Steph returned to the office the next day and headed to her cubicle. She looked at the mess that had accumulated in the past few days. She let out a sigh, dropped her bag into the top drawer and started to get to work. Not even five minutes into working Lester stopped by and said, "So I hear congratulations are in order."

"Huh, what, why?"

"On your engagement, can I see the ring?" He replied back as he grabbed her left hand off the desk to admire the ring. "Ranger has nice taste." Lester stayed a few more minutes before he returned to work.

Steph started getting back into working when Ram stopped by. This continued on for over an hour. Every few minutes another Merry Man would stop by to offer congrates and check out the bling. She figured if one more man grabbed her arm she would have to go to the hospital to have it put back in place.

Finally having enough of all the interruptions she jumped up when she saw Hector passing by the office. "Hector, can you do me a favor?"


"Can you get me a lap top and a printer set up in conference room 3."

"Sí puedo hacer eso ahora" "Yes, I can do that now"

"Thanks I will be in there in a few minutes." Steph stacked up her files and grabbed a few handfuls and headed to the conference room. She than headed to her desk again and grabbed the remaining few items that were still scattered about. Once back in the conference room she watched Hector finish hooking up the computer and printer. Since she had the only table in the room moved out last week she set up sitting right in the middle of the room. The first thing she did was print out a sign to hang on the outside of the conference room door.

"Do not disturb or risk dismemberment"

Once that was finished she got to work. She worked through the next two hours running searches. While the searches were running she would use the down time to look over the case files she had already found connections between and had added any new connections on the walls. She would occasionally find another piece of information to connect some of the individuals or move a few pieces around to another location.

She was deep in though when Ranger came into the room. "Babe, I think it is considered harassment to threaten my men with dismemberment."

"Yeah well better them then me, my arm was almost dislocated from my body. And what did you do, run a little ad on our engagement? The whole freaking company knows."

"Well I didn't but this might explain how everyone seems to know." He stated handing her the front page of the Trenton Times. On the front page it read:

"Carlos Manoso, CEO of Rangeman and Trenton's own Bombshell Bounty Hunter, Stephanie Plum engaged to be married"

"Mr. Manoso, CEO of Rangeman a security company in Trenton was in the news a little over a year ago when Edward Scrog impersonated and kidnapped his daughter. Stephanie Plum has also had her own time in the news over the past few years for different reasons. Ms. Plum has been reported to be a main contributor to the recovery of Mr. Manoso's daughter. She was also coined with the nickname Bombshell Bounty hunter after being involved with the fire at Stiva's Funeral Home.

We would like to announce that witnesses report the proposal of Ms. Plum and Mr. Manoso Saturday night at Terra Nova."

The story continued but Steph had read enough. She did not think that this would hit the newspaper or that someone might capture a picture of the two of them mid-proposal.

"That explains a lot" she remarked as she handed the paper back to Ranger. Steph sat back down on the floor in front of the laptop and started working on reading the files.

"So I figured since it was in the newspaper we will have to go to dinner at your parent's tonight."

Steph looked up pondering that thought. She did not think there would be a day that Ranger actually offered to go to her parents for dinner. "Yeah probably a good idea, I probably already have ten calls from my mother at home on the answer machine." She looked back down to her reading.

"I was looking over some locations and details of where to hold the reception for security purposes." Ranger continued. "uh huh that is nice."

"I figured we could use the Trenton Marriott for both the ceremony and the reception, is that okay with you?"

"uh huh that would be fine" she responded again still not looking up from her paper.

"I was also thinking of doing it as a black tie event."

"That would be nice."

"Glad you agree so the guys will all wear white tuxes and suits and all the ladies including you will wear black gowns" Ranger responded as he watched Steph for a response. He could tell that he lost her after mentioning her parents for dinner. Steph jumped up from the floor saying, "YES" and heading towards the far wall again.

"Babe so you don't mind wearing a black dress?"

"Huh what are you talking about? A black dress for what?"

"Babe I was discussing wedding details with you."

"Oh sorry, I was sort of thinking and was rereading this file. What were you saying now? I promise my undivided attention." She responded while biting her lip and turning to glance at the wall for a moment before turning back towards Ranger.

