Hi minna desu!
Here I am with another story! This one will be about Kira Yamato and Athrun Zala from Gundam SEED (mainly, I think ^^' not compleated it yet) I hope you guys will like it!
If you haven't seen the anime you should really try it out! This might be a little hard to understand otherwise but the story is sweet any ways ;)
I don't think the story will be that long but we'll see :D I'll get back to you on that!
This takes place, actually about the time where the war has stopped, or in the beginning of the next war (which actually takes place in "Gundam SEED destiny") when the two boys, along with captain Ramius, Lacus Clyne and the others are located on the battle ship ArchAngel. If there is something you don't understand or if you just like the story, please review!! :D
Warning!: Well, for those who know me (a little) you know what I like to write don't you? ;) well for those who doesn't, I like yaoi, boyxboy! So there will probably be some smex along the road ;) if you don't like, don't read!
Disclaimer: ehm... I don't own Gundam SEED, nor do I own Kira or Athrun... even though a sex God would not be so bad.... hmmm...
The ship had fallen silent, half of the crew sleeping and the rest awake but on sleepy alert, nobody really suspecting an ambush at this hour, even though you might think that seems unreasonable since the Archangel had already been attacked so many times the last weeks. In the storage room, where the mobile suits and the ship's other mobile weapons were kept, however, there was a soft sound of fingers against a keyboard, probably coming from one of the bigger units or "Gundams'" as Kira Yamato had started to call them a long time ago. If you'd listen carefully enough you would almost hear the breaths of the worker as he kept on typing.
Soft steps echoed through the empty hallway as a dark haired young man, with glowing green eyes, warning a dark-red ZAFT-uniform came walking there, on a ship which once had belonged to the Earth Alliance. To any one not knowing what had happened here the past year, this would certainly be an odd sight. This young man, a Coordinator from ZAFT, on a Natural, Earth Alliance ship in the middle of the night. But the man did not seem to be bothered by this scaring fact, quite the opposite. He was not on his alert, rubbing his eye tiredly as he, for the first time in years it seemed, unbuttoned the top button on his uniform. He let his steps slow down as he came closer to the gigantic Gundam which had been placed at the far end of the room, his green eyes looking up at the grey giant, his lips almost smiling.
"I knew you'd be here..." he said, almost to him self as a green little bird left its post up on the unit, making a twirl and landed softly on his shoulder.
"Tori" the bird twittered, almost as if happy to see him.
The young man smiled and stepped onto the platform that would take him up to the heights of the entrance to the robotic machine. Silently he looked inside it, smiling and shaking his head as he saw, not surprised at all, how his childhood friend sat in his chair, still working on the programming, as always.
"Kira" he said, smiling wider as those grey-purple eyes snapped up to looked at him in surprise. Athrun sighed and climbed lithely inside. "I knew you'd be here, but you know... it's late already, go to bed idiot."
A slight flush was now rising on the tanned boys face, from tiredness or embarrassment, Athrun could not tell but it suited the boy and Athrun could not help laughing.
"Hey, don't give me that face Kira. You're tired too right? So go to bed..."
"No I want to finish this first." The stubborn kid Athrun had once gotten to know was shining through the armour of compose which the young man in front of him had built up through his life and it made him glad, that Kira was still the same as when they had first met, even though, sometimes, it took some timefor him to show it.
"Hey" he smiled and ruffled his friends hair as he seated himself almost in front of his chair. "You can always finish it tomorrow, Kira, even the hero needs to sleep you know."
"I'm no hero" the brown haired one spat but Athrun could see that little smile lurk at Kira's lips and he was glad once more. The war had affected his friend tremendously in ways indescribable. He had not been able to eat or speak for days, his personality had seemed to fade away to grey as the days had passed and no matter how much Lacus had tried, she hadn't even been able to get him inside for some evenings. The pain of seeing that happen to his best friend had been harder and more agonizing that Athrun could ever have imagined, he had seen friends die and parish in agony as they drew their last breath... but Kira, he was different.
They had known each other long before the war had broken out between Naturals and Coordinators, played and laughed with each other, Kira always with that gentle smile on his face. Athrun had already back then been a smart kid, proving the Coordinator skills he possessed just by being as bright as he was. He had made the green bird, Tori, as a "goodbye"present to Kira as they were to be parted, Athrun's parents taking refuge at PLANT while Kira was left behind.
