Author's Note : Just wanted to say a big thanks to all you guys who have reviewed my stories. This is my second long-ish Trory fic. I hope you enjoy it. Feedback is always welcome. :D
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Something To Remember
by inmyeyes
Part 1
(Monday afternoon. Chilton)
"Where the hell is that damn book?"
Rory Gilmore frantically ransacked her usually tidy locker, desperately looking for her History book. It was only Monday, but she was already sick of school. She had woken up late earlier that morning, tired after her mother had forced her to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for the millionth time the night before. When she had pleaded exhaustion at around midnight, Lorelai had been adamant and insisted that she watch Runaway Bride with her. Unable to withstand her mother's pleading and whining, she had finally given in. At around 2am, Lorelai finally allowed her to sleep, and sleep she had. She was so tired that she slept through her early wake up call.
She had barely made it to Chilton on time, but when second period came long, she was horrified to realize that she had left her Calculus homework on the kitchen table. That pulled her grade down to a B, something that pissed her off. During lunch, Paris had thrown her evil looks and "accidentally" split her Coke on her skirt. She apologized profusely for her carelessness, but Rory was well aware of the tiny smirk that was playing about her lips as well as the triumphant grins of Madeline and Louise. Rory could do nothing but play it off.
And, now she couldn't find her History book, which she needed to study for tomorrow's test.
"Damnit," Rory muttered angrily, still looking through her locker. She had to find that book, and soon. Her bus was due to arrive in about 10 minutes.
He was on his way out when he noticed her familiar form. He could do nothing to stop the grin that was overtaking his face and before he knew it, he was standing behind her. He found himself wondering if her hair was as soft as it looked. Banishing that thought, he said the first thing that came to mind.
"Hello Mary."
Rory's hands stilled as Rory thumped her head against her locker door in frustration. Oh God, she really didn't need this. She inhaled deeply, trying to check her frustration then she continued her search. "What do you want?" She didn't turn around to face him, but she knew that he was smirking.
"You. Me. A hot tub."
She was too engrossed, her focus still on the elusive History book that Tristan's words and leering tone didn't register in her mind. After a few moments without a witty comeback, Tristan's grin widened as he slowly snaked his arm around her waist, bringing her back to his front, securing her snugly in his arms.
"What the hell are you doing, Tristan?" Rory snapped, pulling away his arm from her. She turned around to face him, her eyes blazing angrily only to find that he was standing with his hip cocked to one side, his hands in his pockets with his patented DuGrey smirk.
"Why, Mary. Silence is consent... so I figured you're not averse to the idea of being in a hot tub with me." His tongue darted out to lick his soft lips, but Rory was too riled up to notice how that one simple action made her spine tingle. Her eyes narrowed in anger as she shook a step closer to him, trapping him against the lockers lining the other side of the hallway.
Tristan's eyes widened slightly at her aggression and against his will, his heart started to race and he could think of nothing else but pulling her tight against his body and kissing her like there was no tomorrow. God, she was beautiful when she was angry. Anger made her look even more alive than she usually was; her eyes were bright with fire and the luminous blue lured him in like a moth to a flame. He held his breath as she leaned in closer to him, wishing that she was going to throw caution to the wind and kiss him but knowing that she was going to scream at him.
He was right.
"Listen here, you rich cocky prep boy," she spat out. "I don't know what stupid, demented game you're playing and I really don't care. I am sick of you. Stop calling me Mary. Stop bothering me. Stop harassing me every chance you get. I don't like you ,Tristan. I never will."
For a moment, there was a shocked moment of silence; Rory could not believe that she had gone off on him like that, and Tristan could not believe how much she utterly despised him.
Tristan bit his lip, trying to compose his thoughts and silence the thundering of his heart. He knew he needed to apologize, but he didn't know how to. His eyes dropped to the floor as he tried to string his thoughts into sentences. When he looked up a second later, she was gone.
* * * * *
Rory sat huddled against the hard seat, her vision blurred by the tears that were stinging her eyes. Tears of frustration, tears of misery, tears of hopelessness. It was times like this that she wished that she had never decided to go to Chilton. Her life would have been so much simpler, less complicated, less troubled, less hectic.
