I don't own Naruto, if I did you'd be reading this in manga form
New Memories: Renaissance (Revelations Pt. II)
{Recap Jutsu!}
Tsunade deactivated the Silence Rune just in time to see a messenger hawk from Suna tap on her window.
"Wonder what Suna wants?" Tsunade questioned as she opened her window and let the hawk in, making sure to feed the hard working bird as she took the message and began to read.
"I don't believe it!" was all Tsunade could say as she read the message.
{Senju Manor, Backyard, Training Grounds}
Naruto stood across from his Sensei, the legendary Perverted Toad Sage Jiraiya, in the basic fighting stance of the Toad fist style of taijutsu while Jiraiya circled him looking over the amnesiac genin with a critical eye, "You look pretty good" he commented taking notice of Naruto response before continuing"...for a statue"Naruto continued to stand there unaffected as he held himself in place.
"Now run through the katas" Jiraiya commanded which set his young student in motion as he began the motions of the Toad fist Taijutsu. Jiraiya looked on with a master's appraising eye as he saw the faults and successes in his student's kata walkthrough. Jiraiya stopped being amazed at Naruto's uncanny ability to pick things up, now he was more angry than anything else as he knew if Naruto was taught properly in the first place even before the blow to the head he would've been a force to be reckoned with. As soon as Jiraiya thought that he realized Naruto could've been taught properly if he had done something, told Tsunade sooner, faught his Sensei on the decision they were making about the young nin's life, anything would have been better than just idly sit by and hope that the village would move on.
For the first time in a long time Jiraiya stopped and thought about what would've happened if he had been actively in Naruto's life from the beginning or if he could've gotten Tsunade in his life from the beginning. That train of thought led him to Anko and the way that he and his Sensei screwed up her life when he should have done what his heart told him was the right thing, to take her away from the village. Away from the village he would've had the chance to look at the seal and keep her away from the bigotry of the village all at once, but he believed the village would be more understanding, once again he was wrong. That was the past and some very wise people once said that hindsight is always a bad thing, and he wasn't looking back there anymore he had other things to do, people to protect and care for in his own way and it started with the young boy in front of him.
"How was that Jiraiya-Sensei?" Naruto asked as he stopped after the last form taught to him by the toad Sannin
"Pretty good Naruto, could be better but that comes from practice and experience" Jiraiya answered as he gripped his chin, in a thinking pose as if was deciding on what to do next while adding "which you'll get on your own time, now it's time to start on something new"
"But what about the other stuff, the Jutsus you taught me" Naruto queried as he began to walk over to where Jiraiya was sitting
"Are you having a problem with them?" Jiraiya answered the question with one of his own, which got a shake of the head from Naruto
"Well not really but.." Naruto started, only to be stopped by Jiraiya
"We have a lot to cover Naruto so I can't hold your hand like most would, I'm essentially teaching you the things you would have been taught before the blow to the head on top of things I wanted to teach you when I made you my apprentice" Jiraiya explained to the confused Genin
"I understand Sensei" Naruto responded, downtrodden as he heard Jiraiya's words about the things he should have been taught, the negative thought about him being a burden to everyone were beginning to surface
"Don't misunderstand Naruto I want to take the time to teach you throughly, like I did your father but unlike when I taught your father I am not only your Sensei I'm also the leaf's spymaster. Which means I won't be around as much as I would like as I have to keep the leaf's information up to date so the village won't be taken by surprise...again" Jiraiya stated with a sad look on his face as he recalled the only time he wasn't ahead of everyone when it came to info.
Naruto's dark thoughts began to fade as he heard his Sensei's words, making the young Jinnchuriki brighten a little bit "I gotcha, let's get started so when you leave I'll be far enough along you won't have to worry about me." Naruto said as he stood a little taller
{Leaf General Hospital, Shizune's Office}
Shizune sat at her desk as she reviewed her notes on the curse mark, double checking them and analyzing them in conjunction with Jiraiya's notes and theories that he had over the years. Jiraiya's notes were detailed and meticulous
"Guess the pervert is good at something besides writing trash" Shizune said with a small giggle in the back of her throat as she thought of what everyone would say if they heard she just said. The thought of Shizune, the ever-faithful and good-hearted apprentice of Tsunade, saying a negative thing about anyone is so shocking. Truth be told Shizune is much like everyone else; she's had her bad days, her dark thoughts about things and people. Shizune just like Tsunade very much wanted to ring Sakura pale pink little neck for what she did to Naruto but unlike Tsunade she kept those thoughts to herself.
