Author's note- Hello! Ok, you all waited, and now here it is. Big event, I am making this the Final Chapter. I thought that I could do the same thing I did last time...that and I dont have enough ideas to make a decent long chapter so I am just gonna combine them. Title of the next story is in the author's note at the bottom. Review!
Chapter 19- Kaze
Malefor was smiling deeply as he beheld what Rayde had become. "Kaze will soon be fully reborn, and things are going to change intensely." Malefor said to Spyro. Malefor still had him by the neck. Spyro looked over towards Cynder, who Malefor threw on top of another building unconscious. Cynder was still not moving.
Spyro looked back to Malefor, who was now looking at him. Malefor threw Spyro back towards the Main Building. When Spyro hit the wall, something pinned him to the wall by his wrists and neck. Spyro looked down to his hand. Malefor had covered Spyro's hand in rock so he couldn't move. Spyro looked back at Malefor. Malefor then smiled and said, "I can't have you interfering now can I?" Malefor then took off towards Rayde.
Rayde was looking down at the body of Drome. At last, he is finally dead. Now I have only one more to take down and this madness will be over. Rayde thought. Rayde heard a deep chuckling in his head, followed by, Feels good doesn't it? To watch your enemies die? Rayde identified the voice as Kaze. Rayde then smiled and thought, When I am through here, I'm going to find a way to kill you as well. Kaze laughed and said, And what of the Wolf Spirit? Isn't he your enemy as well? Rayde then replied, He is, but he doesn't try to control me.
Rayde then looked up to see Malefor flying towards him. Malefor landed and said, "Greetings Rayde. At last we meet." Rayde stared at Malefor and said, "You must be the infamous Malefor. Once you are gone, this war will be over. This ends today." Malefor smiled and said, "Indeed it does, but not in the way that you see it." Rayde smiled at this.
Malefor then said to Rayde, "I will make you a proposition. Do not resist, and no one else has to get hurt. I will not destroy the city, but any who resist will die. Instead of killing the innocent, they can live." Rayde shook his head and said, "That I seriously doubt. Everyone in this city hates you. They will not surrender to you. I thought you would have learned that last time. What do you mean by 'Do not resist'?" Malefor smiled and said, "You shall see soon enough. You have made your choice, and now you must abide by it!"
Malefor then charged at Rayde. Rayde had no time to react, Malefor was very fast. Malefor broadsided Rayde, sending him flying over the rooftops. Rayde collected himself and landed on top of one of the buildings, setting up a gust of wind as he did. Rayde then jumped at Malefor, brandishing his black longsword. Rayde swiped at Malefor, who just jumped out of the way and punched Rayde in the side. Rayde was once again thrown over a few rooftops. Rayde landed again and thought, Ok, cant attack him head on. Lets see what this sword can do.
Rayde then charged some of his power into the sword, as he usually did whenever he got a new weapon. Rayde then swung the sword at Malefor's direction. A black wave of energy was fired from the blade. The wave quickly flew towards Malefor. Malefor just smiled and jumped over it. Malefor looked at Rayde, to see another wave of energy strike him. The wave cut straight through Malefor. For a moment, Malefor was just hovering in midair. Suddenly, he was thrown very far. Traversing a lot of rooftops. Malefor hit the side of a taller building. He looked to see Rayde about 3 feet away smiling at him. Rayde grabbed Malefor by the neck, and flew up into the air.
When Rayde and Malefor were far above the city, Malefor fired a torrent of fire at Rayde. Rayde let go of Malefor and flew back a few feet. Malefor smiled and said, "So you do have some fight in you. Lets just see how much!" Malefor then charged at Rayde, Malefor covered his hands in ice and swiped at Rayde. Rayde lifted his sword to block the attack. Malefor then fired a large earth missile at Rayde. The missile hit Rayde directly in the chest sending him back a ways. Rayde then charged at Malefor. Rayde went for an overhead strike. Malefor covered his arm in rock and deflected the attack. Rayde then uppercutted Malefor to his chin. Malefor was sent flying upwards. Rayde then flew above Malefor and kicked him directly in the face as hard as he could, this sent Malefor flying towards the top of the Main Building.
