Just a little something I'm throwing together :]

Remember, I do not own Naruto or any of the characters ;]

Being Part of Team Hawk

Chapter 1: Nearing Halloween

"Suigetsu! Guess who I'm going to be for Halloween?!" Karin screamed as she entered the door to the house where she, Suigetsu, Sasuke, and Jugo lived.

"I don't know Karin, who're you going to be for Halloween this year?" Suigetsu replied quite unenthusiastically.

"I'm going to be Sasuke!" Karin clapped her hands together and squealed.

Suigetsu raised one eyebrow. "Well if you're going to be Sasuke then you can't have none of those flopping around under your open shirt. You're going to have to bind them up somehow."

Karin looked positively taken aback, "If Sasuke's not covered and bound up, then I don't have to be!"

"Then you're going to have to get some kind of surgery or something to make you flatter!"

Karin stopped and thought for a second. "Fine then, I'll be you! All I gotta do is cut my hair, dye it silver, file my teeth, get purple contacts, and run around in my birthday suit!"

Suigetsu stood up and put his hands on his hips. "Excuse me! I wear clothes sometimes! Look, I'm wearing em right now!" He waved his hand in front of his clothes.

Karin mocked him by putting her hands on her hips also. "That's only because Jugo chased you around the house and threatened you. And when he finally caught you, he had to force your shirt over your head!"

"I still put my pants on by myself!"

"No, he had to force those on you, too."

Suigetsu was silent for a second before snapping, "Well all I have to do to be you is get red hair extensions, glasses, cut up my shirt, put squishy balloons under it, and run around screaming 'O my god, Sasuke! You sexy beast!'"

Karin walked up to him and put her finger on his nose. "You couldn't scream like me even if you wanted to!

"Oh yeah, wanna bet?!"


"Okay then," Suigetsu clasped his hands together on his chest, "Oh my god, Sasuke, fuck me! Fuck me so hard! I want to have your baby! Let us be one!"

"You could've said so." Sasuke came walking out of the hallway.

Karin's eyes turned to hearts as she squeaked, "OMG, Sasuke, haiz!"

Sasuke didn't even glance at her. "Shut up, Karin." The verbal "abuse" made her melt to the floor.

Suigetsu looked at him from the corner of his half-opened eyes, hands still clasped together, and a devilish smirk on his face. "Oh, hi, Sasuke, we were just talking about you."

Sasuke turned to look at him. "Ya, I heard. You want to get fucked or not?"

Suigetsu turned around and walked up next to Sasuke and stuck out his tongue. "Sure."

Karin pulled herself together again and stood up, fire flaring in her eyes. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuz, that fuck is rightfully mine!"

Sasuke looked at her. "……Suigetsu asked first."

"Then can I go second?"

"No, you look like a man."

Karin pouted as thick tears ran down her face. "But Suigetsu is a man."

"Ya, that's why he gets the fuck."

"Oh, so you don't fuck girls?"

"Not if they look like ugly men…"

"So you'd fuck Jugo if he asked?"


Suigetsu finally decided to barge into the argument, "Are you gonna fuck me or not?"

Sasuke quickly replied, "Ya, lets go."

Karin still had her pouty face on and was wiggling around where she was standing. "What about me?!"

Without looking back, Sasuke waved his hand over his shoulder at her, "Go fuck Jugo or something."

"Ew. No."

Suigetsu stopped walking and turned around with the devilish smirk plastered on his face again. "You can watch-"

Karin quickly replied under her breath, "I'll watch Sasuke…"

"But you'll have to put a blindfold on."

"Then what's the point of watching?"

"Then you can listen-"

Again, under her breath, "I'll listen to Sasuke…"

"But you'll have to put in earplugs."

"What the hell!? Stop suggesting things that you're just gonna take back!"

Suigetsu ignored her, "Oh, and by the way, Karin, I won the bet."

"What bet?!"

"I screamed like you."

Karin crossed her arms. "If you truly screamed like me, then Sasuke would have ignored you."

Suigetsu grinned at her, "Well than I guess your scream just works better on me."

Karin stomped on the floor and shouted, "Whatever, I'm out of here!" And at that she stormed out the door.

Suigetsu turned to look at Sasuke again, "Still gonna fuck me?"

Sasuke shrugged, "Might as well."

So, you like it? *looks sideways out of the corner of an eye and sees WolfsRainSilver (Kiyera) rolling on the floor laughing her ass off*

^^ R&R... lets see what could possibly happen to them next...