Disclaimer: I own the plot bunny.

Jonathan brandished his cap and puffed out his chest. The mad man in black that had been on fire – which had been an accident mind you! Had been dispatched by those god awful American Yankees. He had fallen through the rather questionable railing of the river boat and tossed overboard. It made the Englishman wonder about how safe he had been when he had leaned on it earlier while flirting with the delectable woman earlier. All's well that end's well and all that.

"Did I panic? No." he said to himself. Then he promptly turned tail and jumped off of the boat, the key loosely clutched into his hand. The water was cold and deep.

Wait a second… I'm in the Nile. Good God, there are crocodiles in here!

Scrambling up to shore, he stood panting beside Evey and O'Connell and looked happily at the others on the wrong side of the river. Serves those blokes right. Ha. He'd get to the treasure first! Rubbing his hands together in anticipation he noticed that his hands were empty.

Oh bloody hell.

The tomb was creepy. Filled with spiderwebs and sand. Nice and cool though, a nice reprieve from the hot sun and raspy sand. The tomb was an empty chamber of sorts, and now that Evey had lit it up, Jonathan could get a better look. It wasn't much to make of, really. A lot of tables, chairs, instruments of torture really, half buried and decrepit in the sand. Kind of boring actually, he thought as he swung his makeshift golf club. Where was all this treasure that everyone talked about? Where were the mummies?

Evey sat down next to the only decent Yankee that Jonathan had actually seen here. She seemed to get along quite well with the chap. It was good for her, he thought. Get her head out of those bloody books she was always into. Maybe make her feel worth something after those scholars knocked her down. Again. He marked the homemade golf ball and swung. The ceiling cracked and a massive box fell from it.

Huh. That's interesting.

"This look's like some kind of lock." O'Connell stated as he peered at the strange shape on the oversized coffin

"A key, a key, that's what he was talking about. The man on the barge!" Evey yammered excitedly, fingers flying over the coffin. "He was talking about the key that Jonathan found!" They both looked expectantly up at him. Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

"Er, about that old mum…"

"You do have the key don't you?" Evey asked. O'Connell closed his eyes.

"I sort of dropped it in the Nile. You know, with the black men chasing us and the boat burning at all." Jonathan, secretly moved away from the coffin. "I didn't think it would be that important! I mean, look at all the other useless junk the museum has!"

Evey narrowed her eyes dangerously.

"You mean we came all this way for nothing!" her voice took on severely shrill tones. Jonathan winced. Then Rick took her arm and started muttering that there were other, other places to dig, or they could take the coffin to a museum and bust it open. Evey gripped a rather sharp digging tool and threw herself over the coffin and at her brother, who promptly started climbing up the rope to the surface to escape the wrath of his baby sister.

Rick O'Connell sat on top of the sarcophagus and shook his head.