Shizune continued to look over the notes she made, making new ones as she went to ensure Anko's safety throughout the procedure. "We're gonna need a Hyuuga" she muttered to herself as she continued to look over the notes, there was no room for error in this since there was one shot at it.
{Hokage Tower, Tsunade's Office}
"What does the note say?" Tsume asked
"They're sending Subaku siblings back here for Jiraiya to look over Gaara's seal" Tsunade answered as she looked over the communication again
"What's so shocking about that?" Tsume questioned as she stood up from her chair
"They also wish to the three stay in Konoha for a short time, and for Gaara to recieve some training from Naruto in how to control his Tailed Beast" Tsunade responded as she sat back down at her desk
"Are they.." Tsume started but didn't finish
"Basically? yes Tsume" Tsunade stated as she herself was confused by the move
"But why? Suna is basically handing over their Container to us for an indefinite amount of time" Tsume commented
Tsunade didn't answer right away, she was thinking at the moment, trying to figure out why exactly they would pull such a move. She had an idea but part of her wanted to frown at the thought of what this could be, especially if they knew about Naruto's condition at the moment. Another part of however was looking at the possible advantages of having the three here inside the village.
"Well Lady Tsunade, I see you have some things to think about so I will take my leave" Tsume stated as she stood in front of the Hokage
"I know you have some things to attend to as well" Tsunade replied as she stood up from her own seat
"By your leave Lady Hokage" Tsume said with a bow before leaving
Tsunade quickly hit the intercom at her desk "Yes Lady Tsunade?" came the greeting from the young nin that acted as her secretary
"Call the gate guards, let them know that the Sabaku siblings will be arriving soon" Tsunade ordered
"Right away Lady Hokage" replied the secretary
Tsunade sat back for a moment to think about her next move, she knew what she wanted to do next but she had to be delicate about the coming phase of her plan, if she handled it poorly it could ruin things not only her but for Naruto as well.
"Why are we here anyways?" Kankuro asked as he and his sibling were walking towards The Leaf Village again, but unlike the last time they weren't here to invade but observe and learn.
"You know why Kankuro" Gaara replied in his usual monotone voice as he thought about seeing his friend again and hopefully confirm what he felt when he left the village after the Uchiha Retrieval Mission. He couldn't stay long enough to actually talk to Naruto he sensed something wrong about his friend, it was a gut feeling as he couldn't read people like his brother, sister, and others can. The look on Naruto's face was something akin to a look he had on his face after the betrayal that led to the murderous entity that he transformed into before Naruto woke him up
"Stop being a pain Kank you know you wanted to come back to the Leaf after meeting some of the girls around the place" Temari replied somewhat annoyed, but it wasn't at her younger brother at that point, her annoyance was directed more towards the Suna Council. The reason behind their return to the leaf was indeed more about Gaara and gaining a measure of control over his tailed beast, but the ulterior motive they gave Temari for her specific reason for coming to the Leaf made her rage inside her mind. Since Temari was the Kazekage's daughter she has had a certain anonymity from the Council and their more devious ways of gaining power over individuals or groups such as other hidden villages, but since her father's death at the hands of Orochimaru, the Council has been placed back in charge until a worthy Kazekage can be found which meant that Temari was back on their radar as far as resources that can be used. She didn't like being used in the manner she was at this point but she couldn't fight it, and since Gaara didn't know and was trying to repair his reputation inside Suna, he couldn't step in and scare them like she knew he would.
"Yea right Temari like any of those girls will even give me a second glance after the Invasion" Kankuro supplied as he continued to walk. Unlike Temari and Gaara he had no real reason to come back to the village but he came anyway solely for brotherly support for Gaara, he didn't know exactly what Temari's other mission was but he knew something was up. Kankuro may play the fool and hothead most of the time but behind those act laid the mind of a keen observer that most puppeteers had to be to succeed in battle, he could tell by the look in Temari's eyes as she looked forward something was wrong, and it had to with Konoha and Suna as this new wrinkle in his sister's demeanor started after the last meeting with Suna Council. He had idea what it was that was troubling his older sister but he wouldn't question her on it since he knew she would either deny it or admit it, either case would not have good outcomes, if it was what he thought it was he knew Gaara and he would turn around and rain hell on the old bastards that were the Suna Council.
