Hey guys! I don't think I've posted anything on here in about 2 years. But I decided to try my hand at SWAC, and this is my first fic for this fandom...Yay! I'm really excited about it...so yeah!

Rated T for language and Sexual Situations/Innuendos.

Passions Taking Over Skies

"Here you are kids."

The casts of So Random and Mackenzie Falls immediately looked out of the charter bus windows and were greeted by the sight of white sand, blue ocean, and a large sky blue beach house.

"I'm missing Chris Pine's party for this?" an arrogant voice in the front of the bus complained.

"Cheer up, Chad, this might not be so bad after all! It's a big beach house on a beautiful beach. This can't be completely horrible!" The chipper voice of Sonny Monroe called from the back.

This elicited a laugh from the whole Mackenzie Falls cast.

Not so bad? The two casts were sent here by orders of Mr. Condor, head of Condor Studios himself, for "bonding" purposes. Public animosity between the two shows had gotten out of hand when Mackenzie Falls was interviewing potential newcomers, who were chased out of the studio by hundreds of gerbils. That, and when The Falls had decided to retaliate and crash one of So Random's live shows, cruelly mocking each of them.

Mr. Condor thought the only way to fix this problem was to send the two casts for a weekend bonding retreat on a secluded beach. Just the casts, no producers or directors. Some may call Mr. Condor irresponsible for letting teenagers stay alone in a beach house with no supervision, but Mr. Condor stated that it had to happen, or both shows would be cancelled.

The whole cast of Mackenzie Falls had taken the front of the bus, while the cast of So Random - minus Zora - were seated in the back.

"Man, I wish Zora was here," Grady Mitchell murmured to his cast mates as he stood up to get off the bus. "Then we could really get back at them."

"Guys, this weekend is supposed to be to bond with the other show," Sonny reminded them. "Besides, Zora's parents have a right to not let her come. I mean, she is five years younger than me; seven years younger than some of the Mackenzie Falls cast," the brunette defended.

"Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, still caught up on that peace dream of yours?" Tawni asked. "How many times do we have to tell you that it's not going to happen. Ever. In a million years."

"It could happen," Sonny shrugged glancing at a certain Mackenzie Falls cast member as she stepped off the bus. "Anything's possible."

"Sonny. Snap out of it!" Tawni hissed as she followed the Wisconsin girl's gaze.

Though the two weren't the closest of friends, Sonny was somewhat of a best friend to Tawni. Sure they had their off days, who didn't? It had been a year and a half since Sonny joined the cast of So Random, and the two girls were definitely closer than they had been Sonny's first month on set. They even - occasionally - confided in one another.

Like Sonny's attraction to Chad Dylan Cooper.

"Crush" just wasn't a word that fit here. "Crush" would imply that Sonny liked Chad, when in reality, she couldn't stand him - most days. But more times than not, Sonny could not stand Chad Dylan Cooper. They argued constantly, and about the most trivial things. They were hateful and spiteful towards one another on a daily basis.

But Sonny could not deny the attraction she felt for him.

Those heavenly blue eyes. That golden hair. The rock hard abs. Those perfect lips.

The boy was so damn gorgeous Sonny couldn't help it.

When Sonny had confided in Tawni, the blonde girl had laughed, but assured her that she went through the same thing for about a month when she had first joined the show. "It will pass," She had said.

But that's the scary part. Sonny had been in Hollywood for one and a half years, and if anything, the attraction was growing, not waning.

"Thanks Tawn," Sonny nodded as she walked over to retrieve her bags from under the bus.

She stood behind the group of Mackenzie Falls actors who each had at least two suitcases apiece. Well, at least it would be easier to find her bag after all the crap was removed.


Chad Dylan Cooper, naturally, was at the front of the group of his cast, getting his matching designer luggage out. Since he had insisted on being the last one to load up so his suitcases wouldn't be ruined, they were easy to find, and soon he had made his way past his nine cast members.

He glanced up and saw Sonny Monroe nodding as she whispered something to the blonde girl on her show. What was her name? Tammy? Tanya?

As Sonny walked over to get her luggage, Chad stealthily observed her. Her pretty chocolate hair was down, as per usual, she was on her toes, straining to see over the heads of his cast, and she was wearing a yellow sundress over a bathing suit he was dying to see.

Fine, alright? He had a certain... longing for little Miss Sonny Monroe. Not the romantic kind of longing, though, at least that's what he told himself. She just held a certain power over him, with her pretty hair, her perky attitude, her damn ability to make Chad care more than he was used to.

And the cute. That stupid cute.

He enjoyed making her blush and flustered after their daily arguments. Hell, he practically lived for their arguments. His cast was just so boring and dull, him and Sonny's rifts everyday always shook up a monotonous, scheduled day of Mackenzie Falls.

In fact... "Hey there, Monroe," Chad suavely approached the Wisconsinite.

"Chad," she acknowledged with a small nod of her head.

"Can you believe Mr. Condor is trusting two casts who hate each other to spend the entire weekend in a beach house with no adults? There's going to be more than one mishap here, I can tell you that." Chad began.

Sonny seemed to hesitate before responding. "Well, I can sort of see where he was coming from, but for the most part, I think it's a bit risky. But Marshall gave us a talk of what is expected with us, so any 'mishaps'" she air-quoted, "that happen, will be from your cast, not ours," she ended confidently.

"Really, Sonny, really?" Chad asked, turning on the charm. This earned an eye-roll from Sonny, which urged Chad to keep going, smirk in place. "So I take it you're rooming with Tanya over there?" he asked, motioning with his head at Tawni.

"It's Tawni, Chad. And yes, I am, obviously. What's it to you?" Sonny replied as she walked forward to the bus. In talking to Chad, she didn't notice the line was almost completely gone.

"Well, if you get tired of Blondie," Chad began, striding to catch up with Sonny, "just know that I have a single room that you're more than welcome to share," he suggested in a lower voice.

He watched as Sonny quickly reached inside the luggage storage part of the charter bus, attempting to retrieve her luggage and hide the wild blush on her cheeks at the same time. She was having a hard time forming a reply in her head, and afraid to say anything, lest it be taken the wrong way.

"And I'll take that as a maybe. Catch you later, Monroe," Chad did his point-click-wink motion as he walked away, an amused smile dominating his lips. He grabbed his suitcases and headed up to check out his room.

"Come on Sonny!" Nico called to the bus, where Sonny was getting her luggage.

"Be right there!" She managed through her embarrassment as she grabbed her suitcase and shuffled over to her cast mates.

"Ugh, I can't believe we have to stay with the whole cast of Mackenzie Falls for a whole weekend. I'm going to have to fight for mirror space!" Tawni complained.

"Oh come on, Tawni, like Sonny said, it might not be so bad," Grady replied optimistically. "Isn't that right Sonny?"

Sonny weakly nodded as she walked. She was second-guessing herself now, after her talk with Chad.

So there's the first chapter! Please review and let me know how I'm doing :)