Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Summary: When Woo Bin asks Ga Eul for help with 'emergency measure' date, how come Yi Jeong is the one who ends up going out with her? A little story about how Casanova manages to wrangle his second 'pretend' date with Ga Eul.



The three of them sat glumly on the couches, deep in their thoughts. This time it was bad; Jun Pyo had screwed up royally and now there was an unwanted and enthusiastic fiancée to boot. Plus, nothing on earth would induce Jan Di to meet with Jun Pyo again. Well, there was one person but by the looks of it, Ji Hoo had sworn off helping the two. Sometimes, Yi Jeong wondered if it was because Ji Hoo had finally cracked, had finally decided that enough was enough and that he was going to make his move on Jan Di.

"And who would blame him?" Yi Jeong thought silently even as his eyes slid to the girl seated near him. Ga Eul looked lost in thought, unaware of his gaze. Instead of balking at the request for her help, as she had initially with him, she had docilely showed up when Woo Bin had called. Looks like she still believed what he had told her, that it was better for Jan Di and Jun Pyo to have it out properly instead of letting their relationship die a silent death. Either that or Woo Bin's charmingly worded request had worked its usual magic.

Yi Jeong turned his eyes away from Ga Eul, unwilling to believe the latter and irritated that he was even thinking like this. Jun Pyo's situation must have affected him more than he thought. In spite of his anger at the way Jun Pyo had treated Jan Di, here he was trying to fix the mess his pabol friend had created. Why did he even bother anyway?

Ga Eul flicked her eyes away when she saw Yi Jeong move. She could NOT let him catch her staring at him like some lovesick puppy. Instead, she focused on the table. Why was Yi Jeong even here, she wondered somewhat resentfully. On some level, she understood: he was Jun Pyo's best friend and was obliged to help. And yet, he was so cynical about love so wasn't he acting against his beliefs by trying to help fix this romance?

"Pabol, don't bother trying to solve that puzzle. You'd better think of something quickly. The sooner the better," Ga Eul scolded herself silently. It was uncomfortable being so close to Yi Jeong sometimes. It was like having a gourmet meal placed in front of her. She could see the textures, smell the wonderful aroma but was forbidden to eat even though she was starving. "Not that I want to eat him." Before she could stop herself, she glanced up at him, her gaze sliding down to his mouth. For a boy he had beautiful lips.

"Ga Eul ah?" Woo Bin's voice broke her reverie, causing her to jump slightly. "Any ideas?"

Oh crap! Had he seen her staring at Yi Jeong? Cringing inwardly as she felt heat rise to her face, Ga Eul fought the urge to clap her hands over her cheeks. "N-no Woo Bin sunbae. I'm sorry."

The lighting was dim but Yi Jeong noticed Ga Eul's reaction to Woo Bin all too clearly. Her face was red, she responded far too quickly to Woo Bin's voice for Yi Jeong's liking and she sounded suspiciously breathless. No way, not Ga Eul and Woo Bin. It couldn't be. After all, Ga Eul liked him. She hardly even saw Woo Bin.

Sighing loudly, Woo Bin rose to his feet and started pacing. Suddenly, he stopped and a gleam came into his eyes. Yi Jeong felt relieved. That meant that Woo Bin had an idea. Great, this meeting would finally end and he could send Ga Eul home. It was late and although he was a playboy, he was also a gentleman and he couldn't let her go back alone at this hour. Plus, Woo Bin would need time to execute whatever plan he had hatched. It all made perfect sense for him to send Ga Eul back.

"I think it is time for emergency measures."

"Emergency measures?" Ga Eul echoed, sounding puzzled.

"We need to get those two dorks together."

Yi Jeong was about to quip that truer words had never been spoken when the words died in his mouth. Before he could do anything, Woo Bin had smoothly sat himself down beside Ga Eul and picked up her hand, holding it to his heart.

Woo Bin had to hold in his laughter when he saw Yi Jeong's eyes widen and then narrow in what could only be described as a glare. Casanova was positively grim-faced. Unfortunately, Ga Eul missed it all as she was staring open mouthed at Woo Bin. She tugged on her hand gently, trying to take it back without embarrassing him, like the good girl she was, but Woo Bin held firm.

"Woo Bin sunbae, let go!" Ga Eul squealed inwardly. Unfortunately, the astonished alarm in her eyes was lost on him. The man just wouldn't release her. "Sunbae…" She glanced back at Yi Jeong but to her disappointment, he was just looking away, an expression of disinterest on his face.

"Ga Eul ah, I need your help," Woo Bin declared dramatically, gazing deeply into Ga Eul's rather pretty eyes. "I want to date you."

"Ah?" she gasped.

"How on earth is that an emergency measure?" Yi Jeong's response came a nanosecond faster than Woo Bin anticipated it would. Although he was in perfect control of his expression and voice, Yi Jeong was still unable to fully hide the steely glint in his eyes. To Ga Eul it was nothing but to Woo Bin, it meant that Yi Jeong was at the end of his patience.

Chuckling, Woo Bin released Ga Eul who snatched her hand back into her lap. By now, her face was beet red and she couldn't quite look him in the eye. Yi Jeong sure knew how to pick them. Though not like the usual supermodel types they dated, Ga Eul was adorable in her own way. "Well, you and I are the playboys of F4. Knowing Geum Jan Di, she would completely panic and freak out if Ga Eul were to date one of us."

Ah, the penny dropped. "So if we tell Ji Hoo not to play knight in shining armour, Geum Jan Di would have to—"

"Ask Jun Pyo sunbae for help," Ga Eul finished Yi Jeong's sentence. "It makes sense actually."

