Disclaimer: I do not own The Sisters Grimm nor any of the characters. I just love Puckbrina. Please have pity, it's my first Sisters Grimm fanfiction. Please review.
But if I did own them, this would be in the last book and Mirror would not be the Master. YOU TRAITOR!!!
But I can't change the fact that he betrayed them so he's most likely gonna be included in this fanfic. Grr...


1. Snakes in the Rain

Things I'll Never Say ~ Avril Lavigne


Sabrina's point of view...

Plip, plop, plip, plop.

I stand in the pouring rain pondering thoughts of never-ending worry and doubt. Why in the world does everything have to be so complicated?

I know I loved him, I know I went as far as saying I truly cared about him. I even began having doubtful thoughts about myself not being good enough for him. Heck, he was the reason I got up every morning, the one whose mere presence filled my overbearing mind, the only living person I had left to trust after the Scarlet Hand took everyone away from me so long ago.

But can I even trust him anymore?

"'Brina, you okay?" asks the golden boy affront me, calling me by that childish nickname he never seems to tire of.

As I look up into his piercing green eyes, full of worry and care, I lose myself again. I get so entranced that nearly forget to answer. I curse myself many a day for the effect he has on me with a mere look, making me feel as if I can do anything.

"I'm fine," I say, looking away from his quite concerned face. Before I do, however, I see him nervously bite his lower lip in response to my whole body turning away from him. Who in their right mind could resist as angelic a face as that?!

"Puck, just leave it alone, would you?" Unmistakable pain leakes from my unexpected demand.

How many cold nights am I to spend alone, facing an empty armchair with only tears and a scratchy blanket for comfort? He's stayed away far too long. After we finally defeated the Scarlet Hand, dad decided he's had enough of Ferryport Landing and we all moved back to New York. But the boy before me now didn't even bother to call, to send me a message of sorts, or even drop by for a visit!

What was I to think? He may have been hurt! He may have died in agony, shame, or even loyalty! Or he may have forgotten all about me and decided to move on! Who knows what could have happened? And I, as usual, was left in the dark for years on end!

"'Brina, you know I had no choice! My mother took me away as well, as soon as she heard what happened! You know she never wanted us together to begin with! She heard that Henry took you, Marshmellow, Andy, and Veronica back home and since Faery is basically right down the block, my deranged mother took away my flute so I couldn't call my pixies and sent me and a few escort fairies to Baghdad, Asia! Asia, 'Brina! How in the world could I contact you from there? It's practically halfway across the world! And there's barely any civilization at all in Baghdad!"

"..." I speechlessly look up towards the weeping heavens. At least they know how I feel; miserable, left out, abandoned, unloved, forgotten only to be told otherwise after how many long years? The dark, ominously grim skies break apart every few seconds or so; cries escaping the grey, dingy clouds. Flashes of thunder lash out as we both stand underneath an abandoned built-in umbrella on the wet grass of Central Park. A few buildings can be seen just a few yards off, lost in the fog of rain.

We had arranged to meet here after so many long years of missing one another. The problem is, I don't know why I came when it is so obviously clear that I would be let down once again.

The rain poured around me, washing away the dirt of the world. Too bad it can't wash out my heart.

"'Brina, you know I still love you, right? I couldn't stop thinking about you, even when so many village girls kept flirting with me and inviting me over. Though I can see why; I'm absolutely gorgeous!" Hearing the old usual boasting, I can't help but laugh a little.

Proud of his work, the golden boy continues.

"Every time I saw one smile, it would remind me of your rosy lips curved in a smile, showing your dazzling white teeth that used to knock my heart out - and it still does, when you choose to let your emotions show and not cloud them in fear."

"Go on," says I, liking this new flattering Puck personality more than the one who used to pull pranks on me practically ever morning.

With a knowing smile, he continues.

"And every time I saw a girl flip her hair, looking at the water's reflection, it always brought me back to when you used to do that; when your hair shined like nuggets of gold in the sunlight... I still remember our first kiss, even if you say it never counted. How you looked absolutely speechless with surprise then nearly knocked the wind out of me! Do you remember? Really, 'Brina. I've never ever stopped loving you, even for a second! You've got my heart! Sabrina Grimm, my very soul is yours! I'll love you till pigs fly - Wait, pigs do fly. Then I'll love you even if Marshmellow goes goth and Henry admits to being a two-faced frog with an appetite of a bull!... The question is, will you?"

I look to my right only to see another empty space he left. A sharp feeling of panic pierces my heart, my very soul. It leaves me empty and chilled, like the heavens themselves had condemned and abandoned me. The rain continued to fall all around me, no longer washing or cleansing. It's as if the heavens were weeping.

And the next thing I know, I'm running after him like the fool that I am, sobbing and crying out his name.

"Puck! Wait!"

As he hears my pattering footsteps in the puddles, he turns around and suddenly we're both standing practically an inch apart, under a very hard downpour of August rain. I look deep in his bright, intense green eyes, take a deep breath to steady myself, and speak the truth, straight from my heart, the truth I've kept hidden for four long years.

"I do love you, Puck. I never have stopped, never. Even when I thought you had left me forever. Listen to me, I sound like a sappy musical!" I laugh at the mere thought. "But still, you don't know how much I missed you, how much I've loved you - "

But a gentle yet firm finger on my lips silences me, and he says, "Don't I?"

And the next thing I know, the single inch between us is gone and his lips are glued to mine in a long kiss. And who am I to object?

His arms crush crush me to him, one hand at my back, the other encircling my waist, and I pull him closer still with my arms around his shoulders.

The hand at my waist pulls me even closer until we are as entwined as two snakes in the rain. His lips catch mine once again, his sweet taste on my tongue, sending tingles down my spine. His luscious smell of peppermint and pine engulf me and I swallow him in, drunk beyond all reason. His soft lips massage mine in a fairly heavenly way that makes me think of summer nights filled with joy and peace, as my hands roam his soft, golden curls.

I nearly cry out in surprise as his lips suddenly leave mine and trace soft kisses down my neck. With each one he proclaims his love, sending shivers down my spine, and each is one is more stronger the bond than the next.

The next second his lips are on mine again and he whispers it one more time against the kiss while I nearly pull at his soaken curls.

Neither of us cares that anyone could see us. Neither of us care that we're both soaking wet. Both his hands at my waist, both my hands in his hair, the rain resumes it's celebration of two conjoined souls.

After a while, he breaks away and rests his forehead against mine, the usual mischievous grin I haven't seen in months etched against his angelic face. I assume I mirror his expression, for his grin - if possible - grows even wider. I spy a twinkle in his eye, and suddenly he's picked me up, thrown me over his shoulder, and we're both rushing through the rain while laughing like fools.

Pouring rain washes away past tears, leaving only joy in our hearts. Rings of our laughter rise over the loud pitter-patter, thru the thick, gloomy fog.

And still, the magic of musical droplets descend softly from the heavens above, cascading over us, the two most ecstatic and content beings in the world - Everafters or not.

Thanx for reading!

And please have mercy! Tis my first lovey-dovey one-shot.

So what if it's a bit corny? And was way too OOC?

Please tell me what you think in a review, if you have the time.

I'll have the next chapter up soon.

Remember to review.

-Lyla =P