Fun Chap: Bloopers

Chapter 1

Yuri tosses Greta who was caught by Conrad and...

Conrad: WHOA!

...falls on the other side of the horse.

Greta: (screams)

Conrad lands on his back with Greta on top of him. Yuri and Wolfram runs and trip each other and landing on top of Conrad who quickly got Greta out of the way.

Yuri: (groan) WOLF GER'OFF ME!

Conrad: (Turning blue) Can't... breathe...

Wolfram: QUIT KICKING (accidentally hits Conrad's jaw)

Conrad: For God's sake, SHUT UP AND GET OFF ME!


Wolfram: Are you sure about this?

Yuri: All I know is that he'll protect her and Gwendal's wearing a tutu.

Wolfram: What?

Yuri: (realising what he said, winced) Okay, okay who changed the cue card?


Wolfram: Are you sure about this?

Yuri: All I know is that he'll protest her- protect her

Yuri made a gagging sound as he and Wolfram fell into gales of laughter


Wolfram: Are you pure about this?

Yuri: All I- hey, wait! pure?

Wolfram bashed his head against a stone wall.


Wolfram: Are you pure.. cure! shore! sure! GRRRR!

Yuri: (Whistle) tongue twister...


Wolfram: Are you sure about this?

Yuri: All I know is that I'm with... Elizabeth's child?

Wolfram: YURI!

Wolfram started choking Yuri

Wolfram: (shout) YOU CHEATER!

Yuri: (choking) Wolf, I'm not pregnant!


Somewhere backstage, Yosak muffled his laughter



Conrad made a disparaging noise, his eyes bug eyed in pain. Greta turned and winced when she saw an arrow sticking out of Conrad's rear.



The arrow went towards the tree, missing Yosak by inches. Yosak was sweating bullets as he stared at the arrow.


Crossbowman: Sorry!


Conrad: (whispered) Greta, I need to pee...

Greta: Why didn't you pee before before we...

Yosak: (snickered in the tree)

Conrad: (shaking his fist towards the tree) YOU'RE SO DEAD, GURRIER!


Conrad and Greta admiring view of flowers, Conrad's face was rather purple a strange noise came from Greta...

Conrad: (grinning, groan) oh, Greta...

Greta: (Giggle) I can't help it.


Horse went off as Conrad adjusted the straps.

Conrad: WHOA!



Conrad: Can I trust you with Gwendal's tutu?

Olbaid: My honour as a- (realising what Conrad said) what does his Excellency's tutu have to do with this scene?

Conrad & Gwendal: YOSAK!

Chapter 3

Yosak: He should be fine with your underwear...

Gwendal: (narrowed his eyes)Pervert.

Yosak: Nani? I followed the cue-CONRART!

Conrad's back stage laughing to himself thinking, "Sweet revenge!"

Chapter 4

Yuri slipped as he ran towards Greta, arms flaying and hit face first into the stone wall.

Gwendal: (holding horse strap, flinch) Ouch...


In the meeting room, Yuri had a weird look on his face as Greta shook in his arms, his cheeks reddened then he burst out laughing.

Yuri: Greta!

Greta: (giggling) I'm sorry Papa!

Gwendal: (laughing, put his hand over the camera) CUT! CUT! CUT!


Gunter gripped the table for support and slipped hitting his head on the edge.

Gunter: (moan) Ow...


Yosak: And they left (snort) Gwendal's tutu, and Gunter's th-thong (snicker)... (Gwendal and Gunter's eyebrows were twitching) CONRART! (fell into guffaws)

Gwendal & Gunter: CONRART WELLER!!!

Chapter 5

As crucifixion faced downwards Conrad fell face first. Did not move...

Olbaid: (poking Conrad) Oi, still alive?

Conrad: Barely...

Chapter 6

Gwendal clasped his hands. Yuri red in the face, trying not to laugh.

Gwendal: (sigh)

Yuri fell into gales of laughter


Chapter 7

Conrad landed on head first on the ground from crucifixion

Conrad: (rubbing sore head and glaring at fairy sized Shinou) What was that for?

Shinou: (grin) Couldn't resist.

Conrad: That wasn't funny, Shinou...

Shinou: (shrug) You and Yosak aren't the only pranksters.

Chapter 8

Yosak jumped up a branch, slipped and landed on his behind. The dagger fell blade first on his tunic. Missing his you-know-what by inches. Yosak paled and started sweating.


Gunter: Why are you so determined to go heretic and shave your head?

Gwendal: (eyebrow twitching) Did you realise what you just said?

Gunter: (reddening) Nani? I was only following the scr-

Gwendal & Gunter: CONRART!

Chapter 9

Conrad: Never!


Conrad: (frown) Maoh Manju?

Olbaid: How did you guess?

Conrad: Same effect on Wolfram. (Dodges a ball of fire from Wolfram)

Chapter 10

Gwendal in fighting stance with a stupefied look on his face while Olbaid running around with his butt on fire, screaming, "LOST CONTROL! LOST CONTROL! LOST CONTROL!"

Chapter 11

Horse moved out of the way as Gwendal lay Conrad down making Conrad's head land on the stone floor.

Conrad: (sitting up and rubbing the back of his head) Ow...

Gwendal: That's what you get for playing pranks.

Conrad: Shut up...

Chapter 12

Wolfram slipped from Yuri's arms and hit his head between Yuri's feet.

Wolfram: OW! (looks up) You got a hole in your pants.

Yuri: (jumping) GYAAH!


Murata: This was not you tooing... pooing! Doing! (gagging)

Shinou laughed.


Murata: This isn't...

Sounds heard from backstage.


Murata: I believe we've captured one of the pranksters.

Chapter 13

Wolfram: I just...

Conrad was trying not to laugh...

Wolfram: Conrad! (fell into laughter as well) Now look what you did!

Conrad: I know, I know (laughing) I can't help it!

Gwendal: (Cracking his knuckles) Perhaps we should really knock you out.

Chapter 14

Yuri: Gyaah! (Landed on the bed)

Soup all over the place, bowl on Conrad's head.

Conrad: Hey... (tasting the soup) Mmm... pumpkin.


Conrad: Zang oo

Yuri: What?

Conrad: Zang oo

Yuri: Have you been drinking?

Conrad: (laugh) No, couldn't resist!

Yuri: (laugh) You really are a prankster!


Gwendal comes into view

Gwendal: All right, I demand to know who's idea it was to SAY THAT I HAVE A TUTU?!

Conrad: (laughing) I wouldn't worry about it Gwen, after all you're the hero.

Gwendal smirked and puts Conrad on headlock, and pulls Yosak in as well

Gwendal: If I ever find out who did it...

Conrad: (chocking) Aw come on, Gwen....

Yosak: (gasping) Can't you take a joke?

Gwendal lets go of the pranksters

Yuri: Well, all's well ends well.

Greta jumps into his arms

Greta: You said it Papa.

Wolfram: Think there's going to be a sequel?

Yuri: Maybe, can't let reviewers think it's the end.

Wolfram: You mean it's not?

Shinou: Wolfram, Wolfram, Wolfram, in KKM, (jabbing his thumb towards Conrad) Conrad always stands up again. Let's keep it that way. He is the Maoh's godfather after all.

Wolfram: Fine, but I'm rescuing him next time!

Shinou: Spoken like a true brother.

Yuri: So what shall we call the sequel?

Gwendal: What else? 'To Hold the Sword Again'.

Yuri: That sounds reasonable.

Greta: (waving Goodbye) Till next time!

Author's note: Well loyal readers until then! Thank you for reading!