"Enough, we are almost there" Gaara stated ending the conversation, even if he was the youngest of the three he was still the defacto leader, though Gaara hoped that they listened to him now not because they were scared of him but more because he still seemed to be only one between the three of them who could keep his head on straight.
Hinata stood in front of her sensei's apartment door, shaking like a leaf, as she reconsidered for what seemed to be the hundredth time as to why she was here. Ever since the aftermath of the Uchiha Retrieval Mission and the ordeal that Naruto is still going through Hinata made up her mind that she had to be stronger. Stronger for Naruto, stronger for herself, and stronger for her team so she can not be liability. Most of the things she found herself lacking before the Chunin Exams was handled as she developed a new technique, she gained confidence in battle but there was one area she still hadn't improved which was the reason why she was standing in front of her sensei's door. Summoning up her courage Hinata knocked on the door.
A couple of minutes passed with the only acknowledgement that the knock was heard was a muffled 'I'm coming' before the door opened to reveal the raven-haired genjutsu mistress that led squad 8 Kurenai Yuhi, "Hinata, how are you?" she greeted
"I'm fine Sensei" Hinata quickly responded as she starting to fidget and began to observe the pattern on the wall of the hallway.
This didn't escape Kurenai's gaze as she considered herself an expert on Hinata, more like a surrogate mother in her own mind ever since Hinata's father basically discarded her for little Hanabi as she was more of a Hyuga then her shy student. Kurenai could tell her student was nervous which meant it was about one or two things, either her family or Naruto, her family problems were slowly solving themselves as Hiashi finally got his head out of his ass so it could only be about Naruto. "You know you can talk to me about anything, I'll listen and help with just about anything Hinata" Kurenai reassured her young charge.
"I know Sen-sensei," the shy Hyuga started, her stutter coming back nearly full force as she continued, "tha-that's why I came to you, I need your help" she finished
Kurenai smiled a little at the admission, Hinata for the longest time never asked for help as she didn't want to be a burden on anyone, the fact that she even asked for help was great achievement in Kurenai's mind. Pushing her door open even more Kurenai waved her student in, "Come in Hinata tell me what you need help with"
{Flash Forward Jutsu: Days Later}
(Leaf General Hospital, surgery wing}
Anko laid on the surgery bed nervous, for the first time in a long while, as she waited for the operation to begin. Ever since she came back from Sea Country all those years ago, under the care of the leaf shinobi that found her, she's been strong. Using the pain of betrayal and abandonment and turning into first rage, at everyone who looked at her sideways, to the mask of psychosis that became her actual mentality. That entire time she had not once showed trepidation but this time for as much as she talked about death not being a factor, it was. This wasn't death due an opponent being stronger or smarter but it would be death by a medical procedure, that was not a death worthy of a shinobi. It would also be a death before she could get her hands on Orochimaru, a death before she could payback the man who broke her heart and spirit, that was the real reason behind her fear.
Anko didn't have much more time to think about the facts behind her nervousness as Shizune and a couple of other nameless, from Anko's point of view, medics stepped into the room along Hyuuga branch house member.
"Are you ready Anko?" Shizune asked as she and the other doctor began to scrub their hands clean
"As ready as I'll ever be Shizune" Anko replied with a shaky smile, a rarity for someone of Anko's reputation
Shizune saw the smile and she new her friend was afraid as she walked over to her, "I've spent the last couple of days to reducing the risk from fifty percent to fifteen, these are my best medic-nins and I'm here too, trust me." the Hospital head assured to which the Jonin merely nodded her head at the info. Seeing the nod Shizune smiled back at her friend before motioning for the other nins to surround Anko.
