A/N: chapter 2. Enjoy

Disclaimer: Kishimoto owns Naruto, but I own the plot, ideas and poems of this.

Rating: Rated T for teens. It maybe M later on. Who knows?

Summary: A clan betrayed by the ones they trusted with their life. The latter, cursed to follow the other for eternity. Eons later, a new 'seal' is born and now the slave who waited decades for her arrival has to protect its master as many come to kill this dangerous 'seal' that could grant anyone unimaginable power. The 'seal' of course has to watch out for its own slave as it tries to kill her on top of all the others of his 'kind' as well…




"Inner's Speech"

'The pieces have been set. A king shall fall when a checkmate seals his fate, as his men cheer around his corpse'


Legend has it that long ago, in a world ruled by vampires a clan of just mere humans were their allies. The human clan was the only species who weren't under the vampire's absolute rule, which made them the strongest. Not of money or statues is what made them so powerful, but their blood.

This so called strongest clan known widely as the Uchiha clan knew of this power so they decided to keep the other clan protected and have them trust them with their own lives. Many years past as both clans ruled the desolate plains, that was covered with fire and suffering until the new 'seal' of the Haruno clan was born.

Every 1,000 years a powerful 'seal' shall be born and used a key and lock for vampires, that could create a power that would grant unimaginable things. Too long the Uchihas waited for this moment as they made a cu later that night to kill and take the flesh and blood of the new millennium's 'seal' before the Haruno clan became a threat to their kind.

There was so much bleed shed, anger and betrayal from the human clan that as they were killed off like flies, the bearer of the 'seal' took the child and ran into the forest to one of the most holy and sacred temples on place we know as Earth, hearing the screams of her people and feeling the scorching heat of the raging fire that was burning down their castle.

The Uchiha clan's bloodlust was growing by the second as the chased after them, wanting the power that could destroy the world.

A young Uchiha who had short cropped hair followed by another with short long hair as well, but two long bangs framing the side of his face gained up on both the child and woman, slashing the latter's back open with his Kusanagi. The woman screamed out in anguish as she dropped and fell to the earthy surface beneath her along with the child.

Choking out a sob she held the baby close to her chest as the others slowly advanced towards them. One of the Uchihas said something to the one wielding the sword, but he brushed him off saying he had to kill them all. Taking his Kusanagi in an attack stance he, without hesitation drove his sword deep into the flesh of the female, but eyes grew wide as what he saw before him. In such a godly way the woman swirled around the face him, holding the child in front of her bosom which cause the child as well to be stab through the heart.

Throughout this whole ordeal the moon in the sky which was a full one at that, turned a deep shade of crimson as blood of the royal family stained the earth everywhere it touched. The child was eerily quiet as the mother gave them both a haunting smirk before giving them her last few words that would enslave them to 'her' forever.

"Vos vadum insisto foreign dulcitudinis totus of eternal."

Suddenly they as vampires felt heavy as the closed their eyes until the next 'seal' was born so that they would give their flesh and blood to protect her as the curse of the Uchiha clan let them sleep for the next millennium awaiting her arrival…

1,000 years later…

The seal has been born. Two beings were roaming the earth in search of their master until a heartbeat that wasn't their own had pounded in their chests.

'She's finally here…' One thought as he turned his head to see the other give him a curt nod, feeling the same sensation the one before him had. Both their chests gave a tight twinge as they longed to see her and protect her with their lives, yet rip the delicate flesh of her body, for enslaving their clan with hers.

"17 more years and we shall be together once again, Haruno Sakura…"



My body felt heavy and full of lead as I rolled over on my bed rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. It's been too long since I've slept like that. It feels nice. Then a surge coursed through my body as everything from yesterday flooded through my mind.

'The rent! Oh my gosh what time is it?!' I screech as I jumped out of the bed, stupidly sending myself into a nauseating vertigo. I had no idea what time it was, but I needed to get the money. Fast.

Hearing the old floor boards creek beside me in the living room, I whirled around to see…who was it again? I think it was Sasichi or something like that, but it wasn't important at the moment as I raced to the door. As soon I opened it, there stood Mr. Wolfe with a flabbergasted expression glued to his face. It looked ridiculous as I mentally scoff at the rude sight before me, but let it go as anxiety washed over me.

