
Is this story discontinued?:
No. Don't wet yourself, bros ("Bros" is my new thing, I think XD)
I PROMISE this story is alive.
I'm just extremely slow with updates. I make it a rule that unless you are absolutely miserable while writing something, to always try to finish it.

When will you update again in the future?:
I really don't know. I haven't been in the super smash brothers fandom for a while, mainly because I have very little to go on, and I have a lot of school work. I am working on the story as

This story sux. Delete plz:
Whoa there, bro. This story, is like, old. REALLY old, it was first released in 2009: that's three years ago. I am a much better writer now; I'm clearer and better detailed with my writing.

The style changed in the middle of the story: half the chapter is written one way and the other half is written another. Why is this?:
Sorry! That's because I pick up whatever I'm writing at different times, depending if I'm motivated, or have writer's block; I originally dropped Winter Wonderland, and then finished it months later. That's why there's a style difference in some of my stories. The only way of fixing it permanently would be to rewrite CastleBrawlca entirely, and while I think that's a pretty flipping awesome plan, I'm not going to get around to that for a while.

UR AMAZING I LUV U: I love you too! *smile*

In other news, I took out the Mario brothers' accents, because I read their speech, and found that number one, they were kind of offensive; and two, they are really flipping annoying to write because I get them wrong half the time.

So, moving on... I dunno, I was thinking that these "Where we last left our heroes" lists are just taking up space. They're helpful for me when I'm writing (because in all honesty I have NO idea what's going on), so I'd write them up for me, but I don't know if I should keep them up for public reading.
So tell me, do you think those lists at the beginning are helpful, or annoying?
Here's one of them, so you uninformed or oblivious people know what I'm talking about:

Ike, Link, Bowser, Pit, Roy, Sheik,

Status: Together

Current Location: Bowser's sorcery room

Plan: Rescue brawlers

Other: Bowser is an experienced Sorcerer, Marth is an Experienced Reptile wrangler.

Marth, Meta knight

Status: Together

Current Location: Unknown
Plan: Head back to Bowser and company
Other: Marth is an experienced Reptile wrangler, Meta knight is Lupophobic

Nana, Samus

Status: Together

Current Location: Unknown

Plan: Run from Minotaur

Other: Unknown

Mewtwo, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Snake, Mr. G&W

Status: Together

Current Location: Library

Plan: Unknown

Other: Have a lead; think Tabuu is behind this

Shade, Red, Lucas, Lucario

Status: Together

Current Location: Unknown

Plan: Find the children

Other: Shade knows the routes of the castle

Toon Link

Status: Alone

Current Location: Unknown

Plan: Unknown

Other: Experienced Ghost slayer, but helpless in the dark

Mario, Luigi, Giratina

Status: Together

Current Location: Unknown

Plan: Stop the one behind this

Other: Unknown


Status: Alone

Current Location: Brawl Bar

Plan: Wait for help from Doctor Mario, Young Link, and Pichu

Other: Unknown

Doctor Mario, Young Link, Pichu

Status: Together

Current Location: Exterior of the castle

Plan: Save the others' sorry tail ends

Other: All are experienced fighters

Alright, here we go bros.

Peach sent out the news to Bowser and Mario, deciding that calling everyone would take far too long, and that those two could save anyone and everyone.

"All-ah right! My Peach just sent us an important message!" Mario exclaimed as he put his phone away.
"What is it bro?" Luigi asked.
"The culprit behind all-ah this, is Tabuu!"
"Tabuu?" Giratina cocked his head to the side.
"Tabuu's been dead for almost a year now bro; how could he come back to life?"
"I dunno, but he did. And I believe my Peach." Mario folded his arms, very satisfied.
"Are you sure? Is there anyone else it could be?" Giratina asked.
"It's the kind of twisted thing Tabuu would do! He probably wants revenge for us giving him such beating!" Mario's eyes lit up in fury, remembering his old foe.
"Well I believe you Mario!" A fire burned inside Luigi as well. "We must not let Tabuu continue to do such things!"
"Well, no matter who the enemy is, they must be stopped!" Giratina agreed.
"Right! We have to stop him!" Luigi cheered. "How do we do that?"
"So far, I have no plan." Mario sighed reluctantly.
"Well we must make haste; let's think of something quickly." Giratina tapped a paw to the ground for emphasis.
"Let's call the police!" Luigi shouted out.
"Luigi!" Mario shook his head in disapproval. "We're the heroes! We're the guys who save the day! And the heroes don't chicken out and call the police when things look tough!" Mario took a breath and locked eyes with his brother; a dangerous glare dancing in his eyes. "We fight because we choose to. And that's why we don't call the police!"
"Not to mention ends the story far too easily . . . and it appears I have now broken the forth wall . . ." Giratina murmured to himself.
"We've got to reunite with the other fighters! Then we can all take on Tabuu as one and defeat him once and for all!" Mario shook his fist dramatically.
"Right-o brother!" Luigi cheered. Mario adjusted his cap and looked forward with no fear.
"Let's-ah Go."

