"Thinking of You"
Summary - Claire is 16 years old being asked out on dates, and to parties, but she isn't into it much. She does go to one party and is pressured to have her first kiss, but all she can think about is Quil. All cannon pairings CXQ, JXR, SXE, etc. Vampires later.
This is my first Twilight fanfic! The idea just came at me out of no where, and I just happened to follow through. Enjoy (:
Disclaimer: These are not my characters, they all belong to SM. Muy Trieste!
Haha j/k… not.
Chapter 1: "Flashbacks"
"Whoa, there Claire Bear."
"Quil! I just wanted to look in dat pwitty waters!"
Quil caught me just under the arms, just as I was about to fall into the pool we were looking into.
"Try not to get wet or you'll be frozen like a popsicle," he commanded nervously.
"Ooo a popsicle! Quil, I want one! Pwease can I have one…?"
"Well aren't you just so sweet and polite all of the sudden?" He chuckled. "I'm sorry Claire bear, but I don't have any. Now stop getting so close to the pool, or we'll go home and play."
Quil placed me back on the soft, damp ground.
"But I want to look in dat water!" I yelled at him as I inched closer to the small pool.
All the sudden, the ground seemed to be getting closer and closer to my face. I was falling.
"Claire!" Quil caught me again, but this time he picked me up and threw my over his broad shoulders. "That's it Miss.I-Can-Do-It-All. We are going home."
He began to tickle me as I laid helpless over his left shoulder.
"Ahhhhhahahaa! Quil!" I laughed and begged. "Stop dat!"
He stopped tickling me then.
"Alright, you win." He was laughing, too. "What are the magic words?"
"Bippity bobbity boo!" I giggled playfully.
"Wrong!" He exclaimed. Then he tickled me with his fingers harder than he did last time.
"Ahhhaa! Quil… pwease… stop… ahaha!" I begged in between laughs.
"Now, that's more like it." He stopped the tickling once more, then he cradled me in his arms and held me tight. "I'll do anything you want me to, Claire Bear. I'll always be there for you."
"I wuv you Quil. You are my bestest friend ever!"
"I love you, too, and you're my best friend. Always will be." He said smiling. "Now what do you want to play when we get home?…"
My head banged against the glass in front of me, instantly putting an end to my flashbacks.
"Shit!" I whispered, exasperated. I rubbed my tender forehead gently with my fingers.
Can't I ever daydream outside of my own window anymore without getting injured? Why does she always have to yell so damn loud…?!
"WHAT?!" I yelled back loudly, clearly aggravated.
Then I heard those too familiar footsteps storming closer to my room and my bedroom door burst open. Mom.
"Claire?" She said out of breath.
"Thanks for the warning." I replied. Was it so hard to knock first?
"Don't start with me." She said sternly, even angrier than before. "Didn't you hear me calling you?"
"Who couldn't hear you?" I threw at her without meeting her eyes, continuing to look out into our backyard.
I heard her take in a deep breath to calm herself, then continued.
"Listen to me, you need to stop daydreaming out of that window of yours and come downstairs and eat dinner."
I could feel the circles of heat gather on my cheeks. I remained looking out into our back yard where the sun had almost set completely, causing the sky to be contained of all blues, ranging from the darkest of blues to the lightest.
"All this screaming for dinner?" I scoffed. I still didn't look at her.
She ignored my bitter questioning. "You will come downstairs for dinner tonight, ok? We are having guests over. They'll be here soon."
I perked up an eyebrow without really thinking about it as I asked who would be coming over.
"Just Emily, I think. Emily said something about Sam not being able to come over because he wasn't feeling well. So it'll just be Aunt Emily coming."
I rolled my eyes at the glass in front of me.
Sure, sure. Sam was "sick." I laughed internally, at this joke.
And like I wouldn't like to eat with Emily or something? She was my favorite Aunt, why wouldn't I come down to eat dinner with her anyway?
"Oh okay…"
"And Quil, of course." She concluded.
I smiled at the window, still not having looked at my mother.
Dinner didn't seem like such a hassle anymore.
Even though my insides were fluttering, I put back on my annoyed mask and turned to face my mother who I've been told that I get a great deal of my looks from.
"I'll be down in a minute, then." I said trying to remain my perfectly masked face while looking into her eyes.
She sighed deeply shaking her head at me, then walked out of my room, closing the door with her.
As soon as the door shut, I felt my goofy grin spread from ear to ear. I jumped up from the window, and went over to my wooden vanity table my grandfather made me for Christmas two years ago and sat down.
Wow, I'm such a goober. I thought to myself while looking at my ridiculous grin in the vanity mirror.
Quil and me. Me and Quil. We go way back.
Even as far back as I can remember, he has really always been there. Whether if it was tickling me by the tide pools, or teaching me to ride a bike, or just a shoulder to cry on, he's always been there for me.
I can't imagine having a better friend.
Sure I have a few girlfriends at school and all, but none like him.
I've even watched a few friends come and go over the years. Not that that's such a surprise having transferred from elementary school to middle school and middle school to high school, which is where I am right now. Still, he's here for me every single time I need him.
And I do need him.
I got up from the vanity table only to go plop down on my unmade bed.
I've been there for him too.
I've only seen him upset a few times, but I remember each of them in perfect condition as if they happened yesterday.