"G-good morning Mr. Wolfe. I'm sorry I don't have the rent but if you give me ju-"

"Hold it Haruno, I just got a blank envelope with a seal on it and inside was 500 dollars with a note that had your name on it."

Shocked wasn't even the word as I stared at him. It must have been a long time as he shifted his gaze, feeling uncomfortable.

"Five hundred dollars?" I asked still not able to process this.

"Yeah, just be on time next month too." He snapped, obviously over the shock as he grabbed my and slammed it in my face! Breathing out air that had been held since I first opened the door I whirled around to see the man right in my face so naturally I swung, trying to hit him in the face.

"Hn, you do that to someone who paid for your rent…master?" He exclaimed hotly, murmuring the last part to where I couldn't here him. Snap.

'That chicken haired asshole! Who said I needed for someone to pay for my rent?!' I thought letting my pride get the best of me, even though I did need help, but no one has to know. Instead of trying to punch him again I asked calmly,

"What time is it and why are you still here?"


"Aa's not a word. It's a sound!" He said nothing as he gave me a small glare and waltzed into my kitchen as if he owned the place!

"Eat." He demanded as for there was a huge traditional Japanese style dinner made for me. Too hungry to scream my head off, I gladly sat and ate my food like a homeless person on thanksgiving. Well I'm not homeless, but I am poor sadly, but it never was that way… Thinking about my past as I finished the usually would take 10 minutes to eat meal in 3 my mood went from great to sour.

Through this whole process, Uchiwa or whatever his name was, was staring at me the whole time, and remembering how hot he was my face flushed. He didn't seem to mind nor care as he suddenly walked towards me with a scowl and a glare that would make the devil himself look away in fear and shame. Kneeing down on one leg, he took my hand and looked into my eyes, locking them with his obsidian.

'Oh my gosh, is he going to propose to me?! I mean I just met him but he is really hot an all…' I pondered as I let my mind wander, but soon felt a stinging sensation on my hand. The asshole bit me! Before I could get anything out the jerk interrupted as he spoke out the next few words that would change my life,

"Ego sum vestri mancipium quod vos es meus vinco. Vos habitum meus pulex cruor quod animus. Ego mos insisto vos insquequo terminus of vicis."

It was in that strange language again, and yet…I understood him perfectly. What does he mean he'll follow me until the end of time? I could only stare in awe and slight anger, that wasn't quite mine.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke by the way since you've forgotten almost everything from yesterday. We will be leaving the country tomorrow, so collect the things you'll need. Now." Everything started to go blurry as my body began to fell numb. Leave? Who is he, really? What the hell does all of this have to do with me?! It was too much. I had to get out of there. I ran into my room, grabbed the closest pair of shoes and made a mad dash towards the door. He growled at me as he made a move to grab me, but if what he said was true I yelled out,

"Stay away from me!" with such power in my voice, we both gaped in mock surprise, but wasted no time as I ran out as he stood there frozen.


Sakura ran out the door and jumped off the railing of the stairs from her floor which was the fourth and landed perfectly at the bottom. Something she never could have done before, but set that aside as she had to get away from that weirdo.

"I'm only 17, just moved here from France after my parents died and now I'm being confronted by this guy who claims my family owns his?! Why does Kami hate me?" She hollers in a rage, not caring as the people on the streets look at her in distaste. She hasn't a clue where she's going, but continues to run.

It's been too long she could be able to do something like this. Muscles ache is pain, but it felt blissful as she pumped them to go harder. It was already nightfall when she ran and when the rosette had stopped, she was deeper in the run down slums of her run down city of New York.

Now taking a notice of her surroundings she saw pimps and whores litter the streets along with gangs and drug addicts. Having hair as bright as hers it was just a neon signing begging to be recognized and true to its calling card, people swarmed the fragile girl.

"Hey baby, what are you doing out here so late?"

"You look new around here. Want to work for me?"

"You'll get paid in a lot more ways than just money." They all said as the made a grab for her. Then a feeling all too well encased her body once more.

"Servo vestri manuum absentis, ex mis inquinamentum!"

"Whoa the chicks foreign!"

"She'll do realll good with us."

"Tch, Whatever, she can't even move, just bag and gag the slut." They all began to circle her with eyes full of disgust and lust. An overwhelming hypersomnia enveloped her body once more along with that painful burning sensation, as she staggered multiple steps back. Sakura tried to make a run for it, but a firm grip held her tight.