Malefor hit the roof of the Main Building hard, leaving a small crack into the stone. Rayde landed about 20 feet away from Malefor. Malefor grunted and stood back up. Malefor's nose was bleeding intensely. Malefor smiled and fired a black ball of energy at Rayde. Rayde couldn't see past the ball of energy. Rayde lifted his sword and cut through the energy just before it hit. The ball of energy disintegrated, showing Malefor holding his nose chanting. Malefor's hand started to glow white, as he fixed his nose.
Rayde shook his head and charged at Malefor. Malefor charged towards him as well. Rayde was holding his sword to his side, as Malefor was charging energy into his hands, and his maw. Rayde swung his sword as he got close enough. Malefor fired a black beam of shadow out of his maw, and two smaller black beams out of his hands. The energy met with the sword causing both of them to not move.
The energy that Malefor fired was still going, and Rayde was still trying to cut through it. Rayde's sword was vibrating intensely as time went on. It felt as if it would shatter in his hands at any moment. Malefor kept the energy coming, but was starting to exhaust his own energy in the process. Rayde was about to let go when he realized that he couldn't move his arms. Rayde then heard Kaze say in his head, Allow me to help you with this guy. Rayde grunted and thought, No! This is my fight! Rayde heard Kaze sigh and say, Suit yourself. At least allow me to do this.
Rayde then felt a large rush of energy run through him. Malefor's eyes widened as he noticed this sudden increase of energy. Malefor also noticed that Rayde's eyes were slowly glowing red. Rayde's black sword started to glow. Rayde then felt his sword move forward slightly. Rayde put more effort into it as more energy from Kaze kept coming. Rayde eventually had his sword close to Malefor's head. Malefor thought of one last trick. Malefor charged a black ball of energy in his hands, and crushed it with his hands.
The black ball exploded, causing Rayde and Malefor to be sent flying towards the edge of the tower's rooftop. They both stopped a few feet from it though. Rayde smiled and thought, He detonated his own energy bomb to save himself from a killing blow, nice going Malefor I'll give you that one. Rayde started to get up, when he noticed Malefor already standing.
Malefor laughed and said, "Now that I have seen Kaze's power, I can believe it for myself. Enough fighting, now to get down to the main event." Rayde stared at Malefor and said, "What do you mean?" Malefor laughed and said, "As I said, you will see soon enough."
Malefor then fired two green beams of energy out from his hands, one for each hand. Rayde had no time to react. The beams hit him on both of his shoulders. Rayde then started to lift off of the ground slightly. Malefor walked about 5 feet away from the center towards Rayde.. Malefor then pulled the beams forward, bringing Rayde closer to him. When Rayde was about 5 feet in front of Malefor when he stopped him.
Malefor smiled and said, "You remember how Drome was able to control Spyro by altering his conscious yes? I am going to do something similar. But instead of altering you conscious, I am going to alter something else. Your body. I noticed that you are slowly turning into a half-dragon. And I decided that I am going to take that from you. Kaze will be reborn, with a new body. I am going to take Kaze from your mind, and have him born anew!"
Rayde's eyes widened as Malefor said this. NO! I cant let that happen. Kaze will not live again! Rayde heard Kaze laugh and say, You heard the dragon. I will be reborn. I like this Malefor guy, I bet we will work well together. Goodbye Rayde, its been fun watching your pitiful life go on while you were awakened. And now things are going to be different.
Malefor then charged a dark-blue energy in his hands, and grabbed Rayde's head. Rayde grunted as he felt Malefor's mind search through his. It felt as if someone had shoved a screwdriver into his head, and was moving it around. It was very painful. Rayde was screamed slightly every time the Malefor made a move. Eventually, Rayde felt Malefor stop. Malefor then smiled and said, "There is the shadow. And now it is reborn as a warrior!" Malefor then pulled his hands away from Rayde's head. Malefor was pulling out a black shadow from Rayde's head. Rayde screamed as loud as he could, actually shattering the top three floor's glass windows on the Main building. Rayde felt only one thing throughout his body. Pain.
