A/N: Wow, I got about four reviews for the last chapter and only one vote. It's cool guys. But i kinda agree with the person who voted for the person who will get voted off. You know? Well if you don't, read the chapter.

Chapter Five: The Second Award Ceremony

Meanwhile, The Screaming Gaffers celebrated victory in the guy's trailer. The Killer Grip guys went outside, discusted with them. Milton and Kristina talked some more during the party while Chloe filed her nails.

Alex and Jasmine rocked it out, dancing to the music Jasmine had brought with her to the trailer. Yami, however, was trying to listen to his own kind of music on his CD player.

Finally, giving up, he left the trailer. "Augh!" He yelled.

At the Award Ceremony that night, Annie greeted the seven Killer Grips with six Awards on a plate. "Since this is your first ceremony, I'll explain the rules." She said. "I'll hand out awards one by one intill one person is left without one. That person then must walk down the red carpet of shame and leave in the limo of losers!" Annie pointed to a rusty old limo waiting.

Annie then picked up one award. "The first awards goes to... Rosalin and Bella." The two recieved their awards and sat back onto the bleachers, relaxing.

"The next ones go to..." Annie looked at the final five people. "Tiffany, Nathaniel, and Jared." Jared caught his award and got some glares from Rosalin and Tiffany.

Effie and Cameron were left. Effie started to sweat while Cameron held on tightly to the seat. Annie looked at the two and picked up the last award. "And the final award goes to...














'Cameron!' Annie shouted as Cameron got his award.

Effie stood up. "I guess I did do bad this challenge. Just tell Alex that I'm glad he's okay." She said to the Killer Grips. "Bye."

Then Effie left in the limo of losers. Annie looked at the camera. "With the teams even now, what will be Alex's reaction that Effie is gone? Will Milton and Kristina's rocky relationship hold together? Find out next time on Total Drama Action: Reader's Choice!"

Sorry about voting Effie off. But I really wanted to get started on the next challenge. And I'm just gonna let you in on a little secret, the next challenge, no one get's voted off!

Next time on Total Drama Action: Reader's Choice, the twelve remaining teens battle it out in a sci-fi themed challenge! One cast mate struggles to pull Miton and Kristina apart while another tries to keep them together, Tiffany forms an alliance with Rosalin and Chloe, and Kathleen tries to take over Cory's job!