"L-let me go asshole."

"So it speaks. I wonder how good you can scream in be-" The demented man sneered but cut short as punch made it's to his nose.

"What the?!"

"Hey man who the fuck are you?" One says as he glares at the man who took out his pay for the night.

"Hn." He replies as he steps out the shadows of an alley way, catching Sakura. "You messed with the wrong crew. If you give us the slut and apologize, we won't mess you up too bad." The other barked out as he pulled out a shank. Completely ignoring the man, the raven stalks off with his master who already fell asleep in his arms.

'You're so annoying.'

"Hey bitch I was talking to you!" The man yells aiming his knife at the man's back. Instantly he disappeared out of sight, only to reappear behind the thug's back. Slashing the back of his neck as a rain of blood fell, Sasuke turned to look at the others silently asking if they wanted to die as well for putting their filthy hands on his master.

They just gaped at him, before running off. Sasuke then wasted no time to get back to the apartment with the girl dead asleep in his arms.



I think as I burry deep into whatever is holding me. It feels nice as my body feels thick and heavy as I lazily open my eyes to see Sasuke carry me back to the apartment.

"Thanks…" I murmur as I see his head snap to look at me with an expression of shock on his face.

"Hn." I feel so happy with him, but angry at the same time, but…why? I don't even know him, yet I feel safe around him. My thoughts were jumbled as I felt even more exhausted by the second. Every time that thing takes over my body I feel this way. I have to ask Sasuke about this later, but now I should ask him about moving out of the country.

"Ne, Sasuke?" He just looked at me.

"What do you mean leaving the country?"

"It means, what it sounds like. Tomorrow we are headed to Japan your birthplace, Haruno-san." Haruno-san?

"How did you know I was born in Japan? And just Sakura is fine." I added a little shocked he would call me by such formality.

"I know many things about you Sakura-san." He said letting the conversation drop as he opened the door to my apartment, setting my on my feet.

"You must be tired. Go to sleep while I make arrangements for you leave." He said bowing and exiting the room without so much of an explanation. I guess the shock didn't really leave yet as I made my way towards my bed and plopping down, without even changing my clothes. Almost instantly I feel asleep, but this time I dreamt of my parents.

I must've been screaming as I felt Sasuke shake my awake like that. Opening my eyes, I saw him lean over me with a look of pure concern etch on his face.

"Sas-sasuke, what are you doing?" I asked obviously confused.

"Hn. You've slept for 14 hours and the jet will arrive here in an hour. Take a shower and get dressed, I already have your things packed and loaded." And true to his word, my apartment was empty. Too tired to yell at him for bossing me around again plus I really did need a shower, I walked in the bathroom and started up the water and that's when the reality of all of this struck me. Hard.

What if my parents had to do something with this? Why me? Am I finally saved from this hell I've been placed in?

My parents…it brought unshed tears to my eyes when I thought about them. It's been what ten years when they passed away? I could only laugh out bitterly at what they put me through when they died. Being shipped here to a nunnery, being ridiculed day after day because of my appearance, having everything taken away from me and it's exactly one month before my birthday. Ironic huh, since that's the day they died on. I must've sounded like a manic because Sasuke pounded on the door demanding me to get out of the shower. Numbly I stepped out and slightly opened the door as the steamed escaped, Sasuke handed me a pair of clothes to change into. As I dried off I examined the outfit he gave me.

A Ralph Laruen Wool Cashmere Roll-Neck Dress with a Meli Silk Anorak Jacket since it was almost winter, finished off with a pair of Darcy Linen Stilettos. I could only ogle the expensive outfit he'd gotten me. Those three items must've cost a little over a thousand dollars! Being poor doesn't mean I don't know what a designer brand is and how much they cost. Sadly when my parents were alive they bought me things like this all the time in France, but it's been a while so I'm speechless.

Already done putting on my outfit, I brushed my long Sakura colored locks wondering in the process if I should cut them or not. I stepped out of the bathroom and blushing like an idiot I shifted my gaze because Sasuke was staring at me. Not glaring, but staring.

"W-what?" I could hear myself say, nervous under his patronizing look.

"Nothing. Let's go."

