This is my first story in a while. Life happens, you know. hopefully I'll be able to get back to writing as much as I enjoy. This is just to get me started.

This story starts out pretty unrelated to Half-Life, but it will make sense in later chapters. I promise.

I don't own Half-Life or any related characters.

Chpt 1: First Born

July 12, 1924

Skokie, Illinois

Mercy General Hospital

The nurse stood outside the delivery room, waiting for the doctor to let her in. She had seen the young woman come in, panicking and with contractions a minute apart. She claimed that she had no money, and that the father was "not around". Whether that meant that he was simply unavailable or, more likely, she couldn't find him, the nurse could not say.

The nurse watched as the newborn was carried to the nursery. She gathered up the papers and headed into the room to speak to this lonely young lady.

"Ms. Maddox?" the nurse asked


"Hello, my name is Susan, I'm the head nurse. I just have a few matters that needed to be cleared up. I need to ask a few standard questions and fill in some paperwork. Your full name is Francine Maddox, correct?"


"And the father's name?"

"He... I didn't..."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't-"

"I don't know his name." Francine snapped at the nurse.

Susan sighed and sat down next to Francine "Ms. Maddox, I'm not here to judge, and I don't want to make this any more difficult. There are just a few things I need to know, just to make sure your son gets started on the right track. That's what we all want, right?"

Francine just sneered and avoided Susan's gaze.

"Okay, we don't have to talk. All I need to know right now in his name. Have you thought of one yet?"

"Just leave me alone."

(sigh) "Ms Maddox-"

"I said leave me alone!"

With that, Francine rolled over and refused to say another word. Seeing that she was getting nowhere, Susan left.


As she typed in the sparse information on the birth certificate, another nurse spoke to her "Hey, I heard you had a hard time with that girl who came in earlier."

"Yeah, she seemed pretty steamed."

"You think she'll be okay"

"She looks like she can take care of herself, but it's the son I'm worried about."

"You don't think she can handle a kid?"

"I don't think she even wants him around, sad to say. She can't remember the father, she won't listen to any medical advise, she won't even give the poor boy a name."

"Well, what can you do?"

"Just fill in the blanks, I suppose. And hope for the best."

As she said this, Susan typed on the line reserved for the newborn's name:

Maddox, (no name)