As much as Bobby was enjoying the kiss and the sensation of Alex straddling his lap, the very core of her pressed up against his rapidly growing manhood, he pulled back and gently broke the kiss. He cradled her face in his hands gently stroking her cheeks with his thumbs.

"Alex...Alex, please be sure."

"Believe me Bobby, I will kick your ass if you do it again."

Bobby leaned forward and dropped his forehead on her shoulder. "You're killing me here Alex"

She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Wrapping her arms around him she stroked his back. "I have a secret. Do you want to hear it?"

"You can always trust me with your secrets" he replied as he started nibbling on her neck. Alex moaned and tipped her head to give him better access. "What's your secret Baby?"

"Later" she gasped.

Bobby stood up and Alex's legs wrapped around his hips. "Out here or in the bedroom?" He asked huskily.


When they got into the bedroom Alex unwrapped her legs and slid to the floor. Bobby leaned down and scooped her up and laid her on the bed. He joined her on the bed and reached out to trace her face lightly with his fingertips. "I have to know Alex. Are you sure about this?"

She reached up and gently pulled his face down close to hers and looked deeply into his eyes making sure he could see the truth in hers. "I have never been more sure about anything. I want you Bobby. I want this."

A thought occurred to him. "I didn't come prepared. I don't have anything with me."

"It's OK I'm on the pill. Now can we quit talking."

Bobby laughed and then proceeded to put his mouth to better uses than talking.

Alex slipped from the bed quietly so that she didn't wake Bobby yet. After putting on her robe, she went to change the load in the washing machine. When she came back she was carrying two cold cans of Diet Coke. Now she was ready to wake him up. Alex lightly walked around to the far side of the bed and gently lifted the sheet. One of the cans of pop was only about an inch away from Bobby's bare back when he casually stated. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Alex jumped up and back. A hand flew up to her chest causing her to drop one of the pops on the floor. Luckily it wasn't opened yet. "Darn it Goren! You about gave me a heart attack."

Bobby rolled over and swung his legs off the bed as he sat up. "Oh? And that cold can on my back wouldn't have done the same to me?" He stood up and started towards her but Alex was backing her way out of the bedroom.

"Now Bobby, that was different." She said laughing.

"Different?" He asked as he continued to stalk her. "How?"

"It just is." Alex had reached the doorway and turned to run but Bobby lunged and with his longer legs and arms managed to grab her around the waist before she could escape. He proceeded to search her for ticklish spots.

"Stop...Please" She begged.

"On one condition."


"What was the secret?"

"OK, I'll tell you if you promise to stop tickling me."

Bobby stopped the torment and stepped back but he still had a grin on his face. Alex turned around and held up a finger to ask for a minute to catch her breath. Once she was back in control she took Bobby's hand and led him over to the bed. She wanted him to sit so that she could more easily look into his eyes. Once he was sitting she reached her hand out and caressed his face with the ever present stubble. It always amazed her. He could be freshly shaved in the morning and by noon you couldn't tell. Bobby reached out and pulled her to him so that she stood between his legs.

"The secret is..."


"I Love You"

"I'm glad. I Love You too." They spent the next several minutes wrapped around each other letting their love surround them.

"Actually there is something else I should tell you." Alex said without moving her head from Bobby's shoulder. "The wedding picture of me and Joe that was on my dresser..."

"Yeah, what about it?" Bobby replied in a quiet voice. He hoped his voice conveyed the fact that whatever she had to say was fine with him.

"In all the years since Joe died, it has always been on the dresser. Even when I had a boyfriend, it stayed there. More than one of them actually broke up with me because I refused to put is somewhere else."

Bobby figured she was trying to tell him not to expect it to be moved now either. "It's fine, I don't..."

Alex leaned back and put a finger to his lips. "It's not there now."

"It's not?" He looked over and sure enough the picture was gone. In its place was a picture of Bobby and Nathan that was taken at a family picnic she had talked him into going to. He remembered that, that picture had been on the bookshelf in the living room. When he looked back at her, Alex continued.

"I wrapped it up and put it in my memories box on the shelf of the closet."

Bobby had no words to describe how he was feeling so he decided to show her. He lifted Alex up, laid them back on the bed and the showed her exactly how much he loved her.