Pain beyond anything he had ever experienced. It felt as if someone was stabbing hot daggers all over his body. Rayde couldn't think of anything else, he couldn't even see. Then it was gone. The pain just stopped. Rayde fell to the ground and just lay there. He was still recovering from whatever Malefor just did. Rayde looked up to see Malefor holding a large black shadow. He walked to the center of the arena and let go of the shadow. The shadow fell to the ground and started glowing.
Rayde looked down to his sword, and noticed that it was back to normal. Rayde also noticed something else. His mutated arm no longer had scales. Both of his arms were normal again. Rayde looked back to the shadow to notice it steadily rising off of the ground. The shadow started to take form. It looked as if it was human. When the shadow had taken full form, it slowly stopped glowing. When it finished, the shadow had turned into something else. The being appeared human, only it had purple scales, wings, and a dragon head. He also wore a black chestplate, and black metal pants. He was also holding the very sword that Rayde was using, but Rayde still had his. The half-dragon turned to look at Rayde. The being had normal red eyes, not glowing red eyes.
Rayde's heart dropped as he remembered those eyes. Rayde then said to the being, "Kaze?!?" The being smiled and nodded. Rayde couldn't believe it. Kaze had been reborn!
Earlier with Spyro
Spyro was trying his hardest to get off of the wall. Spyro couldn't blast off the rock due to the fact he couldn't aim at it. He also couldn't use his gauntlets, as he was already wearing them. He also didn't have enough energy to fire off a light bomb.
Spyro then looked back over to Cynder. She still wasn't moving. Spyro tried to break the rock off of his hands again. Whatever kind of rock that Malefor pinned him with, it was doing the job. Spyro eventually gave up and just hanged loosely. Spyro then felt someone grab one of the rock cases on his hands, Spyro looked up to see Hunter trying to pull off the rock. Spyro stared at Hunter and said, "What are you doing?" Hunter looked at Spyro and said, "I should be asking you the same thing. Why have you given up? Your just going to sit here and let Malefor win?" Spyro stared at Hunter and said, "No, I wont." Hunter nodded and said, "Then lets get you off of this wall!"
Spyro nodded and once again tried to pull the rock off of the wall. Hunter grabbed the same one and pulled as well. For a long moment, nothing happened. Spyro then heard a small crack, and Hunter say, "Were getting through!" Spyro pulled harder to get his hand free. Eventually, the rock shattered, and Hunter leapt off of the wall onto a nearby rooftop. Spyro then grabbed the rock holding his neck, and pulled it off. Spyro then punched the rock holding his other hand in place, shattering the stone. Spyro then flew over to where Cynder lay.
Spyro landed next to Cynder and held her in his arms. "Cynder! Open your eyes, its me!" Cynder was still breathing, but otherwise unresponsive. Hunter walked up to Spyro and said, "We need to get her to the infirmary. Then we need to help Rayde." Spyro nodded and picked up Cynder. Spyro then took off towards the nearest infirmary. Since the attack wasn't over yet, the hospital wasn't safe. The infirmary was only a few short blocks away from the Main Building. Spyro walked into the infirmary, and said, "I need a doctor, now!"
A female feline walked up to Spyro with a stretcher and said, "Is there anything we should know about her?" Spyro nodded and said, "Yeah, she is pregnant. She has been knocked unconscious." The feline nodded and moved Cynder into a small section of the room. A doctor walked up and started talking to the feline nurse. Spyro nodded and walked out of the tent.