"We'll be using a very specific jutsu to slow your heart rate down to one beat per minute, which hopefully will trick the curse mark into thinking that you're dying or close to dead and cause it release at which point we'll raise your heart rate to normal." Shizune explained as she and the rest of the medic nin began a string of hand seals before their hand lit by a warm green glow, saturating the room with the same colored light.
(Observation Theater above the Surgery Room)
Tsunade, Jiraiya, Naruto, Kurenai and Ibiki sat above the Operation with baited breath as they watched it begin. Naruto seemed to be the most interested even if the genin should be the least interested out of the entire group watching
"Why is Uzumaki brat here?" Ibiki asked in his usual gruff manner of speaking
"I'm worried about Anko just as much as you guys are, even if we haven't had as much contact with each other." Naruto replied while making eye contact with the Head of ANBU IT. That seemed to be enough for Ibiki to let the issue drop as it seemed to be inline with what he knew about Naruto.
'If only that were the only reasoning behind me being here' Naruto thought as he thought back to last night
{Flashback Jutsu}
(Naruto's Mindscape- Kitsune Valley}
"Are you going Anko's operation tomorrow?" Natsumi asked as she and Naruto were sparring both using Toad Taijutsu, Natsumi learning it from Naruto's memories of practicing the katas.
"I don't know" Naruto answered as he and the red haired woman exchanged kicks before ducking underneath the follow up punch before throwing his own follow up
"I think you should" Natsumi offered as she dodge the follow up before moving in closer forcing Naruto off balance before sweeping Naruto off his feet, Naruto quickly recovered by rolling away from his opponent before kick-flipping up into a low stance, "Very Nice"
Naruto nodded at the compliment before settling into an all fours,toad like stance and using one of the Toad Taijutsu techniques "Pad hopper", with one mighty leap Naruto close the distance between him and Natsumi in a flash, although it wasn't fast enough as Natsumi had a strong thrust kick waiting, sending her jailer back to the spot he just hopped from.
"I wouldn't suggest using that move in that way again" Natsumi said as she stood and made her way over to Naruto, who was picking himself up and dusting himself off as she spoke.
After making sure he was dust free Naruto nodded his agreement to her statement, "I just wanted to see if I could pull it off" Naruto offered to which Natsumi nodded
"You have the technique down just not experience, it's a powerful move if used in the right context" Natsumi explained as she stepped back from Naruto before turning and settling back into the first stance of Toad Fist
"Why do you want me to go to the Operation tommorow?" Naruto asked as he mirrored the Kyubi's actions before advancing on the vixen.
The two once exchanged attacks once again but the difference was easy to see, Natsumi had the hundred years of experience that made up for the fact that Naruto had the theory of Toad Taijutsu down which was why Naruto wasn't winning the spar, "I have a bad feeling about it" Natsumi said as she bobbed one way from right cross that Naruto threw and ducked under the left spinning backfist that carried Naruto's momentum that added power to it.
"Alright I'll go" Naruto responded as leaned back from the uppercut answer to the opening that his last attack left as they continued to spar for the rest of the night.
'I just hope Natsumi's bad feeling is just that'
(Surgery Room)
"Okay Tell me what you see Hizomi" Shizune asked as she and the other medics focused their chakra on keep Anko hovering in biological limbo while the seal decides her fate.
Using the bloodline her clan was blessed with Hizomi saw the chakra coils of the Mitarashi woman, she noted the dwindling chakra inside the coils which was usually the case when someone was dying. Then Hizomi saw the vile purple chakra of the curse mark begin to spread across Anko's body
"The curse mark is becoming active" the young branch member said as she concentrated her eyes on the purple energy.
"Ok, everyone hang on this is where things get tricky" Shizune explained as she began to focus her near-kage level chakra control to almost laser like precision around her friend's heart to keep the heartbeat steady as the curse mark would no doubt try to re-animate her friend with a vicious new mentality.
Hizomi concentrated on the purple chakra and the pathway it was going down, as expected the mark was trying to speed up Anko's heart rate, but due to the fact the Hospital head and her team were controlling Jonin's heart rate and erecting a chakra barrier around her heart, the mark was failing miserably at the task. Hizomi herself smirked as it seemed the Shizune position of Tsunade's apprentice was indeed not just being the Sannin's friend and sometime handler, but also had a keen mind of her own as this plan to remove the curse mark was working.
