Okay, I was bored. So I decided to write a collection of thoughts certain warriors had throughout the series. First off, I will start with Berrynose. This will be in poem-like format, but it won't rhyme. Hey, poems don't have to rhyme to be good. Not that this will be good or something...
Broken Promise
No, Honeyfern!
You promised me
We had great plans for the future
Just you and me!
Imagine us watching our kits
Playing around, wrestling
How could you, Honeyfern?
How could you leave me?
I should've spent more time with you
I thought I was too good
But you never gave up on me
Like any she-cat would.
A few days before
I finally realized
How much you meant to me
How much I yearned
Your presence beside me.
When I stare into your eyes
I can only see love
But that was something I didn't realize
Before yesterday.
Today I looked at you
You were as beautiful as you always were.
Kind, gentle, and loving.
Can I have a better mate than you?
I finally realize
That I can't be without you anymore.
So I told you, brightening up your gaze
And you were happy,
So were I.
You told me you loved me too
What else can be better?
I thought.
We basked under the strong sun
Lionblaze was with us.
I fought the temptation
To tell him
"Honeyfern and I wish to be alone."
But I let him
And I was free anyways
To tell Honeyfern
I loved her.
And I still do.
We watched the kits play, so happily
They were so bouncy and cute
Soon making me imagine
Having kits of our own.
Honeyfern and Berrynose's kits.
It sounded fine
Not just fine, but perfect.
Honeyfern and Berrynose's kits.
They would be beautiful kits
Beautiful, adorable, and bouncy
Just like Millie and Graystripe's.
Maybe I should name a kit Maplekit
After her mother.
I loved Honeyfern so.
I told her we would have kits like that one day
Playing happily and laughing joyfully
Honeyfern was so shy, and so happy.
I could still remember her pretty, big blue eyes
Blinking so shyly, gazing at me with so much love...
We kept sharing tongues
Expressing our feelings.
I loved the prickle I felt on my pelt
When Honeyfern brushes hers with mine.
I still do.
Briarkit had tumbled over, near a crack
But I was too busy watching Honeyfern.
My brave mate had seen the snake before any cat did.
She had leaped to save Briarkit
Killing herself.
I felt like I was dying
When Honeyfern did so.
The bite in her shoulder
Was killing me, not her.
Honeyfern was yowling painfully
What could I do to help her?
If only I was a medicine cat
I would use the last drop of my blood to save her.
"My blood is on fire!"
She cried
And I felt as if
My whole body was on fire.
But it didn't matter if it really was
If that was what it takes to save her.
Leafpool didn't do anything
She just stared as Honeyfern's life swept away in a black tide.
I was furious and heartbroken
I begged every cat to do something
But what could they do?
Most of all
What could I do?
Leafpool said the poison took hold of her.
I felt as if the poison killed my heart.
I knew it would be broken forever.
Without Honeyfern, nothing is perfect.
All I could tell her was that she was strong, beautiful, and brave.
We would have had wonderful kits together.
I will see her in StarClan.
But why?
Why has StarClan taken her away from me?
It wasn't right!
I loved her!
I never loved a cat
Like I have loved her.
I told her
Every cat in StarClan will honor her.
I told her she was brave.
Then she was gone.
There was nothing else I could do!
I was useless!
Is there anything I can do?
You promised me! You promised me
We'd have such lovely kits
As lovely, as strong, as brave
As you.
But you left
How can you?
You promised me...
Why did you leave me?
It was a promise.
You said we will be together
You promised me...
You said we would stay together, pelts brushing, tails intwined
Till the last of our lives...
But you broke the promise...
You left us
And most of all
You left me.
WAAHHH! *sobs* Writing this nearly made me cry :'( I was sharpening my knife when Honeyfern died! xO WHY DID SHE DIE?!! This is a tribute to Honeyfern as well as Berrynose. *sniff*