As soon as Spyro walked outside, where Hunter was waiting, Spyro heard someone screaming very loudly. It sounded as if it was coming from the Main Building. Spyro looked to the roof and noticed that three floors worth of windows shattered. When the screaming stopped, Hunter looked at Spyro and said, "We need to get to the top of that building." Spyro nodded and let Hunter jump on his back. Spyro then took off towards the top of the Main Building. It didn't take very long, only about 5 minutes. Spyro landed, and Hunter jumped off of his back on the roof of the Main Building. Hunter and Spyro couldn't believe what they were seeing.
Rayde was lying on the ground, and there were two purple dragons standing side by side. One of then was not normal though. He appeared to be a half-dragon. Spyro's eyes widened as he realized the situation. Kaze has returned!
Dekrosna stirred slightly as he woke up. Dekrosna was lying in the middle of a street. Dekrosna rubbed his skull as he tried to remember what happened to him. Dekrosna sighed as he remembered that Drome hit him with a spell at point-blank range. I can't believe I fell for that one. Dekrosna thought as he stood up. He looked to his side to notice his sword Sorvek standing upright out of the ground. Dekrosna walked over to the sword and picked it up, it erupted into flames instantly. Dekrosna sheathed his sword and looked down the street.
Dekrosna saw something lying on the ground. This sparked Dekrosna's curiosity as he walked over to it. As Dekrosna walked closer, he realized it was the body of an ape. Dekrosna continued to walk over to it. It wasn't long after that when Dekrosna realized what he was looking at. The body of Drome. Dekrosna stood over the body and smiled, It looks like he did it. Dekrosna thought as he picked up Drome's sword. He looked at the hilt, and noticed that there was something engraved into the hilt.
Haidex is what it said. Must be the name of the sword. Dekrosna thought as he pushed the button on the cross guard. The blade separated into a chain-like blade. Dekrosna smiled and thought, Nice little blade here. But I already have one. Still, I can take it with me. Dekrosna pushed the button again, causing the blade to return to normal. Dekrosna then took off towards the top of the nearest building. Dekrosna looked around looking for Rayde. Instead he looked towards the Main Building and noticed that Spyro was flying towards the top of it, Hunter on his back.
Dekrosna noticed that they were flying towards the top of the Main Building. Dekrosna decided that it would be best to follow their idea. Dekrosna then took off towards the top of the Main Building. Since he was farther away, it took him about 7 minutes to get up there. When Dekrosna reached the top of the Main Building, he was surprised to see Rayde in a duel with what looked like a half-dragon, and Spyro and Hunter fighting Malefor.
Continuing where we left off with Rayde
Rayde was still lying on the ground, staring at Kaze. cant be! He....he is back! Rayde thought as he grabbed his sword and stood up. He looked to his right to notice Hunter and Spyro looking at him. Rayde smiled and said, "About time you got here. I was starting to feel left out!" Kaze laughed and said, "Even in the face of death you still manage to make me laugh. Well, how is this for comedy?" Kaze then charged at Rayde, brandishing his 8 foot long black longsword. Rayde lifted his sword to block it.
When Kaze's sword struck Rayde's, yellow sparks shot off of both the blades. Kaze then pulled back his sword in an attempt to hack off Rayde's arm Rayde moved to the left and stabbed at Kaze. Kaze only flicked his sword to knock the blade out of the way, and then punched Rayde in the chest so he went upwards. Kaze then grabbed Rayde's foot and slammed him into the ground behind him. Rayde then rolled away and stood back up. Kaze laughed and said, "Aww, your slipping Rayde. What happened to the old boy that I knew all those years ago?"
Rayde growled and said, "He stopped believing that he could save his race by following a madman!" Rayde then charged at Kaze, and jumped above him. Rayde then pointed his sword downward, as to crush Kaze underneath him. Kaze moved to the side to avoid the attack. When Rayde hit the ground, he swipe kicked Kaze's feet out from under him. Kaze fell on his side, the Rayde grabbed Kaze by his leg and slammed him into the ground. Rayde then threw Kaze into the air. Rayde then jumped into the air, and slammed the hilt of his sword into the face of Kaze. Kaze flew back towards the ground.
