Ehem....I. Am. A. Bitch. I'm so so so sos so so so so so so so so sorry!!! I completly forgot about this account and all of my WONDERFUL reviewers! OH MY GOD IM AWFUL! Please forgive me. *cringes from your beating sticks* But I am here to make a promise. I promise I will work on each of my stories now.
I pledge to honor your reviews
When I post something new
I pledge to continue with daddyward
And to move on with mafiaward
And to tell more of Copward
I promise to love Jacob
So that he and Vivian may find Lub
I vow to use more Nessie
So she can beat on Edward the pussy
I Promise to Reveal Vivians true form
And snuggle up to Jacobs Abs, nice 'n warm
I pledge to have Bella pop out a baby
And Daddyward will finally be nice...maybe.
I promise Officer-yummy pants
Will soon have Bella in his pants
I vow to update weekly
Even if I am sickly
I pledge to tell about muscles
Tan and pale
Hot and cold
Bitchy and Kind
So with that
I hope you can all rest with peace at mind
Because I love you all
Like bad rhyming in the fall
So dont show your hate
Because I've been an ignorant bitch of late
Okay guys! love ya! I prolly faked you all out thinkin I updated....Sorry. BUT I WILL BE POSTING SOON! Check out my profile for the story schedule. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOO MUCH! STICK WITH ME!!