Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the mentioned Bioshock characters in this fanfic.
AN: For Vodka once again, in an attempt to express my passion for Bioshock and its amazing characters. My first Bioshock fanfic, my second fanfic altogether.
Angels have no wings
Hey Mr. B! I found another one! Come look!
Wow it's so pretty!
You're right Mr. B, I should hurry and harvest it!
*Stabs corpse with injection continuously.*
You know. *stab* Mr. B. *stab, stab* I wonder where Angels. *stab* Come from. *stab, stab*
Yes, yes. *stab* I know, Mr. B. *stab*
But don't Angels fly? *stab, stab*
Oh... right... *stab* I forgot... *stab* These Angels fell from the sky because of the ADAM right?
That's right! I'm here to save them! But it's strange Mr. B... None of these Angels have wings...
Maybe Angels never had wings...
They don't move either Mr. B... *sniff, sniff*
The poor Angels have no wings... *sobs*
*sniff* You're right Mr. B! Maybe if I take out all the ADAM fast enough, the Angel might come back and spread its wings again! Thanks Mr. B!
*stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, STAB*
I wasn't fast enough...
Let's go find another one Mr. Bubbles! See if I can save the next one!
RAWR! ^^
AN: I was thinking... Did the Big Daddies make crap up just to make the Little Sisters happy? Just like all daddies do to make their favourite little girls smile again i suppose...