Just before Kaze landed on the rooftop of the Main Building, he stuck out a hand to the rooftop. He vaulted when he hit the ground and landed on his feet. Kaze then swung his sword towards Rayde, sending out the same black wave of energy. Rayde landed on the roof and jumped over the blade, but was hit by another that Kaze fired off. The wave of energy went straight through Rayde. Rayde was frozen in the air for a second. Rayde closed his eyes as he knew what was coming.
Rayde then felt something explode in front of him. Rayde was thrown ever the edge of the building. Rayde couldn't move for a second. Suddenly, Rayde felt himself get caught by someone. He opened his eyes to see Dekrosna holding him. Dekrosna sighed and said, "Why is it that every time that you are about to be killed, I am the one that saves you?" Rayde laughed and said, "I dont know. Your just in the right place at the right time. Rayde then jumped out of Dekrosna's arms and formed his wings. Just before Rayde went back to the top of the tower, Dekrosna stopped him and said, "Here take this. I bet you could find better use of it than I." Dekrosna then handed Rayde the sword Haidex.
Rayde grasped the sword, recognizing it and its previous owner. Rayde nodded and said, "Thanks. If I am lucky, I might not even use it in this fight. I am though with taking it easy." Dekrosna smiled and said, "Then I will leave that other guy to you." Rayde nodded and flew towards the top of the building. Rayde landed and stabbed Haidex into the rooftop. Rayde then reached into his armor and pulled out the hilt of the Plasma sword and said, "Remember this?" Kaze smiled and said, "You think that you can go into that form with the energy you have? You will exhaust yourself before you even attack!"
Rayde slammed the hilt into the ground and said, "I have to try." Rayde then changed into his Plasma state. He pulled the hilt out of the ground, revealing a massive greatsword. The greatsword was a dark gray color that had a red light shoot through it now and them. The blade itself seemed to be like a liquid, seeming to ripple in place. Rayde's clothes changed as well, he was wearing a dark gray open sweatshirt, with red stripes down the sleeves. He wore a red shirt under the open sweatshirt. He wore dark-red pants as well. Rayde lifted the Plasma sword and swung it vertically so hard, he left a large imprint of the sword in the roof. When Rayde swung the sword, a massive wave of gray and red energy shot out of the blade. It moved so fast that Kaze had no time to get out of the way.
The wave of energy hit Kaze spot on. Kaze screamed as the wave hit him. Kaze then started to glow white, bellowing louder. A huge rush of wind swept through the city as the wave of energy pulsed outward. Rayde looked back to Kaze, and saw him lying on the ground in small crater. There was a line of destroyed stone where the wave cut through. Rayde laughed and fell on his stomach. He had exhausted all of his energy in that one attack. He could only move his head. Rayde then heard something stir. He looked up to see Kaze standing up, smiling at him. You gotta be kidding me. Rayde thought.
Rayde then looked over where Spyro, Hunter and Malefor were. Hunter was knelling down panting. Spyro and Malefor were lying on the ground. The wave also affected Dekrosna, he was lying on the ground as well near Spyro. Rayde then looked back at Kaze, who was walking towards him. Kaze laughed and said, "You know, you are a pitiful man. You try and try to make things better, but end up making it worse in the end. Your very existence is what has pertained to this event. You have no one to blame but yourself. And now you will die. I am after that Wolf Spirit Xaider. When you die, his spirit remains sealed within you. But it is much easier to bring him out. You will be dead and Xaider will control your body. It's over Rayde, you lost."
Kaze then lifted his sword as to stab Rayde in the head. Rayde closed his eyes and waited for it to end. Instead, he heard Kaze step back and a voice say, "I don't think so." Rayde's heart leapt when he heard that voice, Jex! Rayde thought. Kaze walked back and said, "Ah, the old fool Jex. I see your still alive and kicking old man." Jex laughed and said, "Hey, your about as old as me! But enough of that. Get out of here Kaze, and we wont have to hurt you." Kaze laughed and said, "You and what army?"
