Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: I tried to make it possible to read this without having to read the 1st part, but I ended up giving up. Ha. Thank you to all of the wonderful fans who supported Dear Stranger. You don't know how much it means. I hope you'll all enjoy this as much I do writing it.
Sincerely Yours,
(Sequel to Dear Stranger)
Chapter 1.
To: 1854 Konoha Dr.
From: 2316 Collin Rd.
Dear Sakura,
I'm not sure if this is still where you live, but I came across this old letter you sent me once, the first I ever received, and I just wanted to know how you were. I know this may come as a surprise to you, especially considering how long it's been, but I'm hoping you'll reply. I heard you had just gotten engaged, congratulations.
Well, I hope you're okay. I'll look forward to your reply.
-Sasuke Uchiha.
To: 2316 Collin Rd.
From: 784th Sand St.
Dear Sasuke,
I see that you still haven't developed a habit of writing longer sentences, so I'll just make up for what you lacked. Ha. Anyway, I was very pleasantly surprised when my mother gave me your letter! I moved out a couple years ago from my parent's place, but I'm glad you decided to get in touch. It's been a while since I've written to anyone.
I assume you found out about my engagement from Naruto, who has told me you just got back in touch with. Are you in the reunion mood, Sasuke? Haha. Neji, Hinata's cousin -who I'm sure you know has been dating Naruto for a couple of years- popped the question a couple of months ago. I'm very excited. How's your wife? Naruto says you have two children? I'd love to know more about them.
Oh, how time has passed, my pen-pal. We're getting old. How long has it been, anyway? 12 years? That doesn't matter, though. We'll have plenty time to write. There's an unlimited amount of ink and paper this time. At least on my part. I'm hoping to see a couple more sentences next time.
Thanks for reading.
Until Next Time,