As he thought back, Athrun had always a clear picture in his mind of how his friend used to be, of how gentle, clumsy but still stubborn he had always been and how sad he had been the day they separated. They had hoped to see each other soon again after that, at PLANT maybe, being able to play and smile again... But the war had broken out all to quickly and years had passed, Athrun fearing his friend had died... A gentle sigh left his lips as he now looked down at that brown hair, those slimmed fingers working with speed no one could match, those eyes that drew every gaze... They had been fighting each other, fighting together and apart in this war, every action almost pulling them closer, even when the sward was between them, Athrun had wished to stretch out his hand and pull this boy close...
"Athrun?" Kira's gentle voice woke him from his thoughts, Athrun suddenly realized as he lifted his head. Had he fallen asleep? Not possible right? It wasn't that late and... "Hey, you should be the one going back to bed Athrun, you are paler than ever."
Athrun smiled again, nodding, now really feeling the tiredness crawl upon him but he didn't move, and there was no need to tell Kira why, because the boy knew exactly every part of his body language.
"okay okay" he laughed and put the keyboard away with a soft click of those hands. "I'll come with you then, if you're gonna be so damn stubborn."
Athrun waited patiently down on the floor as Kira packed up his things and came down too, his face now showing signs of tiredness but his eyes still smiling. In moments like these he was just like he had always been, when they were alone together he could be the same person as he had been years back, before the war dragged them in. Athrun, now not so very tired any more, was amazed every time they were alone, of how much his friend changed around every one else. He was almost as a stranger towards his own sister, but still, with Athrun he was the same, making him warm inside as Kira smiled like nothing had ever happened to them.
"And then well, I had to do a re-check because you never know if some one..." he kept talking, not that Athrun had ever asked why and what he was doing with the Gundam in the middle of the night but it was not like he was complaining ether. He was calm as long as he knew he could hear Kira's voice when he needed it, and this was one of those times. So to him, it didn't really matter what Kira was talking about, as long as he didn't stop.
"mm?" He hadn't even realized he had been asked a question so he raised his head in surprise, to suddenly find Kira's face, lips and eyes so close their breaths mixed. He could do nothing but stair, certainly, this was not what he had expected.
"Haha you were spacing out again" his friend only laughed and poked his forehead with his soft fingertips. "Archangel calling Athrun Zala back to earth?" Kira's laughter filled the small hallway they were walking through and even though Athrun could feel his cheeks blossom with redness over the joke, he didn't mind. As long as Kira was laughing, as long as he was happy, as long as he was there, alive... he didn't mind at all being made fun of.
"Ne, Athrun"
"Yeah, Kira?"
They walked still, quiet for a little longer, Kira seeming to think through what it was that he had wanted to get of his chest. Athrun waited silently, patiently, knowing how Kira worked, knowing there were some things about him you couldn't rush and some things he needed to say spontaneously, that was just the way he was, the way he was supposed to be.
"Ah, never mind" he smiled finally, turning to met Athrun's gaze as they stopped outside the door to Kira's room. "It was nothing that can't wait until tomorrow."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, and besides..." the boyish young man smiled and a slight mischievous smirk entered the corner of his mouth. "...if I say it now you'll just forget it since you're so sleepy."
"Oh come one, who was it bringing you back last night when you had fallen alseep in the Gundam?" Athrun laughed and ruffled the hair of his friend again. Even though Kira was almost half a year older, Athrun had always felt like the older one, always looking out for him, now was just a moment like that, and to his delight, Kira frowned and tried to put his hair back into place again.
"Well sorry for being the only one working around here, Capten Athrun Zala-sama"
Even when Kira tried to be mean he looked like a kid, making Athrun laugh. If the others had said something like that to him, he would have thought of his father again, but as long as the words came from Kira, he didn't mind. No insult from him hurt, they were all lovely to hear. Kira knew this, so in situations when their relationship had become tuf to handle or they had been fighting, he would say some harsh words, not to hurt Athrun, but to tell him how much he meant to him, Athrun doing the same. Now when the tired one in front of him rubbed his eyes, trying to say something upsetting he was just being to cute and Athrun could not help himself, but pulled him into his arms, higging him tightly.
He didn't speak, nether did Kira. There were no need for words, this was something that just happened some times and there was no need commenting it or making fun of it, after all, it was something they both desperately needed. So he stood there, Athrun Zala, with his arms around the slimmed body of his childhood friend, Kira Yamato, three am, one cold night in the middle of winter, embracing him with all the warmth he could give.
"Good night, Kira" he said, his voice sounding weaker than planned but he didn't really care. He could feel Kira's body shift underneath him, but the other one did not pull away, he was just smiling, hugging tighter.