Jex laughed and said, "This one." Rayde couldn't see it, but he felt a few large dragons land, and a few smaller beings jump off of their backs. Kaze smiled and said, "Ahhh, the guardians and remaining elders." Rayde heard Terrador growl and say, "Your not welcome here, begone!" Volteer then said, "You had better leave. There is no way you have the combat skills now to take us all on." Cyril then followed up, "Leave now, and we will not pursue. This is you only warning chap!" Rayde then smiled as he heard the strange talking elder say, "You throw down heavyweight and now we throw down megaweight! You should scram like rats in a room full of rattraps!"
Kaze growled and walked backwards a bit more. Kaze then smiled and said, "You will regret leaving me alive." Kaze then looked at Rayde and said, "I will be seeing you again." Kaze then started to emmit a black smoke. He then jumped into the air and turned into a black shadow. The shadow flew over to Malefor and picked him up. The shadow then flew off out of the city towards the Mountain of Malefor.
Jex sighed and said, "He is so predictable. His powers haven't fully returned yet. He knows he is weak and he ran. He will be back though." Jex then looked at Rayde and said, "I bet you could use a bed right now eh?" Rayde smiled in response. Jex smiled and said, "Well, you have earned it. If your wondering about the state of the battle, it is nearly over. We are taking down the last of the troops as we speak. When you discharged that Plasma wave, we felt it and thought it would be best to get up here." Rayde nodded as he understood. Rayde's conscious was slowly falling. Rayde eventually fell unconscious. Jex laughed and said, "Take him to the hospital please. And Spyro and Dekrosna as well."
A few hours later
Spyro stirred as he woke up. He found himself in a bed in the hospital. His vision was slightly blurry, but he noticed a black shape standing next to him. When his vision focused, he noticed Cynder standing next to him. She was awake now, once she heard that Spyro was back in the hospital, she came right away. Spyro sat up and said, "How are you feeling Cynder?" Cynder smiled and said, "Better, still a little sore." Spyro looked at Cynder and said, "And the baby?" Cynder smiled again and said, "They say that it is ok. The egg wasn't harmed during the fight." Spyro hugged her and said, "Thats good to know." Cynder smiled and hugged back.
Spyro let go of Cynder and asked, "What about Dekrosna, Hunter, and Rayde?"" Cynder smiled and said, "Dekrosna woke up about an hour ago, and Rayde is still unconscious. Hunter is back with Rose right now." Spyro nodded and got out of bed. His legs and arms were still sore, but he could walk. Cynder grabbed him and said, "You should stay in bed, your not ready to walk around yet." Spyro smiled and said, "I'm standing now aren't I?" Cynder shook her head and said, "If you say so. Where are you going anyway?" Spyro thought for a second and said, "Well, since Dekrosna is up right now, we can talk to him. Then we will go check on Rayde." Cynder nodded in response.
Spyro and Cynder then walked to where Dekrosna was placed. Cynder knocked on the door, which opened automatically. Spyro and Cynder then walked in. Dekrosna was laying on his bed. Sorvek was propped against the wall to his left. Dekrosna smiled and said, "Heya Cynder. And Spyro as well. What brings you here?" Spyro smiled and said, "Just came to check in on you." Dekrosna smiled and said, "Same as ever. Just sore as hell. Come on, I know that isn't the only reason you came here." Spyro sighed and said, "Do you know what happened to Rayde." Dekrosna sighed and said, "I was going to ask you the same thing." Spyro sighed and said, "I guess that we will only know from Rayde himself." Dekrosna nodded in response and said, "Then go see him. I'll be fine here." Spyro and Cynder nodded and walked out of the room.
