AN- I'm sorry I made you wait so long. Work has been well and truly kicking my arse!! This was a hard one to write. Enjoy it.


I could feel my grip tightening on Jakes arm, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the aisle long enough to loosen up a bit. I felt his body shift in the seat next to me and a warm pair of lips grazed the top of my head. I relaxed a little from his contact and released his bicep. I saw the door open at the back of the church and inhaled sharply. Jacob threw his arm over my shoulder protectively and began to softly draw little circles on my shoulder.

I knew what was coming as Edward stepped through the door slowly, holding it open. I choked on a sob as I watched my Mom follow behind him. Her big black sunglasses didn't hide the fact she was crying uncontrollably. I watched as Edward whispered something in her ear, he clung tightly to his shirt as he wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers. Even he looked as if he'd been crying. Mom nodded her head reluctantly before Edward took her hand in his and they walked up the aisle towards us. I tried not to make eye contact with either of them as I looked around me at the sad faces of all the people here today. Rosalie's shoulders were shaking as her and Alice clung onto each other tightly. The big black veil on Alice's hat hid her face but I could tell from the difficulty she was having holding herself upright that she was having a hard time too. Billy Black, Jacob's father was seated a few rows behind us with Sue Clearwater and her children Leah and Seth all of whom seemed to be trying to stay strong. I scooted along noticing Edward at the end of our pew. He flashed me a sad smile before sliding in next to me and pulling my Mom onto his lap.

I looked up into her face, I could see her big brown eyes beneath her sunglasses boring into mine.

"I love you Ness." her hand stroked my cheek as she whispered to me. I closed my eyes as the tears silently streamed out of my eyes.

I heard the opening lines of One More Day by Diamond Rio begin to play and I tried to stop my lip from quivering. I chose that song. Charlie loved Diamond Rio, listened to him in the patrol car every day.

My heart felt as if a huge chunk of it was ripping off as I watched as Emmett and Jasper slowly carrying Charlie's casket to the front of the church. They took their seats and I watched as Sue wheeled Billy toward the casket.

The music finished and Billy cleared his throat.

"Charlie was my best friend." He stroked a hand across the top of the casket and looked at my Mom, who gave him an encouraging smile.

"He was a fantastic father to Bella and and even better grandfather to Renesmee." I buried my face into Jacobs shoulder.

"I remember the day Jacob was born" He seemed to choke on his words. "Charlie took him in his arms and said 'Boy, it's a good job you look like your Mama cos cosmetic surgery is expensive"

There were a few chuckles and I felt Jacobs arms tighten around me.

Billy turned to the casket and sighed.

"I'm gonna miss you friend, more than you know. But I know deep down you're happy at that great big lake in the sky. Save some for me Charlie or I'll kick your ass." Sue patted Billy on the shoulder gently before wheeling him back to his seat.

I took my Moms hand and squeezed it. This was the hardest thing she would ever have to do. I watched as her and Edward seemed to have a silent exchange. He nodded and kissed her nose before she slid out of the pew and to the front of the church.

She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes before looking up at me. I gave her a thumbs up and the biggest smile I could manage at the time.

"First of all I'd like to thank everyone for coming here today." She looked up at the ceiling and wiped her eyes again.

"I've been dreading today for the last week. It's harder than I thought to stand up here and talk to a room full of people you love." She paused to wipe her eyes again.

"How do you come to terms with the loss of your father?" It was painful to watch my Mom overcome with grief. Tears were streaming down her face and her body was shaking. "How.. How.. How do you move forward despite your aching.. h ... heart... I'm sorry I c.." Silent sobs were quickly becoming full blown wails, I was about to jump out of my seat and run to her but Edward got there first. He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head and whispering in her ear. After a few minutes of this Mom stood in front of the microphone once more, Edward's arms wrapped around her from behind and his chin on top of her head.

"Charlie was a good man...." She looked up at Edward and he nodded at her in reassurance. His fingers wrapped hers tightly in his own.

"I made more than my fair share of mistakes when I was younger..." I felt Jacobs arms wrap around me impossibly tighter.

"But Charlie always understood. He always supported me and Nessie and wanted the best for us both. He was a fantastic father..... Charlie loved his job and he was good at it. There were times he'd get so caught up in his work that he'd forget to go home. I just think the stubborn old fool wanted to live there so he'd never get behind."

She looked at the casket and wiped her eyes.

"Daddy, I love you, I won't forget you. Goodbye."

Edward pulled gently on her hand and they started walking back towards us. As soon as they sat down Jacob released me and I curled up into my Moms side. She stroked my hair as we cried together.

Some of the guys from the station said their goodbyes and Emmett got up to arrange the slide show.

He cleared his throat and fiddled with the controls on the back of the projector.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Charlie Swan."

Somebody flicked the lights off and my eyes were drawn to the screen. Charlie Chaplins Smile began to play as pictures of Charlie appeared on screen.

The first was a very young Charlie on his first day at the station. He was beaming. It flicked through several of Charlie and Grandma, their wedding day. Pop's holding Mom when she was only a couple hours old. I don't think I've ever seen anyone look that proud before. Pop's was glowing. I couldn't control the tears as the slide moved through to pictures of Billy and Charlie fishing, pictures of Mom and Edward with Charlie in the background polishing his gun, Charlie and Alice in a yellow porsche, Charlie holding me after I was born, Charlie, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper at the beach with me when I was 2. Charlie, Emmett and Jasper standing proudly under the tree house they built in the backyard. Rosalie sticking out from under Charlies truck while he read a newspaper in the front seat. Mom, Charlie and me on my first day of school. Everyone at Christmas, Charlie and the guys from the station. Phoebe putting make-up on Charlie when he fell asleep on the couch. The last picture was my favourite though. It was from last Thanksgiving. Everyone was there. Charlie, Mom, Alice, Jasper, Rose, Emmett and all the kids. Everybody started to file out after the slide show finished but I just sat there staring at that last picture. Charlie had his arms wrapped around me and Mom and we were kissing his cheeks. He looked so happy. Everyone looked happy. I wiped my tears and stood up, still staring at the screen. I took a deep breath and smiled.

"Catch ya later Pops. Say hi to Grandma for me." I turned to Mom, Edward and Jake.

"What are we waiting for we've got people to feed, Charlie wouldn't want us to keep people waiting!" My Mom smiled at me as Edward squeezed my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. I swear I heard him mumble "So much like your Mom" I turned to Jacob who hoisted me onto his back. I screamed as we ran out the doors. The sun was shining brighter than I'd ever seen it shine in Forks. I threw my arms out and span myself around. Somehow I knew it had something to do with Charlie, a message to be happy and that's exactly how I planned to be. I wrapped my arms around Jacob as he lifted me up so I could reach his lips.

"I love you." I whispered before crashing my lips to his. He pulled my face away to look at me.

Screwing his face up as if he was analysing my face he said "Ah you'll do." I laughed as I smacked him playfully. "I love you too Nessie."

AN – ohhhh mannnnnn. I cried. Did you?

Let me know what you think and make my day by pressing that magic button over there!