"Good night, Athrun"
It took them time before they parted. All images of the war, their friendship and their happiness going through Athrun's mind as he held him close like that. He liked those spontaneous times, when he had the chance to have Kira for himself, not chairing him with any one else. When they eventually parted, it was mostly because Kira was being to comfortable, almost falling asleep against Athrun's strong shoulder. As the brown haired boy walked into the darkness of his room, Athrun watched him, making sure he made it to the bed before closing the door after his friend.
"Kira..." he whispered once again, smiling. "See you tomorrow....right?"
"Yes... Athrun" the weak responce of the almost sleeping Kira came from between the cheets. "...miss you till then..."
"I'll miss you too... Kira"
The way back to his empty room seemed even longer now that he knew he would not see Kira at the end of it and no matter how many steps he took, the room seemed to be just as far away as it was ten steps back. A couple of times he even thought of going back to Kira's room, if it was to just hear the boy breath to make sure he was still alive of the fact that Kira was the one person closest to him on this ship, he didn't know. But in the end he kept on walking until he finally reached his door and opened it, regretting once again that he did not turn back to Kira, now that the empty darkness hit him like a punch in his face.
"Damn..." he said as a disscouraged smile reached his lips, feeling his headache starting to take over his mind again, longing for those gentle hands to hold him... like they had done that time...
He sank down on his bed, not minding to take of hos uniform, to tired to even brush his teeth, still he couldn't sleep as he finaly put his head to rest on his pillow. He thought of Cagalli, Kira's sister, how she was falling for him and every one could see it. He liked her too but... Then he thought of Dearka, Nicol, Rusty... even Izak. He turned to his side and sighed, trying to force sleep to come even though his thoughts only grew stronger. They had all depended on him, every one had depended on him in this war and still... when it came to Kira, he had always come first on the list of people. Even though his childhood friend did not often speak of his need to be held, to be comforted, Athrun knew all to well how it felt... to fight the strong feelings of love and friendship towards another person, to fight the tears... at the same time as you're trying to kill that very person... with your bare hands.
"Kira..." he tried to say, but his voice was already trembling. Even though there had passed months now since the last time they had had to fight each other, the pain and chock had not left him and every time he was about to sleep, his anxiety returned... he missed him, for real, like as if they had not seen each other for years. His eyes were filled with salty tears as his mind finally found peace round five am... though, then he knew he would only be able to sleep for about maybe an hour or two... if he could stay away from the nightmares.
"Kira! Come on you're being slow again!" Cagalli shouted as she pounded with her fist on her brother's bedroom door. The ship was awake since long and Andy had already tried waking the boy but with no success. Now his sister had some how gotten the idea into her mind that she was the only one who could wake him, which meant she had made the rest of the crew walk up as well with he shouting and pounding.
"Cagalli-san" a sweet voice said, low enough so that it would not reach the sleeping "child" inside the locked room.
"Capten Ramius!"
"Listen" their capten smiled as Cagalli and Lacus looked up at her in surprice. "Kira-kun did not return to his room until around three again" to the womans surprised expresions she added: "Athrun told me this morning, so please, let him rest, we can manage right now without him, can't we?"
"Yes Captain!" Cagalli anwered, now blushing at how childish she must have sounded.
The young captain smiled and led the girls away from the door, knowing that Kira probably was still sleeping, he had even slept through a battle once, so there was no real need to worry. Only the most ergent sounds, like calls for help would wake him she thought, smiling.
"Oh, Captain Ramius?" Cagalli smiled after they had reached the cafeteria. "Did you say you have spoken to Athrun? He is awake?"
"Well yes, unlike your brother, Athrun is easily woken by shouts and noises" the older woman teased, making Lacus giggle and causing Cagalli to flush once again, but this time without a word. Their captain smiled and they sat down for something to eat. Only minutes later, Cagalli left to go see the young man of her dreams... Well maybe she hadn't really been dreaming about any one and when we on the subject, the first man she had ever fallen for had turned out to be her twin brother. She hadn't really had time to think in-between that and starting to fall for Athrun so you could say her love "affairs" were still a little messed up. But still her cheeks blushed red as a rose when she made her way towards the Gundams where she would almost certainly find the handsome boy.
As she passed the corridor where Athrun slept every night, ever since he had arrived some weeks earlier, she didn't even think about it, just passing it with selfconcious steps. But as soon as she had passed, a door was swung opened behind her. She, however, was so focused on what she would say to him when she saw him, she didn't even hear the boy she was thinking about heading the opposite way.
Athrun didn't see her ether, so it was not like he was avoiding the blond woman, but since nether of them paid attention to what was happening around them, Athrun made his way towards the cafeteria and Cagalli kept on towards the storage.
