A/N: Hello, Kingdom Hearts fans! This is my first KH fanfiction. It does have an original character, but never fear! There be no Mary Sues in this story. I hope to entertain you with it, and make this a story that people will enjoy. This involves creating a decent character that people enjoy reading about, and I hope I have made one. I hope to keep updates regular enough, but I need support to keep the story going. Also, I have a tendency to write humor/horror, so I doubt if there will be any straight up romance in this. There will be some pairings, but one with my character is very doubtful, because I write with about the same romantic appeal as gingivitis.

Disclamer: This fiction is fanmade. I own my character, but not the Organization. I tried to own Marluxia, but he kept running away screaming, "Please, no more leather!" I also created the storyline, but if it has been done before, I am not aware of it. So, cheers, guys!

Dear Reader,

Let it be known as a fact that for every scullery maid that gets her happily ever after, there are at least six more that didn't even make it to the ball. There will be one who was at the ball, but was inconveniently going for some punch while the Prince asked the other one to dance. There are about ten more that were not aware that there was a ball, because they were too busy working to notice.

I was one of those people.

I didn't have it very well at home. It wasn't that I had a stereotypical evil stepmother, because that job was already filled in the kingdom. I had a father, a mother, six brothers, and three sisters. As the eldest of the three sisters, I was supposed to take care of them.

They were married off when they turned thirteen.

My brothers inherited the estate when my parents died, but I had no where to go. I stayed to clean and cook. I was not paid.

I was not allowed to leave the house unsupervised, a rule from my late mother, and I worked from the dark of the morning till the stroke of midnight.

One night, it hit me. I was going to leave. It seemed like a great idea at the time. The house would be empty due to the Kingdom Fair being held. The Kingdom Fairs always had opportunities for work. I scrubbed with soap to wash off the grime and put on my best work dress. I tucked a dishcloth in my apron, and carried an iron pan to show that I could cook and clean. I snuck out very carefully, and made my way to the fair.

I stood there, in the line of maids and work boys, for nearly four hours. The sun was burning my skin, making my face ache when I smiled potential employers. I shifted from foot to foot, and knew that if I didn't find work soon, my brothers would notice I was gone. I shifted again, waiting for someone, anyone, to hire me. They all just gazed in my general direction, shook their heads, and passed on.

It was late in the afternoon when a man with an eye patch stopped in front of me. I smiled faintly, but I had lost my enthusiasm after the sun started to boil me. He looked me over.

"Xaldin, dude, what about this one?" he called, and a large stout man walked over. His hair was large and wild, and I had never seen any thing like it.

"Xemnas said he wanted a male."

"Aww, come on, man, she looks good enough!"

I held myself a little taller. I was not going to miss this chance. I knew not to agree with the man; employers don't want cocky maids. They want silent maids. The large man sighed and looked at me with a look of general distaste.

"Can you clean?"

I nodded firmly.

"Cook?" his voice was deep and gravely. His friend looked relieved and exited.

I nodded again.

"Can you defend yourself?"

Well, that was a rather odd question. It basically said, "Hello, I'm a red flag, nice to meet you!" I nodded anyway. The eye patch man started to talk.

"Great! You're hired. Come with us."

They walked fast into an alleyway. Relief soaked through my veins, and I followed with a large swell of hope in my chest.

That hope was doused firmly with ice water when the large one took my frying pan and knocked me out with it.

EDIT: I'm going to put all the diary entries in italics, from now on. That way, when it switches to real time, it will be easier to understand.

Review, please! Its very important that I know how this is going. I have a feeling that this could be wayyy funnier, dont you? Chapter two is already written, but I'm still working on it.

Cookies or a naked bishi of your choice to all that review!