One time he came over when I was 13 and he asked if I could talk with him about something. Of course I said yes, and we walked down to the beach together.
I sat on a fallen tree and he stood across from me leaning up against a nearby tree, facing the ocean. I remember waiting for him to speak first and it was quiet for a long time before he finally spoke.
But before he spoke, he turned to face me at first not meeting my eyes. Then, he looked into my eyes and I saw his were filled with tears.
And that was the first time I'd ever seen him cry.
At first I didn't know what to do, but I quickly came to the conclusion that I should get up and give him a hug. As I started to rise up from the dead tree, he shook his head and told me not to get up. So I sat back down and waited again for him to speak first.
Shortly after he said "I know I can trust you… but I don't know how say what I'm about to tell you, how to put it into words."
"Just tell me whenever you're ready. I'm all ears." I smiled at him, trying to knock off some of the tense atmosphere we were currently in.
Out of no where he began laughing very loudly. I didn't have the slightest idea what he thought was so funny, but I didn't ask. I loved to see him happy again. So we laughed together for awhile... until I motioned for him to come and sit down beside me on the log.
"Before I go over there, I need to tell you something. Something I'm not sure how you're going to take," he said, serious once more.
I waited for him.
And he told me. Everything.
Quil told me about how he was different from other guys and people in general. He told me about how he could never be normal like he used to be, like me. He said he wasn't what he seemed to be either. He said he was good, a protector.
I told him that I already knew he was a good person and a very annoying protector, and he grinned at me again before continuing his speech.
I already knew he was different. Not like other guys. I knew that he was something more.
More than just my friend.
He was extremely tall and not just to me either. I noticed how he was very warm, too, like he was constantly running a high fever. I also knew that he sometimes would unexpectedly leave for long periods of time, sometimes for days and always returned home looking exhausted. And I had noticed how he never had seemed to age during all the years I had known him. He had always remained the same.
I never seem to have really cared what all this could have added up to. It just didn't occur to me that he was totally different.
But he was right. He was different.
Quil was a werewolf.
And not just your typical, full-moon feared wolf either. He told me the real story.
He told me about the pack and who was in it, which all of the members I had known since my prime. He explained to me about the Alpha wolf -the leader- and how you must obey what they tell you to do, about how they could communicate using thoughts, and explained about how the pack worked together in general.
When he was done with that he looked at me hopefully like I should be afraid of him or something. He asked me if I was scared.
After a few moments of letting shock pass, I laughed and told him that he was ridiculous if he thought that I could be scared by him and said that if he didn't come sit by me that I would be forced to frighten him myself, and we laughed once again and all was light and well. The thick, tense atmosphere from before had be lifted marginally.
When he came and sat beside me, I hugged him and he hugged me back. We hugged each other. I asked him if there should be anything else I should be "afraid of."
And then he told me about vampires.
He told me more about them than he did about werewolves.
He told me about a clan that lives in Forks, next to La Push and how the werewolves and vampires used to not get along at all, and about a treaty that was signed promising that the vampires and wolves could not cross each others lands and if a vampire ever bit a human, than the werewolves and vampires would go into war. Then he said finally that there was nothing more for me to be afraid of because the wolves and vampires worked together now and told me that there was not anymore mythical creatures for me to worry about and eventually walked me back home.
I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs and held my breath. To my slight disappointment, it was Emily's voice to be heard instead of Quil's so I remained on my bed, closed my eyes, and remained lying there for a moment without thinking much of anything.
After a few prolonged seconds and a deep breath, I jumped up off of the bed and looked back out of the window, this time peering into black.
Nighttime had arrived.
And for awhile I just stared out into the night.
Somewhere in the darkness, I started to make out a large figure. And not just any figure, a great wolf, but I knew what it really was.
Though most people's initial reaction would be to be frightened, I felt that happy flutter tingle throughout my body again as I stared at the wolf, completely mesmerized by the sight.
This was the first time I had seen Quil changed into a werewolf. And from what I could make out from what little light there was from the house, he was some shade of brown.
I am finally going to get to see him change form! I thought eagerly. I had always want to see him do that.
Suddenly I remembered Quil explaining to me about how the whole concept of changing back into human form consisted of … um … no clothes.
Just to be polite, I turned away from the window and walked my way over to my vanity table again.
That conversation would have went well.
"Well Quil, I saw you change form for the first time today. I also saw you naked for the first time, too. That ok?"
Relieved, I giggled to myself and quickly ran my fingers through my long, tangled hair that never failed to remain messy.
In a matter of maybe a minute, the doorbell rang.
Then I felt my tingling flutters carry me to the door.
Thanks so much for reading this!
There definitely will be more Quil next chapter (sorry I didn't really get him in here this time).
Though I am writing the story mostly through Claire's POV sometimes I do Quil's POV too, but that wont be for at least a couple more chap's. And yes, I know this chapter is pretty short.
I promise that Claire isn't just short with her mom for no reason. There is a reason and it's not just that she is a whiney teenager, but I promise that there is a reason.
Also, Claire doesn't know about imprinting yet, but she will soon. Promise.
And this is a chapter wont be near the most interesting of course, but it had to start somewhere right? I have already written most of this story but I'm going to post by the feedback… mmhmm...
So don't hesitate to review :p
Thanks again,
Phascination Phase (: