While Hunter went to the den to watch some cartoons, I took Amelia to her room. It was next to Hunter's for practical reasons. She had her own walk in closet and private bathroom with a hot tub. I helped her settle her things and then we went into my nephew's new room. I chose this room for him because it's the bigger of the four bedroom upstairs, he will be able to play, read or watch TV in here if he chose so. Being a telepath is not easy at all, and sometimes we need to be in our own bubble and this room is the perfect place. For now it doesn't look like a kid room, but I'm sure Ame can remedy to this in a very short time. Her and Pam are shopaholick so I'm not very concern on that matter.

"Ame, what kind of furniture do you think I should buy for him? White is a little plain, but dark wook can be a little depressing for a child."

"Light wood with a honey color would be perfect, with rich earth tone and a few touch of color. He needs to feel safe in here, in fact I will ward this room so no one with hill intentions can enter it. I will ward the house as well but one can never be too careful especially with a child that gifted. I'm a little worried about him, today he did something to that woman I had never saw." It seems I missed some of the action.

"What did he do?"

"I don't know how to put it, the maid was thinking hill things about you and Eric the same way she was when you awake tonight, he became so aggravated with her that his eyes glowed and she was like in a coma."

"Looks like a glamour to me."

"Do you think it's natural or it's inherited from his bond with Madden?"

"Your guess is as good as mine in that matter, for what I know fairies can glamour but the way they do it is different from vampire glamour but the result is the same. Since he is part fae and hi on vampire blood who knows it might be a mix of the two."

"Do you know any fairies who could answer us?"

"I know one fairy who stayed behind, he's looking for my uncle Dermot, but he's a jackass."

"You're talking about Claude?"

"Yes, he's so full of himself and since Claudine's death he doesn't want to see me at all."

"This must be hard for him." I knew that she was thinking about Tray right now.

"It's probably worse for him since he survived his two twin sisters." Amelia gasped

"He lived thru this once and now has to go thru this again?"

"Yeah, but last time Claudine was there to help him deal with the pain, now he's on his own."

"No wonder he doesn't want to see you, don't take this the wrong way, but you probably remind him of everything he lost recently, don't get me wrong, I'm not telling that this is your fault but seeing you might just bring back too much memories." Maybe talking about this will help her dealing with her own pain.

"I don't know, Claude always bean a jakass, and never wanted to be involved in fae politics. I know it irritated my great-grandfather a lot, especially since he is gay and wouldn't bread with a fae woman to help replenish the specie. He was very happy when he learned about Claudine's pregnancy but now..." Amelia gasped

"She was pregnant when she died? Why did they left her get into this fights?"

"I don't think Niall approved but it was Claudine's choice and since she was my godmother and was trying to become an angel, she probably thought that by sacrificing herself for my own safety would give her angel point."

"Well as far as I know she never came back didn't she?"

"What do you know about angels?"

"Not a lot, they are very secretive and elusive. They are pure goodness but if you threaten one you are in for a very bad surprise. They are very fierce and protective. I also know that they have a counterpart for each angel there is a fallen angel somewhere to maintain the balance."

"Wow! I don't know a lot about the supernatural world it seams."

"You will learn in time."

"You know that I'm truly sorry for Tray don't you? He was my friend and I should have listen to Eric."

"I talked with him about that last night, and he told me that the result could have bean worst if you had gone live with him. He thinks that the fairies would have tried something anyway. So one way or another Tray would probably have died."

"If you say so, but I still feel responsible." Hunter came in the room just at the right moment.

"Is this my room?"

"Yes do you like it?"

"Not really, can I change the decoration?"

"Sure it's your room so I don't see why not. What would you want it to look like?"

"I want it to look like I'm living in a tree, I want to climb in my bed with a ladder and get down from it with a slide. I want everything to look like it's bean hand made from fallen tree. I don't want the furniture to be too dark but not to light either. More like dark honey? Oh! and I want a lot of leaves in different shades of green for the ceiling I want it to look like a forest canopy. It could also be fun to have a few tree trunk here and there just to make it look like a real forest!"