She hastily ran the back of her hand against her eyes, wiping away a stray tear. No, she decided, she wouldn't cry over that school. Over... him. She would not waste her tears. Tristan didn't deserve any sort of feelings from her. He was worth nothing else but her indifference. Tristan was-
'No,' she chided herself, 'You will not think of him.'
When the bus finally came to a stop at Stars Hollow, she was never so eager to get off. She jumped into familiar arms.
"What's wrong?" came the concerned voice.
Rory just tightened her arms around him.
"Nothing Dean," she mumbled, her voice muffled as she had nuzzled her face into his neck. "I just had a bad day."
* * * * *
(Wednesday night. Stars Hollow. Gilmore house)
"Rory!" The scream was followed by a loud thump and Rory hurried into her mother's room, worried about what had happened. She found Lorelai lying sprawled on the floor, a pile of clothes all over her and a large box lying a few feet away. Rory leaned against the door frame, grinning.
"What happened in here?
Lorelai sat up, pulling away the clothes and throwing them carelessly into the box. "I forgot that I had put the box in the closet and it fell out when I opened the door," she mumbled, sheepish. She brightened up. "It's the attack of the killer box!" Before Rory could even say anything, Lorelai had gone off on another tangent. "Have you seen my white shirt?"
Rory walked into the room, unfazed by the piles and piles of clothes strewn around the room. "Which white shirt?"
Lorelai got up and started rummaging through her closet. "You know, the responsible-looking one."
Rory got on her knees, helping her mother look for the "responsible looking white shirt". After a few seconds, Rory victoriously held up a white shirt. "Ta-da! I found it!"
Lorelai turned around, but frowned when she saw the article of clothing that Rory was holding up. "No, that's the don't-mess-with-me white shirt. I'm looking for the responsible-looking one."
Rory eyed the piles and piles of clothes around her and just plopped herself on Lorelai's bed, giving up on the search for the missing white shirt. "Why do you need it anyway?"
"It's for the convention. I need that one so that I'll make a good impression," Lorelai explained, looking through yet another pile of clothes. Suddenly, she looked up, "Why aren't you packing, missy?"
Rory lay back against the soft pillows. "I already did."
Lorelai pouted. "No fair!"
Rory grinned at the petulant look on her mother's face. "I'm not the one going to a convention and needing the responsible-looking white shirt."
At that, Lorelai smirked. "Well, at least it's better than staying in the Gilmore prison."
"Mom!" Rory scolded, shaking her head. "Don't say that!"
Lorelai crossed her arms. "I'll say whatever I want. After growing up in that hell, I can say whatever I want about it."
Rory smiled. "It's not that bad, Mom."
"You say that now," Lorelai wagged her finger. "After your little stay there, you'll be joining my ranks, little girl."
"I can't believe that you're making me stay there," Rory mumbled.
Moments later, she felt the bed move and felt her mother's arms around her. "I know, I'm sorry, sweetie. But I'm gonna be gone for 5 days, I can't just leave you here. I never thought I'd say this, but I know I'll feel better if you stayed with Mom and Dad."
"I know."
Rory was enjoying the silence and peace of the moment when suddenly, Lorelai jumped up. She crawled over Rory's form and leaned down. When she turned back to face Rory, she pumped her fist in the air in victory with the responsible-looking white shirt in her other hand.
"I found it!"
* * * * *
(The next day. Chilton)
Another day at Chilton had passed; the weekend was now a day closer and she would finally be able to get much-needed rest and respite from school. She trudged slowly to her locker, eager to lighten the load of her bag.
Rory cheered up at the thought of getting a cup (or many cups) of Luke's wonderful coffee but remembered that she would not be going back to Stars Hollow today. For the next 5 days, she would call her grandparents' large estate in Hartford home while Lorelai was in New York for her convention. Five days without Lorelai. Five days without Luke's coffee. The rustle of keys as she put down her bag reminded her that Lorelai had given her free rein of the jeep. She smiled at the thought of driving to Stars Hollow and getting herself cups and cups of Luke's coffee.
The smile was wiped off when she heard the familiar voice next to her. For the last few days, he had kept his distance from her. She was relieved, glad even, that she had gotten through to him. But a tiny part of her told her that she had been too harsh on him. Something told her that he wasn't all bad. But it was done, and her pride wouldn't let her apologize to him.
After taking out the books she wanted, she closed her locker and turned to him, waiting expectantly for what he had to say.