"No." He swirled around in a flash as the words left my mouth and grabbed my arm in a death grip.

"T-That hurts!"

"You are coming whether you like it or not." I could feel my temper rising by the second.

"I'll only come with you…if you tell me what happened to my parents and why you're here." Giving a cautious look, it seemed to take forever until he told me,

"And I'll only tell you if you board your jet." My jet? What the hell? But before I could ask, his get only loosened a little as he literally dragged me out the apartment and into a limousine.

"Hey what do you mean my jet and whose limousine is this?!" Sighing he didn't look at me as the jerk explained;

"You're annoying Sakura-san. This is yours and so is the jet. Your parents left you a very gracious fortune since you are the heiress of the Haruno Clan."


"WHHHHAT?!?!" the car slammed on the breaks with my outburst while Sasuke was giving me the

'What-the-hell-is-your-problem-you-stupid-woman?' look.

"Why do I have to serve someone like that?" The raven muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" I said dangerously as venom poisoned each word I spoke, but something out the window caught my attention.

"Hey!!! That's the bitch who stole my iPod!" One of Sasuke's perfect aristocratic eyebrows rose at my use of language, but I didn't care as I tried to open the door but two strong pair of hands held me back.

"Stay in the car Haruno." Gaping at him, he quickly made his way over the gang who had stolen my iPod. Sitting there I could see them flirting with him as he spoke to the leader and seconds later he had my iPod, gotten back in the car, threw it at me, told the driver to speed to the airport, and ignored me until we got there. Chicken haired asshole!

"Oh my gosh! LAND!!!" I cried out as I jumped out the car and fell to the earth below hugging it.

"I love you cement!" When Sasuke told the chauffeur to speed, 120 miles an hour is a little too much.

"Is she okay?"

"She's really pretty, but you know how they say that the gorgeous types are the lunatics." My face flushed to the color of my hair at the bell boy's conversation as one walked up to me.

"Hey toots, I'm free later on. Wanna hang out some time."

"Eh, I'm sorry I have a flight to get to an all but thanks anyways."

"That's okay with me. You got a couple of minutes left and there are a lot of things we can do in that time." He retorted smirking at me. Feeling overly disgusted I blanched away from him as he got closer.

"Sorry, but she's with me." A deep voice exclaimed behind me. I turned to see…Sasuke? He looked exactly like him, but when did he cut his hair so short? It looks great and everything, but I shrugged it off as I saw the guys run off.

"Thanks so much Sasuke." Who knew he could be so nice? I thought he'd be the type to let them have there way with me. Trying not to laugh he simply replied back,

"No problem Sakura-hime." Hime? Now I'm confused. He usually seems like he hates addressing me by as san.

"Sai. What the hell are you doing wrapping your arms around Sakura-san?"

"Sasuke?! But I thought he was you!"

"The day I look like him is the day the dobe gives up ramen."

"Ouch Sasuke-san that hurt." The guy Sai said with a really weird smile. Bending down Sai took my hand just as Sasuke had, but instead of biting it he lightly kissed, causing me to blush and whispered out,

"It is my pleasure to meet you my hime. I will protect you with my life. My flesh and blood belongs to only you." It was almost the same way Sasuke has said it, but saying it in Japanese sent warning chills down my spine.

"I-It's nice to meet you too Sai-kun." I could hear Sasuke scoff at the honorific I gave Sai, but he's not a total jerk like he is! Sai's smile grew wider as he gently grabbed my arm and lead me to the plane before sticking his tongue out at Sasuke.


The older Uchiha seemed to be the type to always be first place as he held Sakura's other arm and lead her to the jet as well. She could only blush at the attention but also feel confused as to why they kept glaring at each other. Soon she was aboard her private jumbo jet, seated in her seat and finally felt relaxed in a long time.

'Can I finally be happy with them? Do I deserve this?' She nervously thought as her mind started to wander, but her musings were cut short as her name was screamed out.




A/N: Sorry for the cliff! It seems people only like to read your stories and not review and now I know how some authors feel. Can I get 10 reviews total? Next chapter: Master and her Servants.

P.S. it won't be out until next week maybe. I'm going over a friend's house so I'm apologizing now for the late update. Also please read my other two stories: Nakushita kotoba and Hikari! Thanks so much guys!

Special Thanks: Mz.S-chan