Yeah, I wrote more! I'm not sure how I feel about these yet. Thank you so much for your feedback and reviews! I didn't think anyone would read these, haha. I'll keep writing more, so if you have any requests or suggestions that I could focus on, feel free to mention them! I'm open to just about anything!

1. "(Can't Get My) Head Around You" – The Offspring

The first time Kirk saw Spock was during his orientation to Starfleet. He had been a pointy-eared bastard even then, and quite frankly Kirk wanted nothing to do with him. But it seemed that Spock could not be avoided – he saw him nearly everywhere it went. Figures that he would be the one to take him to trial.

2. "Kiss The Girl" – The Little Mermaid

George watched the blonde woman from his seat. He supposed that on some level it was kind of creepy, but she was pretty and his old girlfriend had just dumped him and oh shit she was coming over. He quickly swallowed and took a long sip of his drink as she sat on the stool beside him.

"So," she began casually, a knowing smirk teasing her lips. "Starfleet, huh?"

"Yeah," he said, turning to give her his full attention. "Third year." He paused. "Uh, I'm George. George Kirk." He held out a hand for her to shake, grinning for the first time in what felt like years.


3. "What Do You Do" – Papa Roach

Kirk had always been impressed with Bones. It wasn't that he had taken his divorce in stride, that he'd faced his fears and joined Starfleet. No, Kirk always found himself in awe of McCoy's ability to deal. It was no easy task being Chief Medical Officer, especially in the heat of battle when there were more Ensigns to care for than there were beds in the sickbay, when he had to risk his own life to save the lives of others – when he had to choose who would live and who would die, because sometimes there just wasn't enough time, not enough resources to save everyone.

And somehow even Bones managed to be okay.

Maybe that was why he drank, maybe that was why he was always so cranky and so pushy. But if that's what it took to cope, Kirk was okay with it, even if it meant taking one too many hyposprays to the neck.

4. "Landing in London" – 3 Doors Down

He had been prisoner for three days, nine hours, and forty-seven minutes.

Forty-eight minutes.

Forty-nine minutes.

Briefly, he wondered how long they would persist in hitting him before they realized such a course of action was fruitless and therefore illogical. Plus, it really, really hurt. It had been a routine mission on a planet the Federation had believed to be uninhabited. They were collecting samples of the local plant life when Spock had discovered just how mistaken the Federation had been. He wished it had been under better circumstances.

Spock found that the more he focused on the Enterprise and its crew, the easier the pain was to bear.

5. "I'd Come For You" – Nickelback

Sulu's mouth was pulled into a thin line, doing his very best to keep his breakfast in his stomach. The sight of blood never made him queasy, but usually he wasn't looking at the blood of his best friend, dripping over the edge of his bed in the sickbay as McCoy scrambled to save his life. Somehow, Sulu felt that this whole mess was his fault.

He hadn't meant what he said – that Chekov was nothing more than an annoying child and didn't belong on the Enterprise if he was only going to make a fool of himself and couldn't be serious. Because Chekov wasn't annoying, most of the time, he was smarter than hell, and he was a kid and entitled to act like that on ocassion.

If Sulu had only been there, he could have done something. Stopped it. Saved him. Something.

6. "Ladies' Choice" – Hairspray

Spock resisted the urge to sigh as Jim bounced to the nearest female, his demeanor changing before his very eyes. It was sometimes quite exasperating to watch his Captain flirt with every alien woman, even while they were on diplomatic missions. Or scientific missions. Or any mission. Uhura had assured Spock that it was natural behavior, especially for Jim, but if he did not have control of his emotions, he was sure he would be quite annoyed.

Jim watched the alien girl walk away and returned to his first officer with a bounce in his step. He eyed Spock a moment before a sly smirk tugged at his lips.

"Jealous, Spock?"

His first officer decided it was as good of time as any to fall deaf.

7. "Beat It" – Fall Out Boy (cover)

Kirk had not thrown the first punch, but he had certainly thrown the second. What had started as a simple shore leave bar brawl had turned into a full-out war. He could not remember what planet they were on – hell, he couldn't even remember which quadrant of the galaxy they were in, or why the fight had started at all. What he did know was that he was not going to lose, and that, if given the chance, Uhura could kick ass.

He ducked a kick and punched someone in the stomach, only to be elbowed from behind. Kirk turned to face the offender, but the alien had disappeared and Spock stood in his place; had he not known any better, he could have sworn the Vulcan was fuming.

"I request that you refrain from assaulting the Captain."

8. "Scream" – HSM3

The stars seemed especially distant, twinkling indifferently against a wild expanse of black. Vulcan was gone, as was his mother, though not without the sincerest effort to save them both. It did not seem to matter that he had control of his emotions – they bubbled to the surface, regardless, and he felt consumed by rage and sorrow. What was he supposed to do without his home, without the one person who had understood him… who had loved him?

Spock screamed.

9. "Side of a Bullet" – Nickelback

"You've made your last mistake."

"Jim, lower the phaser before you kill somebody."

"You didn't hear me. You've made your last mistake. And don't call me Jim."

"All right… Captain, lower your phaser before I call security."

"There won't be time for that, I'm afraid."

The man crumpled to the ground, dead. Jim's phaser slipped from his fingers and landed on the body, which he promptly stepped over as he left the room. He had just killed a man. Mostly likely he would be arrested within the hour, but somehow Jim didn't care. A sweet sort of vengeance swelled up inside him – it didn't matter what happened next. The rest of his crew was dead and he had gotten his revenge. There was nothing left.

10. "Citizen Soldier" – 3 Doors Down

It was always nice to go somewhere where the people hadn't heard of them, where they did not expect them to be exceptional in every meaning of the word. Not that they slacked on their duties – Kirk made sure that hid crew, including himself, always performed to the best of their abilities. But there was something almost thrilling about blending in with the people of an alien planet, no matter how alien they might seem themselves. There was something about being an ordinary person and doing ordinary things that made the universe seem just a bit smaller, just a bit less lonely.

And when danger did strike, they were reader, phasers set on kill and determination heavy in their eyes. They would protect whatever people they had adopted for that particular mission, no matter the cost.