Author's Note; Sooo, I am glad you liked the last chappy. && I promise, things are getting better for Tony and Ziva from now on. I had to get some action going. I mean the title says it all, right? I am sure they will face battles throughout the fanfic, but not as much as was going on. Happy times! :D Okay, so done with my rant. Read now!

"I love you, Ziva."

"I love you, too." She leaned down and pressed her lips to his. Ziva wasn't letting him die on her. "NO! You have to stay awake, I hear the ambulance, just stay awake."

Tony passed out, Ziva didn't care about anything but him at the moment. If he died, she didn't know what she would do. They had already been through so much.

Ziva waited with Tony, holding his hand and putting pressure with the other. She keep saying words to him as if he were awake, but he wasn't. He was laying there bleeding; helpless. There was nothing Ziva could do, but waite for the paramedics to get to his apartment. If only they would hurry a little faster.

"Please, Tony. Wake up, please?" Ziva begged him. She wanted him awake, she wanted him to be alright. What is something bad happend? She couldn't face it.

Ziva had her hopes up too high, she needed to bring them down. She heard the running footsteps of the paramedics running down the hall of the apartment.

"Please, help him." Ziva looked up at them with pleading eyes. This wasn't her normal self, this was the emotional side of Ziva. One that not many people got to see, or one she held for too long.

"We're going to, ma'am."

Normally, Ziva would have been mad over that, but she wasn't. She couldn't be mad at anyone but herself at the moment. She moved so the paramedics would have room to get to Tony. She back into a wall, falling onto the floor. Ziva layed her head in her hands, pulling her knees to her chest. This is my fault.

She watched as they took Tony away, one of the medics staying behind. "Which hospital would you like him at?"

Ziva looked up, afraid to speak, but knowing that she had to. "Bethesda."

"You know that's a navel hospital?"

"He is an NCIS Agent."

The medic nodded. "I am sure he will be in sugery. You should go there to make sure he is okay." And with that, he was gone like a flash of light.

Ziva's eyes became fearful, she couldn't drive herself. It was took much of a condition. Apparently the medics had a back - up team working with Hollis Mann, but it was nothing much they could do. She was long dead. Ziva got up, not being able to face hanging around there. She needed to call Gibbs.

She walked outside, pulling her cell out, yet again. Dialing Gibbs number, she waited.

"Yeah, Gibbs."

A sob racked Ziva's body. "Tony has been shot, Gibbs."

"When, where?"

"At his apartment, about fifteen minutes ago."

"Are you still there, Ziva?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do not think I can drive myself to the hospital."

"Don't worry, I'll have McGee drive you while I take a look at the crime scene." Ziva heard the movements that Gibbs was making, the orders he was throwing at McGee. "Who done it?"

Ziva took in a deep breath. "Hollis Mann."

She heard the weakness in Gibbs' voice, the saddness. "Any reason why?"

"Jeanne was still in love with Tony, she wanted me dead. Mann wanted to help her out, said it was Jeanne's dying wish. She has probably got it."

"Did Jeanne want you both dead."


"Hang on, we'll be right there."

Ziva knew it would be long before Gibbs would be there, and she was right. Gibbs was there in twenty minutes, when it usually would have taken Tony almost an hour. She watched as he got out and made his way to her, she didn't want to talk anymore. Tears were still rolling down her face.

"Go with McGee, Ziva. Keep me updated."

Ziva nodded and got up. She walked over to the car where McGee was standing. He looked at her, sadly.

"I am sorry, Ziva."

She nodded as he opened her door. Ziva climbed in, laying her head on the window, scared for Tony.

Each didn't talk on the way to the hospital, Ziva didn't feel like it and McGee didn't want to hurt Ziva with words. He knew that she was in a lot of pain, considering how much they had already been through together. McGee wished everything could go okay with them. It was always such bad luck.

As they made it to the hospital, Ziva got out of the car without a word, walking into the waiting room for sugery patients. She sat down, staring at the wall in front of her. Not many people were sitting there for once. She didn't watch as McGee sat beside her, Ziva keep her eyes in front.

Two hours later, Abby came running in. She grabbed Ziva and hugged her. "Ziva, I am sooo sorry!" She gripped her tightly, Ziva just held her arms around the older goth.

Ziva still didn't speak. McGee shook his head at Abby and she let go. She understood what McGee wanted her to do - leave Ziva alone. She sat back down and Abby walked to McGee.

"Do you know anything?" Abby asked.

"No, we will know soon, though."

"Family for Anthony DiNozzo?"

Ziva looked up at the doctor that had blood covering his scrubs. She made her way over to him, McGee and Abby staying behind.


He looked at her and sighed. "I am Dr. Adams," the doctor stated. "Anthony lost a lot of blood, but he made it. He should wake up soon."

Relief swept over Ziva and she smiled. "Thank - you." She looked back at the two and smiled. "When can I see him?"

"Now, if you want. But, keep in mind he still sort of looks bad. Things will get better soon."

Ziva nodded and went to the room that Dr. Adams had showed her. She walked in, tears rimming her eyes. "Tony." She wispered. Ziva walked to his hospital bed holding his hand. She looked down. "I love you."

Author's Note; Well, see, he made it! :DDD Now, you can all be happy. && Like I said, things are going to be happy for a while. A wedding is coming up soon, but who said it was Tiva? Haha!