Tristan discreetly wiped his sweaty palms on his pants, unnerved by the way she was looking at him. He had stayed away from her; it was difficult but he did it. Just because he stayed away didn't mean he didn't notice her. Oh no, in fact he noticed her even more than before. He had the opportunity to watch her from a distance and he realized that he learnt more about her that way. He knew the way she'd skip lunch and head to the library. He knew the way she tried to see nonchalant in the face of one of Paris' verbal barbs. He knew the exact colour of her eyes; a vivid electric blue like no other he had seen. He knew the way she always bit her lip whenever she was mulling over something.
And he knew that he had to apologize. For being a jerk, for just...
He took a deep breath before speaking. "Look Rory, I just wanted to apologize."
Rory's brow arched in confusion and surprise but she didn't say anything.
"I've been nothing but a jerk to you," he went on.
"Damn right," Rory muttered.
"I just... I'm sorry."
Rory smiled, and Tristan felt his breath catch. "Apology accepted."
The tension in his body flowed out and Tristan found himself leaning against the locker next to hers. "So, you going home?"
"To my grandparent's actually. Mom is away and I'm staying with them."
His smile widened. "How about I drive you there?"
Rory smiled but shook her head no. "It's ok. I can get there by myself."
Tristan didn't think about the next words that left his lips. "Awww, come on, Mary. You know you want to."
At the mention of the unwanted nickname, Rory balked and the smile fell off her lips. She gathered her stuff and walked away.
Tristan wanted to kick himself. 'Idiot.' He slapped a hand to his forehead, then started to go after her. He finally caught up with her at the parking lot, when she was getting into the jeep. He reached out to lightly touch her arm which earned him a dirty look. He pulled away.
"Rory, I'm sorry. It just came out. I didn't-"
Rory turned the ignition, then faced him. She couldn't conceal her anger. "I should have known better than to think that you could actually be nice. Go away Tristan."
She didn't wait for him to respond but sped out of the parking lot.
* * * * *
Tristan barely took notice of his surroundings as he drove home. He was still thinking about what had happened with Rory. He shook his head wryly, somehow not even surprised that things had turned out the way it did. When it came to her, it seemed like he could do nothing right.
It had now been two months since he first set eyes on her. Two months since she turned his world upside down. Two months in which he had gained no ground with her whatsoever. Two months of her rejection.
It had been two months, yet he hadn't given up, moved on to another conquest. There was just something about her that made him come back for more. He fought it at first, but that only made things worse. Denial was a difficult place to be, and Tristan never did like it there. He had felt a mixture of relief and dread when he finally admitted to himself that he liked her.
He had pulled out every trick he had, every ploy he could think of to make her go out with him but nothing worked. In fact, he seemed to enrage her even more. The come-backs were sharper, harsher and each was like an arrow piercing his fragile heart.
Tristan DuGrey wasn't a quitter... but even he could see that it was lost cause he was fighting.
Rory Gilmore would never fall in love with him.
* * * * *
Rory was seething during the drive to her grandparents' house. The nerve of him....
She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself and get rid of the anger that was festering inside of her. 'Music. I'll switch on some music. That will get my mind off of him,' she told herself.
Taking her eyes off the road for a moment, she fiddled with the radio. In her frazzled stated, she couldn't find the button to switch it on. She heaved a sigh when the sounds of "Drive" by Incubus blared through the sound system. The sigh turned into a gasp as Rory finally noticed the dog that was scampering across the road. In an attempt to avoid hitting the animal, Rory swerved the jeep....
And hit a tree.
The impact of the hit sent her body flying forward, but her seat belt held her securely to the seat. However, she hit her head hard on the steering wheel.
Before she could even do anything, Rory felt blackness descend upon her.
* * * * *
He was turning into the street leading to his house when he noticed the jeep. He recognized it immediately, and he felt fear start to rise within him. He pulled up behind the vehicle and when he saw the smoke rising from the hood of the jeep, his fear escalated. Cautiously he approached the driver's seat.
A gasp from wrenched from his throat when he saw Rory's head lying lifelessly on the steering wheel. Without hesitating, he ran back to his car and reached for his cell phone.
* * * * *
A.N. : Okay... so nothing much happened here. Just you wait. The fun stuff begins with the next part! :D