaching for over 50 years. When you're young, there really isn't any places to go. My siblings and I had no friends in Boston. So, my grandfather would tutor us. Of course, my brother and sister lost interest in it immediately. But I didn't. I fell in love. I loved to learn what ever my grandfather taught next. It was endless. Almost everyday, I learned something new. Whether it was about math, science or even history, I loved the unquestionable amount of knowledge. I ended up being ahead of everyone in my class, that I had to skip a grade. Fortunately I didn't, that's when I had my audition for Mackenzie Falls and got the part. I moved to California the minute I found out. One thing I'm sure of, I was born with talent.
Acting is what I want to do til my dieing day. I knew it was my destiny for as long as I can remember. My grandfather disproves. A mind is such a terrible thing to waste and apparently that's what I'm doing. I know, he knows, everyone knows that I am capable of so much more. I could be a scientist and find a cure for cancer. I could invent something new. I could save lives everyday. Even being a lawyer was all better than acting. But I couldn't do it. I won't. I love to perform. It's what I do. I wake up every day just so I can entertain. Stupid, right? I don't even know if I'll go to university. If I do, I'll probably end up going into the performing arts and what-not.
All I know for sure is, that if I don't end up with a good acting career then the rest of my life is going down the drain. End of discussion.
Sonny ended up staying for a little over three hours. I didn't mind, at all. We obviously got distracted here and there, but we made some progress. I could easily tell that Sonny has potential. She just needed a little help. She got a few things quickly, others things we had to work on. She even stayed for dinner and ended up talking more than eating.
"I should go Chad, it's getting late." I secretly didn't want her to leave, but I knew I couldn't say that. Besides, my family would be home soon.
We walked towards the front door and I called over Bernard (my butler) to grab Sonny's jacket. All she did was roll her eyes and thank him. She pulled on her stupid cute rain boots which had rainbows, clouds and suns all over it. I laughed at her and all she did was smile her adorable grin.
"Thanks again Chad."
"It was my pleasure."
I opened the door for her (because I am a gentleman after all) and we were welcomed by the sky crying. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said as she walked over to her car.
She said her good-bye and got in. I watched her pull out of the drive-way and I gave her a small wave. I could see through her wet closed window her waving back. She drove off and was now out of sight. I sighed as I closed the door behind me and leaned against it with a goofy smile plastered on my face.
Hmm.. does anyone ever get the feeling that Tiffany Thornton and Sterling Knight might have a thing going on?
Anyhow, thanks for reading & don't forget to R E V I E W !