Spyro and Cynder started to walk down the hallway when they heard someone say, "Hey Spyro! Cynder!" They turned to see Sparx flying towards them. Spyro smiled and said, "Sparx! Good to see you made it. You doing ok?" Sparx shrugged and said, "Meh, little stressed. And tired, but other than that I'm good. Hey have you seen Rayde? I was told to find the elder and tell him that Terrador needs to see him. Rayde would be the best place to start." Cynder smiled and said, "We were going to him now." Sparx smiled and said, "Then I just have to go with ya." Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx then walked to where Rayde was placed.
Sparx flew up to the door and knocked. After a moment, the elder opened the door. The elder smiled and said, "Ah, come in." The elder opened the door wider and allowed Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx to walk inside. Rayde was still asleep on his bed. A heart rate monitor was hooked up to him. The Fang sword and Haidex were sitting next to him. Spyro and Cynder sat down when the elder said, "He hasn't woken yet. The doctor say that he will be awake in the morning." Spyro nodded and said, "Let me ask you something. Do you know what happened to Rayde. And was that Kaze we saw fighting him?"
The elder sighed and said, "Yes, that was Kaze. I would guess that Malefor managed to pull him out of Rayde and give him a body of his own. Rayde's scales are gone, thats probably how he did it." The elder stopped for a minute before saying, "Times are going to change. With Kaze back, things are going to get worse. Drome might be dead, but now we have a bigger problem. We have to stop him. If his powers return, or he finds a way to get more powerful we will have no chance."
Spyro looked up at the elder and said, "Then how do we stop him?" The elder was quite for a second before saying, "We have to kill him without releasing his spirit. But how can we do that is the question. I was hoping to talk to Rayde about this matter, but he isn't awake yet. It is my belief that Rayde will be the main reason that this war will end. But now, he is the reason it became harder."
Spyro thought for a second before saying, "Not quite. Kaze is the cause of our troubles. Not Rayde. If Kaze wasn't power-hungry we wouldn't be in this mess." Cynder nodded and said, "Spyro's right. And I bet that if we all work together, we will win this war. Then things can go back to peace." Spyro rested his head on Cynder after she said this. The elder nodded and said, "Yes, I suppose your right." Sparx flew up to the elder and said, "By the way, Terrador wants to see you." The elder nodded and stood up to walk out of the room. Just before he left, Spyro asked him, "Is it possible for Malefor to extract an alter-ego from a living body?" The elder turned and said, "Yes, that is very possible. Why?" Spyro then said, "Because when Cynder and I were in Malefor's grip, he extracted a black shadow from Cynder and placed it in a small glass vial. He couldn't get it from me though. Most likely because I am at harmony with my alter-ego." The elder nodded and said, "Yes that would explain it. However, things might get a bit more difficult if Malefor does have Cynder's darker side."
The elder then walked out of the room. Cynder looked at Spyro and said, "What could he want with my darker side?" Spyro looked at Cynder and said, "The more allies he has, the more powerful Malefor is. We need to make more allies as well." Spyro and Cynder then left the room. Rayde was still asleep.
Spyro and Cynder decided to go back home to rest. When they got there, they went straight to their room. Cynder curled up with Spyro and said, "I'm afraid of what the future will bring." Spyro hugged her and said, "I know. So am I. But I do know one thing." Cynder looked up at him and said, "What?" Spyro smiled and said, "We have more friends than Malefor does. And Kaze, we will take care of him when the time comes." Cynder smiled and started to fall asleep. Spyro smiled and closed his eyes to fall asleep.
Meanwhile back in Rayde's room.
Rayde was still sleeping soundly. His heart rate monitor was the only thing making any sound. Rayde stirred slightly as he slept. A faint whisper was heard over the heart rate monitor. "Xaider."
RAAAHHHH SOOOONN YAHHHH!!! 'nearest glass window breaks' Oh crap. Maybe that was a little much. Anyway, there you have it, end of part two. Tried to make it as good as I could. Part three will be up soon. Title is: The Legend of Spyro-Secrets of the Crystal Warrior. Review please! I want to know how I did. I dont care if you are signed onto the site or not!