Part Three

Disclaimer: I do not own the boys or the world they live in…damn

Author's Note: I had intended this little fic to be just a short little two shot but since you guys begged so nicely the muse has decided to offer up some more porn. I'll try to get the fun stuff up in the next few days but this may be the last post until I can get settled in the new place and internet hooked up. Oh, well. Enjoy.

People think my job is easy. After all, every member of the human race spends a good two thirds of their day lusting after someone; friends, co-workers, family members… Oh, don't give me that look, you know it happens! Anyway, it's not the actual lusting that I'm in charge of, it's the directing and channeling of that rather harmless emotion into actions and really, the surface lusts are sooo boring they're not even worth my time. I mean, sure, when I was first starting out a sin was a sin and if a young nun happened to catch the eye of a junior priest I had no problem lending a…hand, still don't, but seriously, that's minor league stuff to something like me. No, the real bread and butter of my existence is to encourage the little buried wants that maybe you don't even know about or even think of a lusts, but if you really think about it, all of the Seven are some version of me. Envy, poor bastard, is the lust for what others have, Pride (total prick) is basically lusting for yourself, Gluttony and Greed are kind of like Envy except for more specific things, Wrath and Sloth are a little harder to pin down as actual lusts but if you dig deep enough you'll find me and that's exactly what I was doing with Sam Winchester.

It was a warm night so Sammy had left his jacket in the motel room, leaving me a nice stretch of bare arm to latch onto. I said earlier that I pushed my power into Dean but that's not entirely accurate. I pushed something into him all right, but it was more putting myself into him than some random metaphoric extension. That little bit of flesh on flesh was enough for me to push through both of our skins and send a piece of whatever's left of my soul swimming through the hunter's veins, seeking out his deepest, darkest desires to grip tight and pull to the surface. I'm not sure how much sweet Sammy had seen of his big brother getting his ass owned by an angel, but he knew that Castiel was in the motel room with Dean and that was enough to send out a sharp spike of emotion dark enough for me to latch onto and drag into the light, so to speak.

I hate to admit it but I was a little surprised by the particular emotion fueling the younger hunter's feelings about good ol' Cas. I expected rapturous awe or even blind terror, Lucifer knows I wouldn't've blamed him in the least, but what I got from dear little brother on the subject of angels…was jealousy.

It was Sam who had faith, even now; it was Sam who had prayed every day of his life, it was Sam who had believed in angels but it was Dean who got one, Dean who was pulled from the Pit on Heaven's command, it was Dean, faithless sinner that he was, who was Heaven's chosen warrior. Dean seemed to get closer and closer to the light without even trying and what did Sam get? A damned witch in a borrowed body and death threats every time he turned around, never mind all the good he was doing with the curse he'd been given, all he was to them was the 'boy with the demon blood', the Boy King, so yeah, Sam was jealous of his big brother and his guardian angel, wanted a little of that light for himself and that, ladies and gents, is where I come in.