Me, Mello, Matt: Ok, for old time's sake, and in honor of the final chapter, we are all going to say the disclaimer as one. Misseh doesn't own Death Note or its characters!
Me: Thanks, ILU guys ^^ I just want to say thanks to my readers and reviewers, because without you, this story would've gone to waste. I hope you enjoyed the story!
Act Thirty: Childhood Innocence
You had a theory.
In a way, your childhood was like a rosebud going through seasons.
When your parents died, it was like winter, where your rosebud was withering and struggled to stand a fighting chance. You were dumped in Wammy's, where you stuck out like a sore thumb and always felt out of place.
When Matt came along, it was like the depressive "snows" of the winter melted away, and you finally had a support system. Matt brought back the spring, and your rose could bloom again.
Then there was Mello.
Mello, in a way, was your summer. He started off as this rash and foulmouthed being; he was a steaming sun in an unforgiving summer. But then, you began to fall in love with him, and he became your life support; the sun that made all plants grow. Without Mello, your rose would not survive.
The question that may stand is: where does innocence come into play?
This is contradictive. In fact, you knew your childhood- hell, your life was anything but innocent…by general standards.
But you grew up in a different world. You were an orphaned child growing in an orphanage for gifted children, in the reign of the powerful murderer, Kira.
It took you some time to figure it out, but you did: Mello was your childhood innocence.
Mello taught you what love was. And love is the most innocent of values existent.
Therefore, Mello taught you innocence.
You sighed deeply, stuffing more and more of your things into your bag. You spent most of the day packing; today you decided to move out of the motel room and into a new apartment.
While searching through the room, you found something stuffed between the cushions of the couch. Pulling it out, you saw it to be a plastic bag with small contents inside.
"Hmm? What's this?" you mumbled to yourself. You turned the bag upside down to spill its contents onto the floor, and became silent.
A small, red gameboy, disgarded in the couch since that fateful day, and a rosary lay on the floor. You could already feel the tears coming, and watched as one dripped to the floor.
"H-Hey…how's it going, guys?" you said quietly, picking up the objects. You hoped that somehow your words would have some spiritual connection to your beloved "family". You held the rosary gently, twirling it in your fingers.
You smiled, and leaned towards the glass, breathing on it so it created an area of fog. Using your finger, you began to write in the foggy area:
Do you really love me? Marshmellow?
You smiled at him awkwardly, circling the word 'Marshmellow' with a heart.
Mello's face became flushed, but he managed to grin right back. Leaning towards the glass, he breathed on it so that he created his own fog area next to yours.
Using his finger, he drew an arrow from 'Marshmellow' in the heart to his fog area and wrote:
& Harmony.
It took you a moment before you were able to comprehend what he meant. Mello…and Harmony.
You grinned like an idiot when you finally got it, but he laughed at you. "A little late, don't you think?"
"Shut up."
"So you do love me?"
"F-Forever…," you whispered, recalling the memory so vividly. "Me too, Mello…"
Another tear rolled down your cheek.
"Harmony, please," he pleaded, his voice shaky. "Promise me you won't cry. Promise…f-for me…"
You wiped furiously at your eyes, banishing any tears from forming. "Forever, Mello…and I swear I won't cry…."
You would keep these two promises for as long as you lived.