Had Ga Eul just agreed to Woo Bin's request? Alarm bells rang in Yi Jeong's head and he sat up straighter. His brain was working in overdrive; Ga Eul and Woo Bin out on a date was unacceptable. Ga Eul was such a naïve country bumpkin. She would probably fall for Woo Bin next and bring him chocolates and arm warmers. Suddenly the room was way too hot and he found it hard to breathe.

"Well, panic might shut down Jan Di's brain but not Jun Pyo's, no matter what we say about his intelligence." Ga Eul turned around and scowled at Yi Jeong. He gave her one of those condescending looks she detested so much and continued. "For one thing, Ga Eul yang is not your type at all. Jun Pyo will never buy that. Secondly, you've hardly even spoken to her." Yi Jeong smiled dismissively. "Hence, this …date idea will never work."

Ga Eul stared at her feet. What he said made sense but did Yi Jeong have to ridicule the idea of her being out with an F4 member that quickly? She of all people knew she wasn't their type of girl; Yi Jeong had made that painfully clear after their first pretend date. Something clutched in her chest and she blinked hard. "Chu Ga Eul only gets asked out on pretend dates by rich chaebols." It was funny, in a cruel esteem crushing way. Why was she always the butt end of such jokes?

"It's a good strategy though," Woo Bin insisted. "I think we should go for it. Besides, Ga Eul is such a pretty girl." He chucked her playfully under her chin, aware that she was close to tears. She gave him a wobbly smile and earned a classic Prince Song grin, the kind that had set many women's hearts racing. "It won't be a pretence; I'll enjoy taking her out. It would be a great opportunity to wine and dine her."

If Woo Bin touched her one more time… Yi Jeong felt a vein throbbing at his temple and swallowed hard. "I meant the idea of you and Ga Eul yang dating. I didn't criticise the strategy. It would probably work better with someone else."

"With who? Ji Hoo?" Woo Bin laughed and hooted loudly. Even Ga Eul giggled at that. "No, it'll have to be me." Turning to Ga Eul, he flashed her another devastating smile. "So, what would you like to do Ga Eul? I'm entirely at your disposal." Woo Bin lifted his brows suggestively but the innuendo was lost on Ga Eul. But it was meant for Yi Jeong anyway and judging from the way he clenched his hand, he definitely hadn't missed it.

"Woo Bin sunbae, if you think this will help…" Ga Eul said seriously. Somewhere deep inside, a big part of her was disappointed that Yi Jeong hadn't volunteered himself but she persuaded herself that this was for the best. It was safer, much safer and she would actually have fun. There would be no wishing futilely for more, no more second guessing every touch and glance.

Was Ga Eul yang actually going to agree? She wouldn't last five minutes with a wolf like Woo Bin! "I'll take her." Yi Jeong wasn't even aware that he had spoken until he heard the words from his own mouth. Ignoring the way Ga Eul whipped her head around to stare at him, he looked straight at Woo Bin. "Geum Jan Di knows that I contact Ga Eul yang from time to time; it'll make more sense to Jun Pyo. She'll force Jun Pyo to follow her if she knows I'm taking Ga Eul yang out."

"B-but, Jandi will follow us anyway if she knows it's Woo Bin sunbae. It makes no difference," Ga Eul protested, ignoring the traitorous hammering of her heart. With all her might she fought to suppress the stupid hope that was blossoming within her.

"It makes a lot of difference if Jun Pyo refuses to go. The whole plan hinges on the both of them following us around, not just Jan Di. Besides, Ga Eul yang," Yi Jeong turned the full force of his liquid brown eyes on her, "don't you want to go out with me? I want to take you out."

And just like that, Yi Jeong destroyed her ability to think and speak. Ga Eul gulped and to her despair, blushed again. Yi Jeong had lowered his voice at that last part, speaking as though those words had been meant only for her to hear. It had sounded so sincere, almost intimate. Their gazes locked and Ga Eul could not look away. She had lost this fight. Perhaps she had lost it before it had begun.

"Aish, no point fighting about this." Woo Bin waved his hand casually and instantly Yi Jeong and Ga Eul started looking everywhere else except at each other. "Two dorks is right," he thought wryly to himself. Then again, make that four dorks. Thank heavens F4 had him and Ji Hoo to depend on. "So, when are you going on this date?"

"I have an off day from the shop tomorrow," Ga Eul said softly. "It's my only day this week so it'll have to be tomorrow."

"Great! Then you'll call Geum Jan Di tonight. I'm going over to Jun Pyo's to see that he agrees to play spy with her. Yo, bro. Where are you guys going tomorrow?"

"It's a secret. Just tell her that I'll be picking you up tomorrow morning at your house." Yi Jeong stood and automatically, Ga Eul got to her feet. "Come on, I'll send you home."

Ga Eul followed him, thinking to herself what a long ride it was going to be. "Make that a long night. I don't think I can sleep." She sighed wistfully to herself in the car and didn't see Yi Jeong smile.

Thankfully enough, he didn't attempt to initiate conversation with her and they settled into a somewhat comfortable silence until he reached her home. "Don't forget to call Geum Jan Di. I bet she's going to scream."

"I'm certain she will. Thank you for sending me home sunbae." She started to close the door but stopped. "Sunbae, where are we going tomorrow? I need to know what…what to wear." God, that sounded awkward but she had to ask that. If Yi Jeong had one of his fancy clubs in mind she would need to dress up.

"Wear something you are comfortable in. What you have on now is perfectly fine."

"What will we be doing?"

It was a mistake to ask that. He gave her one of those lopsided smiles that made it hard to breathe. "Something you will like Ga Eul yang. Don't worry, I've got it all planned out. Good night." He had spent the car ride thinking of all the things he knew she liked and would probably like.

"Good night sunbae." She closed the door and watched his orange sports car race off into the night. "Arrgh…Chu Ga Eul, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" she muttered as she started dialling Jan Di's number.