A/N: Hiyo everyone. How goes it? I know I should be working on Strange Relationship, But this pointless bit of fluff wouldn't leave my head. Maybe imbetween chapters of Strange Relationship, I'll do more related drabbles so you guys won't forget about me. :P But alas, here you go. A short fluffy KiGo I hope you enjoy.


Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible or any related materials; all are property Disney.


Kim was such a nerd. A huge ink in the fingernails, face in a book nerd. And man it was hot. In her haze, Kim fervently made her way around her office space, noting things here; flipping pages there. It was a very endearing sight. There was just something about the way she looked when she was completely absorbed in her studies that made it possible for Shego to stare for very long periods of time without getting annoyed. Currently, she was in the doorway to Kim's office with a tray of food (take-out and a canned soda; she wasn't much of a cook) watching as the younger woman worked. She had been there for a while now, and the girl had not once looked up. Shego was sure that the red-head didn't even know she was there.

Shego didn't know what she found so attractive about this Kim. Maybe it was because in a way, when she studied it was completely selfish. No one could get her attention if she didn't want it, and she hardly ever took missions while in her office. Hell, the girl even turned down sex. It was nice to see Kim when she wasn't being so humble and selfless. Things that Shego didn't particularly identify with.

Maybe it was how she never could find the pencil that was always behind her ear; or how her hair was always disheveled but she never did anything to knock it out of place. Kim could do three missions in one night with a perfectly sculpted mane of gorgeous red hair; put her in her office and everything comes tumbling down. Shego smiled a little.

Kim chose that moment to glance in the general direction of Shego. She was chewing on an ink pen, a confused look making it's way onto her face. Shego was sure Kim was going to say something, but as soon as she thought it, Kim turned around, bent over her desk and began scribbling on a piece of paper. Shego laughed a little, and decided to leave the tray at the door, and wait for Kim to come to her. Or wait for when she knew she would need to remind Kim to shower.

When it came to nerds, Kim was definitely the biggest one Shego knew.

Review's anyone?

A/N (again!): If you're reading Strange Relationship, Sorry for the chapter wait. It'll be up asap, and I haven't given up. Be patient. I really enjoy writing that story and I hope you stay along for the ride.