Ranger realizing that he still really did not have her attention and decided to just let her get back to work. "How about we talk about it on the way to your parent's for dinner tonight? Do you want to leave from here or do you need to head back to your apartment first?"

"Oh okay, yeah I need to go back, I will also pick up Rex to take back with me. Thanks for watching him last night", and with that she turned back to the wall and started connecting more items together.

Later that evening Steph found herself on her way to her parent's for dinner with Ranger. He told her about his thought of holding the ceremony and reception at the hotel. Also that he called and they do have a few days available in the next month's worth of time so they could still have time to reserve the hotel. He stated it would be easier to handle the security and this way no one would have to worry about traveling between the church and a hall. He told her that the hotel would prepare the food and take care of the table linens, centerpieces and decorations. Steph told Ranger that would be fine, the less she had to plan or that her mother got her hands on the better.

They pulled up to her parent's house and Ranger came around the car and helped her out. "Do we really have to do this?" She asked. Ranger responded by pulling her into a hug and dropping a kiss on her forehead before he started propelling her towards the house where her mother and grandmother stood.

"Oh Stephanie, and Carlos what a nice surprise. Please come in." Mrs. Plum said. Steph looked at her mother than to her grandmother. She had never seen her mother like this and was starting to wonder if she was a pod person when her grandmother made a hand jester indicating that her mother had been drinking. Steph figured that explained everything.

Dinner when went off without too much of a big to-do. Grandma was excited about having the bounty hunter with the impressive package in the family and dad keep his head down like any other night and shoveled the food into his mouth. Mrs. Plum tried to start planning a date, the church and the VFW hall when Ranger spoke up and informed Mrs. Plum that due to security reasons Steph and he had discussed and decide that they would make all the arrangements for the wedding. Mrs. Plum excused herself after that remark and came back to the table with a full bottle of wine. After a few glasses of wine and the remark that they do not want a long engagement Mrs. Plum seemed satisfied.

Shortly after dessert Steph and Ranger where back in the car heading back to her apartment. Ranger followed her into the elevator and to her apartment. Taking her keys from her hand he went ahead of her and checked out the apartment. Coming back he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room. "Well that went well. At the rate my mother was hitting that wine she is going to have a nice hangover tomorrow." Steph remarked as they both took a seat on the couch.

They watched TV for a little while before Ranger headed back to Rangeman or where ever he calls home. Steph climbed into bed after setting the alarm and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

The next morning started early for Steph. After showering and feeding Rex she headed to the Tasty Pastry for a dozen donuts and than stopped in at the bond office. Lula was not in yet so she handed her receipts for all the skips she brought in on Saturday to Connie. Connie starred at Steph for a second before jumping up and coming around the desk and grabbing her left hand. "Let me see this ring, I can not believe you did not tell us that you and Batman got engaged. I did not know you were even dating."

Before Steph could respond Lula came bustling in the front door raving about "white girl better get her ass in the office today" she came to a halt when she saw Steph and Connie standing there. She rushed over to Steph and ripped her hand out of Connie's grasp.

"Shit white girl that thing is huge, not that I be expecting anything less from Batman you know. But I am still mad you did not call me and let me know. I had to hear about it in the newspaper like everyone else. Here I was thinking we were friends."

"Lula I'm sorry I did not call. Everything happened so fast you know."

Connie moved back to sit behind the desk and Lula and Steph sat on the couch all catching up and eating donuts.

Connie asks "so what about supercop? Are you really done with him? You are not going to be backing out of marrying Ranger are you?"

"Connie, Joe and I have not been together for over five months now. And I am not backing out of marrying Ranger. We are setting a date before the end of next month."

"OMG" both Connie and Lula said at the same time followed by "your pregnant with the Batbaby aren't you?"

"What, no I am not pregnant okay. Look I have to get to work, Connie do you have any files for me?"

Connie handed over three files along with the checks for the five skips. She explained that one of the Merry men dropped off one of her slips yesterday with those from Rangeman.

Steph headed to the office. She worked on her casework, took lunch and worked out at the Frustration Center. She talked with Matt some and they decided to get lunch the next day to try to get to know each other better. Steph also asked Matt to look into places similar to his in Miami so she could still have a place to go while she was away.