I Love You, Maybe

Disclaimer- I don't own anything from Inuyasha. But I do own some of the characters whom make an appearance in this story. So don't claim them as your own.

Hey everyone; here is the second last chapter to this story. Sad, isn't it? Just one chapter left for this story. I would like to thank everyone who has been following and review this. It really means a lot to me.

I hope you enjoy the chapter and please let me know what you think ^_^

Chapter Fourteen- Heartbreaking

I walked into the house and stretched my sore muscles. When I slammed the door I found my parents standing before me. They looked ready to murder me.

"What is this we hear about you getting into a fight?" dad exclaimed.

My ears flattened against my head at his loud tone. Of course the school just had to call my parents. Couldn't just leave it be, now could they? I sighed. "First off, I didn't start it and it was self defense."

"Somehow I don't think that's the reason." Mom said knowingly, "Why do I get the feeling this had something to do with Kagome?"

A dark blush formed on my face and I coughed awkwardly to try and remain calm. My heart slammed against my rib cage painfully.

"Ah… Well, that changes things." Dad looked just as uncomfortable as I felt. He still didn't know how to talk to his kids about relationships. Not that we needed his advice.

Ina especially; she didn't want a relationship.

"Can I go to my room now?" I grumbled. They nodded and I started to head upstairs when Ms H. came out of the kitchen.

"Inuyasha," she looked at me with distressed eyes. "Did something happen to Kagome at school?"

I immediately froze and turned to face her. "What?"

"She just called from Sango's house and said she wasn't coming home tonight." She clenched her hands in her skirt. "She was using her fake happy voice."

"How do you know it was fake?" dad asked.

"A mother knows these things about her children."

Ignoring their conversation I went upstairs and locked the door to my room. Pulling my cell out of my pocket I dialed Kagome's number. After three rings I got the answering machine. Growling in anger, I hung up and tried again; getting the same results.

Kagome always answered her phone when I called… When anyone called but especially me… Why the hell is she not picking up?

I tried again and this time I heard someone pick up but hang up a second later.

"Dammit all to hell." I hissed.

Kagome's POV

I sat on Sango's bed wrapped tightly in a blanket with my knees drawn up to my chest. My phone kept ringing but I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

Silent sobs shook my frame but the tears had long since stopped as I just stared off into space. My mind a complete blank as pain filled me to the core. I clenched my fists into the blanket so hard my knuckles turned white.

Sango came back in with some food and sat next to me. I stared at the rice and chicken but didn't feel like eating it. Sango reached over and brushed some hair from my face. "Are you alright, Kags?"

"No Sans… No…" Tears formed in my eyes again but I didn't hold them back this time. Tears I thought I could shed no more.

Instantly Sango pulled my into her embrace and just let me cry. She ran her fingers through my hair and murmured soothing words in my ear. "Why? Why? Why?"

"Why what?" Sango asked. I just shook my head unable to say the words. She sighed and just let me cry, knowing that's what I needed right now.

After about two hours I calmed down enough to pull away from Sango. She held out the bowl of rice to me. I smiled half heartedly at her and sluggishly began to eat. Sango watched me from the corner of her eye but said nothing.

That was one of the many reasons why Sango was my best friend. She didn't press a matter on me when she knew I wasn't in the mood to talk. She always waited until I was ready to talk to her. And she always protected and took care of me. Sango was more of a sister to me than my own sister.

My cell rang again and Sango picked it up off the bed. "It's Kirara." She said softly.

I swallowed the food in my mouth, "Put it on speaker phone please." Sango nodded and did as I requested.

"Hello Kagome?" Kirara asked.

"Hey." I replied weakly.

"I… Well, I was just wondering if you were okay." I could hear the uncertainty in her voice. "Were we wrong to tell you that? I mean, I've never seen you so devast…"

"No! Don't be sorry." I cut her off. "I'm glad you told me… And I have every right to be upset… I'd rather know the truth then continue to be deceived."