Toon Link was huddled on the floor sniffling pitifully. His tears made his cheeks hot and sticky, but he could care less. He was alone in the dark, unbelievably scared, and at any moment, a ghost could come by and destroy him without leaving a trace and not a soul would know.
Maybe he was a great hero to many, the wielder of a powerful sword and a terrible threat to all things evil, but not here and not now.
In reality he wasn't a legendary hero; he was a child.
Sure, he was an especially adventurous child who loved getting his hands dirty, and a child who had long, elegant ears and sharp eyes, but in the end, he still needed the same treatment as any other little boy his age. He didn't want to fight or be strong; he wanted to go home.
But he couldn't. He was trapped in the dark, and he'd probably die here.

And so he continued to cry big, wet, sticky tears that stung his eyes and make his cheeks glow crimson.
A sudden noise made him curl up tighter in fear. At first, it was a very faint sound, but then when he heard it again, it grew louder, and Toon Link began to fear that something had come to get him. Suddenly, his acute hearing picked up a voice.
"Yeah, I smell it too. That smells like . . . Oh no! I think it's Toon!"
Toon Link knew that voice.
"Toon! Toony! Where are you?" He abruptly lifted his head to see the faint blue glimmering of blue fire.
. . . Not blue fire . . . Aura.
"L-Lucario?" Toon Link sat up, focusing his cat-like eyes the best he could in the near pure darkness. The glow came closer and soon he could see the slender canine figure that could only belong to the blue-furred Pokémon. Eventually, Lucario drew close enough for Toon Link's vision to fully adjust, allowing the Hylian to leap to his feet and throw himself into the Pokémon's arms. Lucario bent enough so that he could hold Toon Link, making sure that the barb on his chest didn't jab the boy. Toon Link sobbed into Lucario's shoulder, squeezing his waist. He was never so thankful in his life that another brawler was there for him, and he buried his face into the cool ebony fur of Lucario's shoulder. He felt Lucario run his paw up and down his back softly, and his choking bawls died down as Lucario broke away to dab the tears from the blonde's eyes with his lush, blue tail.
"You're here, you're here, I w-was so scared that I'd never see you again," Toon Link's voice cracked.
"Oh my gosh Toon, you scared the living daylights out of us; please never run off in a place like this."
"I won't, I won't do it ever again." Toon Link nodded violently.
"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
"I'm okay, just a bit scared."
"Alright, I'm glad you're safe." Lucario wiped his brow. "That takes a load off of my shoulders." He rubbed Toon Link on the head before standing up once more.
"Are you by yourself?"
"Who me? No, no, no, I'm with Lucas, Red, and my friend Shade." Lucario guided Toon Link back to where Shade was standing with two tired fighters on her back. "Now don't let first appearances fool you; she's really very nice and loves children. Shade, this is Toon Link, but we just call him Toon." Lucario introduced the boy to the big black canine. She let out a friendly bark, and lowered so Toon Link could climb on her back. Toon Link did so with almost no apprehension, and wrapped his little arms around her neck. She stood up slowly, as not to let Red and Lucas fall off, and turned to Lucario. She let out a single woof in questioning.
"Alright, there's only Ness, and the Ice Climbers are all's left for the kids." Lucario counted aloud. "So let's go find them." Shade nodded and padded off alongside her companion...

"Is that so?" Bowser murmured into the phone, "Well, that's interesting…Sure; if we run into anyone, or see anything, I'll let you know. Bye, Mewtwo." Bowser hung up.
"What was that about?"
"Mewtwo's thinking that Tabuu is behind this mess."
"That's impossible; Tabuu's been dead for ages, now!"
"Bad Guys have a funny way of being tougher than most. Trust me; I know." Was Bowser's brief reply. "Let's get going." He started down the hall, his fellow smashers following his lead.

They made it quite a distance, and they were almost at the point where they'd let their guard down… That's when a big, shaggy coated, bipedal bull with a nose-ring pounded into their path.
It's eyes blazed and it lashed its tail, ready to charge.
"Minotaur; not immortal, but only a rough tussle could kill that thing…Sick'em, Link." Bowser chuckled.
"I'm no puppy-dog, Bowser." Link assumed wolf form and bent into a play-bow. "…But I love a good chew-toy."
He launched himself at the Minotaur, knocking the beast to the ground and sinking his teeth into its hide. The Minotaur let out a moo of agony, struggling to get away from Link. One swift nip of the neck, and the creature was no more.
"You could've let me get it; I know my Greek monsters." Pit grumbled.
"I wanted to see what Link could do. There will be more monsters, don't worry; you're not missing out on anything."
"When did you become the Fighting Assessor?"
"When you came to me for help, kid." Bowser shrugged simply.
"On a scale of one to ten…I'm gonna say that was a four." Link licked his chops and got off the limp body of the Minotaur.
Bowser took a deep breath and huffed fire onto the corpse. "Whenever we kill something, always set fire to it; even if it can't come back to life, ghosts can possess inanimate objects." Bowser ruled.
"So, where are we headed, exactly?" Samus asked.
"We're heading back in the direction of the library, well, our library anyways. I want to meet up with Mewtwo."
"Hey! What about Meta knight? He could be in a lot of trouble!" Marth protested.
"He's a tough guy; he'll hold out."
"Fine." Marth huffed. "I just hope you're right…"

Wishful thinking, Marth.
Wishful thinking.

I'm utterly cruel; confiscating any and all Meta knight from you.
So, if you liked it, review, and if you didn't, well, what the heck are you doing reading this? If you don't like my style now, then I guarantee that you don't like my old style, so it's a miracle you made it this far.