(Observation Room)
"Well so far, so good" Jiraiya uttered as he saw the curse mark begin to form over Anko body but nothing else seemed to be effected. Jiraiya looked over to his teammate and saw her focused look on the proceedings, "Why don't you go down there?"
Tsunade didn't even look away as the question was asked, "It's Shizune's show" came the succinct reply from the busty Hokage. The reply was short but tone said more, I can't hold Shizune's hand forever.
Shizune and her team were beginning to sweat as the strain of keeping the curse mark from getting to her friend's heart was climbing. Luckily it seemed to be working as the dark chakra of the mark slowly beginning to dwindle. Since Anko never used it, the mark had never been able to convert her reserves to it's own, making the mark weak as a result
"Almost done guys" Shizune exhaustively cheered as it seemed the mark's, the chunk of Orochimaru's soul, reserves were depleting.
Hizomi broke standard Hyuga protocol and smiled at the victory they were on the verge of. After this not only can the leaf have a somewhat effective procedure against a powerful weapon of the Snake Sannin's arsenal but the branch house can appeal to Clan leader and Elders to have Hyuga be trained as medics as well as warriors. Meaning the Hyuga clan could now serve the village not just scout and close quarter warriors but also as healers. Hizomi was so caught up in the possibilities of what could happen that she wasn't entirely paying attention to what was happening until she caught the mark's chakra begin to move in another direction
"Lady Shizune, the mark is heading towards the brain!" Hizomi announced
"Everyone stay on the heart I'm moving up" Shizune ordered as she took her hand off Anko's chest and moved towards her head and quickly erecting a chakra barrier around it to block the mark. Unlike with Anko's heart however, Shizune was already winded and her reserves were only dwindling more, as the mark began to fight the barrier around Anko's brain. "Damn your a stubborn one" Shizune growled as the mark was fighting as hard as she would have imagined Orochimaru himself would if presented with the same situation.
"Lady Shizune, Patient's heart is failing!" one of medic nin called out as the other members of the team switched gears from shielding the heart from the vile chakra of the curse mark to saving the nin's life. Shizune didn't acknowledge her subordinate's words as she was still fighting the mark, which seemed to have heard the words, as it began to fight even harder than before to gain access.
(Observation Room)
"What's happening?" Ibiki asked as he saw the machinery monitoring Anko's vitals began to signal that something was wrong. The group above the operation couldn't tell what was happening but all eyes in the room still went to the Lady Hokage
Feeling everyone's looks Tsunade doesn't brake eye contact with the operation while she starts to explain, "The Fluctuation in chakra flow caused by Shizune moving on caused Anko's heart to fail." she stopped for a moment to sigh and lightly hit the windowsill which caused it to crack before she continued "The chances of the mark taking control of Anko just jumped 100 percent"
Naruto looked back at the table below and took in all the facts presented to him, 'Dammit Natsumi' Naruto thought as he knew what Anko's only shot at survival was at this point. "I'll be right back" Naruto announced softly, gaining no one's attention, as he stepped out of the room. Using all the speed he could muster while avoiding everyone in his path, Naruto sped down to the hallways 'Hang in there Anko'.
Shizune was now sweating profusely as the strain of keeping the chakra barrier up while also making sure not to pierce, slice or just overall damage the most important part of the body, shinobi or otherwise was taking it's toll on her. "Come on, let go! Why do you want her so bad you bastard. You've taken enough from her already" Shizune muttered to herself while focusing on the task at hand. She along with everyone else in the room didn't notice Naruto presence in the room.
'I need some chakra Natsumi' Naruto thought as he felt, for the first time since his reset, the rush of Natsumi's chakra flooding his system. Taking a moment to use the lessons both Jiraiya and Natsumi have given him on chakra control he focuses the red chakra on his hands, feet and incisors, so he could keep the rest of the features that came with using her chakra off of his face. Stepping up to the table, Naruto ignores everyone's questions and orders to leave, 'Kami please let this work' was the single thought running thru his head he leans over Anko's body, hovering around her neck when he locates the bitemark that Orochimaru used to place the foul mark on Anko and with one last prayer bites down...
A/N: What the f$#! just happened? well stay tuned to find out, it's gonna get weird