Athrun was fighting a bad headache that morning, ever since he had woken up from his world of nightmares, the pounding of his head had made him unable to concentrate and he hoped now, after resting for about an hour, that something to drink and eat might help him to get rid of it all. As he walked into the eating aria however, he straightened his back and inclined his head as a greeting towards the captain and Lacus, he hadn't told them about his head, so why look like a total mess and scare them. He was always composed around others, there was no point in showing emotions at the time of war...
"Athrun, good morning" the pink haired woman smiled, that kind of shining smile that would make all PLANT fall for her. He smiled, wondering quietly what would have happened if he and Lacus had actually gotten married, then he shook the thought away, if they would have gotten married it would have meant that his father would be still alive and ZAFT would have destroyed earth... where they were stationed right now. Such weird thoughts really didn't help his headache.
"Morning Lacus" He smiled instead and took out something to drink, closing his eyes as the cold liquid cleared his thoughts a little. "So, did Cagalli manage to wake the sleeping prince?" Lacus giggled and even the captain smiled and had to wait until she had calmed so that she would drink from her glass while Lacus shook he head.
"No, unfortunately, every one but he woke up, so captain Ramius had her silenced"
"Lacus-san!" the captain said with a raised eyebrow, while Athrun smiled. "You make it sound as if I have killed her, and I have definitely not!" she added as Athrun headed for the door.
"I'm sorry Murrue-san" Lacus giggled.
"Don't you worry, captain" Athrun assured her. "I would never think that. I'll go and try to wake Kira, after all I think I might be the one who knows him the best around here."
"you are probably right Athrun" the captain, being in a cheerful mood then added "That will be your first mission of the day"
"Yes, captain Ramius" he said while faking a salute before leaving the room. He could hear both of them giggle behind him. What was happening to this crew? First he wakes up to a brither and sister "quarrel" then his commanding officers giggle behind his back? Was it really juice in their glasses?
As he reached the door he knocked softly, not with any force but almost with gentleness of a caressing finger. He wanted to go inside, wanted to make sure his only family was okay, that Kira was really there. He wouldn't admitt it to himself, that he was thinking like that. He knew, not to long ago, both him and Kira had been fighting each other on life or death levle, but still... Even though he knew he shoul not make stupid bonds with people, because they could be lost at a heartbeat, he couldn't think like that around Kira. He had to miss him, talk to him, confide in him. Kira made hom feel both safe and insecure. He wanted to protect him, even though he knew Kira wanted to protect every one, well then Athrun had to protect Kira so that he could do that. Kira was the only family he had, and he did not want to give that up, even though he had gone back to ZAFT, even though he should not care this much... he did. Because he had to, otherwise, he wouldn't survive.
"Kira..." he whispered, his ears listening for every little sound from inside the room. "It's me... Athrun. The witch has gone now... so please open the door and let me inside, I want to see you."
At first no sound came and Athrun was just about to knock again when the door suddenly clicked and glided opened, showing him the dusk of the bedroom inside. He smiled and took some steps into the room, seeing the pile on the bed, knowing that Kira must have opened the door from the controls beside his pillow. He sighed and walked over to the bed, smiling more as he saw a naked leg and an arm stick out from underneath the thin blanket.
"Hey Kira" he said, slowly sinking down on the side of the bed. "...Are you okay?" He didn't get any answer, at least not an answer with words but the boy under the sheets slowly pulled it of his head and looked up at him with eyes filled with sleepiness. Athrun couldn't help himself as the smile only grew. The cuteness was overwhelming him with emotions, making him warm, just like back then...
"mm~mornin..." came Kira's morning voice but even before Athrun had time to say another word he felt those slender fingers close themselves around his wrist, then how Kira pulled his arm in such a way he had to follow the movement with his entire body, ending up once more with his arms around Kira's body. His chock was complete as he felt Kira snuggle up against him, his body fitting like a glove against his own, Kira's sleepy warmth warming him from the outside and in, making his headache disappear in an instant.
But there weren't any answers to wait for. The young man in his arms was already sleeping, close to his chest, his breath tickling his chest where his swatter did not cover his skin. Athrun shivered, goosebumps all over his body. He had thought this would never happen again, lying next to Kira in a bed that wasn't his own, with the boy sleeping so close... but now that he felt him once again against his chest, he realized... he had missed it.
Oh my oh my ;O what will happen? Kira hugged him! But why? And what will happen when he wakes up? And how come Athrun is thinking back at "that time.."?! what does that mean? And what will happen... if Cagalli finds out about what her "love" is doing in bed with her brother ;)
Keep reading and find out! :D and please review! I need to know if I should continue this story or not x3
see ya!