"Do you want a carpet?"

"I can't I have allergies, I used to have one but it made me sneeze and dad took it away."

"We could try one looking like a forest floor with a special treatment on it and if it doesn't work we could simply remove it and replace it with hardwood floor?" Hunter was bouncing everywhere, you wouldn't think this tiny kid could have so much energy.

"Yes! But do I have to sleep here tonight? I don't want to sleep alone please aunty!" I kneeled down in front of him.

"Sweety, there is nothing I would like more than take you into my room and have you sleep with me, but I'm a vampire now and I sleep during the day."

"But the bad vampire, Victor he could be awake during the day, why can't you?" Eric was in the room in a flash. Hunter didn't seem to be startle at all.

"Hunter, how often did Victor stayed awake during the day with you?"

"Almost everyday, there was another vampire who came to visit him often during the day, she was walking outside in the sun, I thought vampires weren't able to do that."

"They usually don't this is a very rare exception and so is the daywalking. When Victor was talking to this woman, how did he address her?"

"I don't know her name, and he never thought it either he didn't earn the right to do so, at least so she thinks. But I heard him call her "mistress" and sometime "my lady" He was always so kind with her always praising and wanting to make her happy but he hated her I could see it in his mind and he was afraid of her too."

"Did she gave you her blood?"

"No but she is the one who ordered him to give me blood again and again, she wanted to make my gift stronger and make me a vampire when I'm old enough. I don't want to be a vampire, I don't want to become mean like them!" And he started to cry, Sookie took him in her arm and talk to him calmly.

"Eric, we have to know who is Victor's maker she is probably the one who ordered him around."

"I already checked Bill's database, Victor is listed but not his maker and he didn't declare it when he registered himself with the government."

"I thought it was an obligation to notify who is your maker?"

"He wrote "Unknown" where his maker name should have bean."

"Easy way out and very convenient don't you think?"

"What I think is that we haven't seen the last of this especially now that Victor is definitely dead she will be out for revenge. I will ask Bill to research this more truly. I want to know who I'm dealing with. daywalking vampires are very rare, even more so than flyers and they guard their secret jealously. I might have to ask the council's help if anyone knows about a daywalking vampire it should be them."

"Wont it show weakness on your part?"

"No, asking the council for advices will not be perceived as a weakness, in fact it might help to make them aware of what she did, with the vampire trying to mingle with humans peacefully this kind of behavior could make us look bad and the council will not want that to happened."

"Amelia was actually talking about warding this place against intruder with hill intentions and doing a double warding on Hunter's room what do you think about this?" Eric took a look at Amelia.

"Can you do it without messing things up?" Amelia didn't seemed offended.

"I will not do it alone, I'll ask Octavia to help me I want this spell to be as powerful as it can be and I'll have your resting place double warded to exactly like Hunter's room but not with the same spell. I'll use three different spell so if a witch is involved in an attack on the house she will have much more trouble to undo the spell. It will give you some time to react. I also suggest that you have an underground exit like some kind of tunnel leading in the forest, it doesn't need to be fancy, it just need to be there, I could ward it with a self destruct spell who could be activated with a safe word. If anyone was to follow you in there they would be trapped if not destroyed." I look at Eric, he seems in his own world but I know he is aware of every word Amelia said to him. After a few minutes he seems to come back.

"Hunter said something that caught my attention, he said that Madden didn't thought the name of the woman and that she didn't deem him worthy of calling her by her name, my maker was like this, and he had a sister who was a witch. Her name was Claudia. She was even more cruel than Appius. I met her twice, they were changed by the same vampire. They got in a great fight about 800 years ago, she is powerful but stupid, she tried to kill her brother a few time already but failed miserably each time, she might be the one we face."

"You are quite right my son..." Oh Shit!