James didn't want to date someone like her. She would do anything to change his mind.
Disclaimer: Not going to say it again :)
Let's get down to business...Hm, wont it be odd to see Sirius as a goody goody? I can't wait! I have plans to write all the chapters in advance, and do what Prongywong did and update when I get a certain number of reviews. But, we'll see. Plans are also like.. 5 chapters per year.
"Now that we have all been sorted into our houses, and before we begin the wonderful feast that awaits us, I have a few announcements." Albus Dumbledore's voice rang through the Great Hall. No one daring to speak, heckle or jeer. Not even the Slytherins.
"Due to the rising of the Lord Voldemort-"
The name sent shudders all through the hall but Dumbledore ignored them.
"Some new rules have been set, to insure the safety of our students. Firstly, a strict curfew after dinner, which has been moved to 7:30 instead of 8:00 and will end at 8:30. After 8:45, no student is allowed to roam the halls, unless they are a prefect, or are with a teacher. Secondly..."
Lily looked down the table at the group of four boys who were watching Dumbledore with full attention. James with the fullest.
"Lils, you okay?" Alice's voice drifted in through her ears.
Lily straightened up and looked to Alice.
"Mhm." She nodded and went back to listening to Dumbledore.
"And in addition to the new rules, might I ask to keep in mind our old ones as well, because they still adhere to all the students. There is to be no magic used in the halls, no duels, sneaking out after curfew, and especially, no pranks" With each word he spoke, Dumbledore eyed the four girls, who grinned at him.
"Now that we have that out of the way... Let the feast, begin!"
Food rose from the kitchens onto the many platters that filled every table.
"Goblin's mercy! Would ya look at all that food?!" A few excited first years cried and spooned whatever they could reach into their plates.
Lily smirked.
"Hey, watch this." Alice said and aimed a carrot stick at Sirius Black, best friend of James Potter.
It flew through the air and hit him on the shoulder.
He looked up at Alice - who was grinning - then rolled his eyes.
"Hey watch it, you heard Dumbledore." Jackie said, nodding up at the table where the teachers sat.
Alice grinned. "Oh, he didn't see me."
Lily grinned.
When it was time to head up to bed the four stood up and started walking towards the common room.
"Oh, and third years, if you would stay behind for a moment?"
Dozens of students stopped in their tracks as the rest of the school flooded around them.
"Now, as you all know HogsMead forms were sent to you in the summer along with the regular list of required books. House Heads will now come around collecting those forms, while I go over rules of the village."
"What? Rules!? Since when have their been rules? My older brother said there aren't any rules!"
"Well Mr. Abott," [I don't know if I spelled that right, so please excuse me and deal with the random authors note here.] "There were many rules in place, whether your brother chose to follow them or not was his own choice. However, this year new rules are being set due to once again the rise of the dark forces."
Lily, along with many other students nervously shifted on their feet, uncomfortable with the reminder of Voldemort.
"Yeah! We wouldn't want him spotted! Would we? Poor little MudBlood!" Andy Crabbe jeered and pointed at James.
"Oi-" Lily started but before she could hex him, Dumbledore cleared his throat.
"That'll be enough, Miss Evans."
"But sir! He called him MudBlood!"
"Yes he did, but you hexing him doesn't make you any better. Mr. Crabbe will receive a detention for his rude behavior, and if you hex him, you will receive one as well."
Lily angrily put away her wand, but her eyes remained on Crabbe.
As the third years filed out, Alice looked over her shoulder. The teachers were engaged in a conversation, and were paying them little attention.
"Now's your chance." She whispered to Lily, who grinned.
"Oi! Crabbe!" She shouted and several third years stopped talking and looked around.
"Yeah Evans?"
"Don't think that just because I was threatened with detention, I'll pass up an opportunity to hex you!" She said, drawing out her wand and pointing it at Crabbe.
"Evans! Don't even think about it." James said, glaring at her.
"Potter, he called you MudBlood. If you don't know what that means-"
"I know what it means! But if you hex him you can guarantee I won't ever speak to you ever again." He said menacingly.
Lily thought about this, and slowly put away her wand.
"Come on James." Sirius muttered and pulled him away.
This is a really hard story to write... Short chapter, I know and I'm sorry... Okay, next time I'll just grit my teeth and do it. Make Lily a complete trouble maker, the animagus stuff will start and I'll just get into it. I promise. Please review!