"If you're sure."

"I am." Sango looked at me confused. "I'll see you tomorrow, I promise."

"Alright… Bye Kags."

"Bye." With that we both hung up. Well, technically Sango hung up for me. Then she turned to face me head on.

"Okay spill." She said in a demanding tone. "What the hell is going on?"

Tears formed in my eyes again. "Well…"

Inuyasha's POV

I stood in the gym of the school with the students of the prom committee. As punishment for the fight yesterday, I was assigned to help decorate the gym for prom. I hated decorating with a passion. But it was either this or get detention and not go to prom; which Kagome wouldn't be happy about.

My ears dropped at the thought of Kagome. She never answered her phone and hadn't called me back. I didn't see her this morning either. I saw her in class but she was always with her friends so I didn't get the chance to talk to her.

"Hey Inuyasha!" a girl on the committee called out. I glanced over at her. "Can you help us with this banner?"

"Sure." I went over and helped hang the banner that had the prom's theme on it. The Night of Our Lives. Totally cheesy and stupid if you ask me. But oh well, not my idea and so it didn't matter much.

A second later the gym door slammed open and Kagome came storming in. She marched right up to me with a fire and hatred in her eyes that it actually frightened me. "Hey, I've been trying to reach you. Why didn't you…"

"Why?" she asked bluntly.

Well, that's damn right confusing. Why was she asking me why when she was the one who ignored my calls? I know Kagome always got right to the point but it was a little more confusing when I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb Inuyasha." She growled, her eyes held so much hatred but I noticed the deep hurt she tried to hide. "Tell me why?"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!"

"It was all a lie." What was a lie? "You were only toying with me."


"Everything was just a stupid, cruel joke."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Her eyes darkened ten fold at my question. I took a frightened step away from her.

"Is that what I am to you?" she screeched. Tears began to leak from her eyes. When I reached up to wipe them away she swatted my hand. "Am I only some damn bet to you!"

My eyes widened in fear. How did she find out? I never told her and none of the guys would go behind my back and tell her since they wanted me to do it myself. So how did she know!

"Answer me dammit!"

"Listen Kagome…" I started uncertainly. When I took a step towards her Kagome did something I never would have expected.

Spiritual energy formed around her hands and she shot me across the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us in shock.

"No! You listen!" she screamed; tears running freely down her cheeks. "I thought you had changed! I thought that you truly cared! But all I was to you was some prize to win for some stupid bet!"

Every word she said burned my chest and caused me to flinch. None of that was true! I love her! How could she not see that!

"You can go burn in hell for all I care!" she spun around and dashed out of the room. My eyes widened.

"Kagome wait!" I tried to pursue her but pain shot through my body like fire and I couldn't get up. "KAGOME!"

Kagome's POV

Running as fast as my legs could carry me, I fled from that monster. The man who had stolen my heart all for his own enjoyment! How could he do that to me?

I loved that selfish bastard and he only cared about winning that stupid bet.

Throwing open the door to the entrance of the school I ran down the street. Hot tears fell from my cheeks as if it were raining outside. My feet slapped against the cement as I ran in my mad dash.

I knew the one place I could go where I would be safe. The one place I could go to escape everything.

After running for what felt like days I came to an apartment building and by that time it was pouring raining. I was drenched to the bone and shaking; stumbling up the stairs to the six floor.

Once I reached it I used the wall to support my weight as I walked to the last door on the hall. After knocking once I heard footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened to reveal a man with dark black hair and blue eyes with glasses. He was shocked to see me standing there. "Kagome?"

Unable to stop myself I shot forward and threw my arms around his waist and started sobbing uncontrollably. After a few moments he wrapped an arm around my waist and picked me up bridal style, bringing me inside the apartment. He closed the door behind him.

Well, there you have it. This chapter is done. And yes I know it's a bit on the short side but believe me, the next chapter will be a lot longer. I hope you enjoyed it and please let me know what you think. Until next time, byes ^_^