A/N: I was only gone for about a week. That's the shortest break I have ever taken! One of my reviewers thought it would be funny to involve some sort of water fight in this chapter. The offer was too tempting to pass up, but I did change it a little bit. As always, enjoy! It took me forever to format it right. It was being very frustrating and messing up...

Since it was a relatively nice day out, Will was sitting outside, bent over some papers he was studying. Annabelle was playing in the yard not far from where he was perched on the railing of the porch, actually entertaining herself for once, for the most part. Once and a while she would wonder over in Ironhide's direction where who knew what the bot was actually doing. Whenever she inquired as to what he was doing, he answered with some big words that little Annabelle had no prayer of ever understanding. It didn't stop her from asking multiple times however.

Will was interrupted by Epps yelling for him before he came practically running out of the house. Will tried to not look annoyed at being bothered, not being in the mood for Epps right now. It was far too early to listen to his friend whine how there wasn't any chips left. Will hadn't even gotten his fix of coffee this morning because they were out. The result had been him feeling less than sociable for a while.

"Lennox! Your wife has gone crazy! I swear to…" Epps stopped yelling once he reached Will, doubling over to rest his hands on his knees and try to catch his breath. He looked like he had just run a mile. "That crazy…she just chased me the whole way around the house with a gun. I swear she's gonna…"

Will winced. "Did you say gun?" There was no way Sarah was chasing someone around with a gun. Not only did he hide his weapons in case she got mad at him, Sarah never expressed any interest in ever wanting to learn how to use a gun. He was sure she could use one if she really wanted to, but she usually avoided them.

"Yes! She's…"

Epps was cut off by Sarah storming out of the house, brandishing a gun. Will wasn't sure if he was dreaming this entire thing up. Sarah got pretty mad on some occasions, but she would never shoot anyone.

"Honey…" He started to calmly ask her what she was thinking of doing, even though that was clear, but she cut him off.

"Don't you honey me, Will Lennox!" she screeched, still pointing the gun Epps. "He has been in our house for a month! I want him out! I can't take it anymore!"

Ironhide showed no interest in the situation and neither did Annabelle. The Autobot had paused long enough to make sure that the gun Sarah was using was indeed a realistic looking water gun, and not a real one like he had been assured it wouldn't be, before turning away. The two scared humans were either not paying enough attention or not close enough to notice the subtle differences the fake gun had from a real one. It certainly wasn't his problem since their lives weren't actually in danger.

"Okay, I'm sure he'll leave," Will offered, looking over at Epps pointedly. The other man didn't look up to arguing the point, not with Sarah waving the gun around them like that. "But, give me the gun, please." Will reached out slowly toward the gun to take it away from her. He could hear Ironhide moving around behind them, but he assumed that the Autobot was coming to aid them, so he didn't take his eyes off of the gun to look.

Sarah's eyes drifted over his shoulder to see what Ironhide was doing, and Will took the opportunity to snatch the barrel of the gun and force it to point down at the ground and away from them. He frowned as soon as he touched it, squinting his eyes to inspect the gun more closely. It didn't feel like any of the guns he owned. Before his brain could compute what was wrong with it, Sarah ripped it from his grasp and pulled the trigger. Epps yelled, ducking down to try and escape the bullet. No bullet left the gun. Instead, a stream of water bounced off of his head, and Sarah began to laugh. It was a slightly evil laugh.

"What the…" It took Epps a few moments to realize what had just happened, and why he wasn't dead. There was another sound behind them and soon a lot of water was being dumped on their heads. Will spun around to see Ironhide innocently holding the hose in his huge metal hand. The expressions of horror on their faces made Sarah laugh harder.


"Sarah requested that I help her rid your house of Epps," the Autobot responded as if it was a perfectly good reason to be soaking them with water. "The water fight was her idea, however."

Both Will and Epps ran for the house to escape the water and the madly laughing Sarah who was following them. Annabelle was playing under the hose though, clearly enjoying herself.

"Epps, I really do want you out of the house!" Sarah called as both of the men ducked behind the couch.

"You know you could just leave, and she would stop going on a rampage," Will suggested to his friend. Epps shook his head, wiping the water off of his face. Will didn't even bother trying to dry himself off, his clothes were soaked.

"That would be too easy and giving her what she wants," Epps responded. "I'm not going to let her scare me with some water gun."

Will rolled his eyes, but they fell silent when they couldn't hear any commotion anymore. Not even Sarah's footsteps. That wasn't a good sign. That meant she had probably planned something else and was waiting to carry it out.

"Epps," Will whispered. "What were you doing before Sarah chased you out of the house?"

The man paused for a second, thinking about it. "I was cleaning my paintball gun, and then she came down the stairs…" He trailed off, looking over at Will who had closed his eyes. There was no doubt he had come to the same conclusion that he had. "That smart son of a…"

"There's nowhere to hide," Sarah announced as she came around the side of the couch, aiming the paintball gun at them. Without any padding on, getting hit by one of those was going to hurt, especially at close range. They scrambled to their feet. "All I want is for Epps to leave the house for a while. Is that too much to ask?"

Epps began a hasty retreat to the door. "Look, Mrs. Lennox, I'm sure we don't have to go this drastic…"

Sarah was following him outside, making sure that he was heading toward his truck this time. It had been parked in their driveway for a month without moving.

"Sarah." Will tried to talk some sense into her and tell her that she didn't have to scare away his friend with his own paintball gun, but she turned the gun to him, so he quickly shut his mouth. Her finger was dangerously close to the trigger.

"Don't say it, Will, or I will do it and not even feel bad when you have a nasty bruise."

Before she could get any further though, Ironhide shoved a huge hand between them, taking the gun from Sarah and effectively separating them.

"Hey! You're on my side this time, remember!" Sarah called up to the Autobot.

"I said I was as long as no one got hurt," Ironhide answered. With his other hand, he shoved Epps into his truck, and all but pushed the vehicle away from the house without giving Epps the time to start the engine. Once the truck did start, it peeled away from the home. "I'm sick of the way you all fight. Is this how all human families work?"

Will rubbed the back of his neck, watching Sarah go back inside the house, looking pleased with herself. "Yeah, Ironhide. I think they are all like this."


That evening while enjoying a quiet dinner for once since Epps was gone, there was a knock at the door. Sarah must have mentioned a thousand times how nice it was for Epps not to be around. Will let her answer the door since she was already standing. The yell that echoed into the kitchen told him who was at the door even though he couldn't see them.

"Why the hell did you come back?!"