Tris might be a little OOC in this one. I'm not sure she should've smiled and grinned so much. Oh who cares... This is just more Sandry/Briar fluff. No big Pasco/Evvy. There'll only be hints of it. This might possibly be the end!



"Talking outloud"
~Mind-speaking between the Tris, Daja, Briar, and Sandry~
~~~~~~Scene change~~~~~~
(Author's Notes)


Disclaimer: I own nothing except for this pointless plot. All characters used in this fanfic belong to Tamora Pierce. All the places probably belong to her too. Oh, and all the stuff that goes in her books is hers too. Anything else that even remotely relates to the books is Tamora Pierce's. So there. Now you can't sue me.


Winter Sunshine
By smileypal4eva

Chapter 5: Sunrise


where I left off at Chapter 4...

~Have you seen Sandry, Tris?~

~Nuh-uh. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her or Briar for a while!~ Tris thought. Both of them mind-spoke for a few moments longer, exchanging thoughts on where those two could possibly be, and finally they just met up next to a healthy fern plant to find their former housemates. Tris frowned.

"Those two both disappeared around an hour ago. I wonder where they are." Daja looked around the ballroom, and noticed a faint pearly shimmer of magic. She tapped Tris and pointed. A curtain was closed, and the shimmering magic went up & down the length of it. "Isn't that --?" Tris began.

"Yeah, that's definitely Sandry's magic," Daja confirmed for her. "Come on!" Tris rushed over, and attempted to open the curtains. It didn't budge. Tris frowned harder & tugged at the curtain more firmly. Nothing happened again. This time she just tried to pry the two flaps apart. There was no effect.

"Here, why don't I try?" Daja peered at the curtains, then held a hand over a section, forcing several of the threads apart. When she had done enough to see through to the other side onto the balcony, she did a section below the first, repeating the process. Waving Tris over, she looked through the tiny hole. Tris peeked through.

~Who is that?~ Tris asked, amusement obvious in her mind-speak voice.

~That one is Sandry. But who's the guy?~ Daja asked, laughter in hers.

~I didn't think Sandry would like any of those noblemen enough to dance willingly with them, let alone kiss them like that,~ Tris said.

~Wait, look! The guy's turning around... why does he look so familiar? Hey! It's... oh...~ Daja faltered, and Tris squinted. At the same time, both girls gasped audibly.



Briar had been so intent on Sandry, and her sweet, passionate kisses, he almost jumped off the balcony in surprise when he heard his name.

"What's wrong?" Sandry asked silkily, eyes bright with content. "I though I just heard Tris & Daja yell my name. They sounded awfully surprised. Or shocked," Briar mused. He shuddered when he felt Sandry's light fingertips skim over his neck, and looked down at her.

Sandry smiled mischievously. "Only one way to find out," she whispered, snapping her wrist. The curtains flew open, revealing two friends who were closer than family. At the moment, Tris & Daja were frozen in shock, staring wide-eyed at Sandry, occasionally darting glances over at Briar. Sandry put her hands on her hips. The ropes tied happily around the curtains, reclaiming their prize.

"How long have you two been watching?" She demanded. Daja grinned. "Long enough, saati," she laughed. Sandry and Briar both reddened. Tris immediately picked up after Daja. "So when did this... you know... happen?" Tris teased. "Have you two been in love ever since you saw each other?" Daja said, enjoying the moment as Sandry turned pink and flushed, and Briar just reddened more. "Love at first sight?" Tris asked.

"Stop it, you two!" Sandry pleaded. "It's not funny!"

"Didn't say it was. Seriously though. How long?" Daja raised her brow.

Sandry released a breath she'd been holding. Her eyes glistened joyfully as she recalled a 'moment'. "Probably when all of you left me here all by myself," Sandry said, sounding self-pitying. Tris playfully whacked the noble girl on the arm. Sandry smiled. "And when I started teaching Pasco more. At first he had this silly crush on me; you know, the typical boy-kid crush, with the blushing and stammering, all the politeness and trying to impress me," Sandry continued airily.

"Of course, I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but Pasco grew out of it. And by that time, I had been writing letters to Briar more often. I'd grown to love reading them, and expecting them all the time." Sandry blushed. "The first time I knew I loved him was about a year after he left. After one... never mind." Sandry looked around at the sparkles, eyes glittering.

"And what about you, rock-killer?" Tris asked.

Briar snapped his head up, his forehead scrunched in annoyance. And confusion. "Who told you I was some rock-killer? I don't kill rocks!" Briar said indignantly. All three girls rolled their eyes and laughed, except for Sandry, who giggled. "Evvy." They responded, and started laughing all over again. Briar just scowled and turned away. "I loved her a few months after I left. I missed her, and thought about her so much, I thought I had brain damage."

"Don't all men thinking about beautiful young maidens all the time?" Sandry asked suspiciously. "No. At least, maybe not at fourteen. I certainly hadn't been that way before I left." Briar answered just as sourly. Sandry's smile turned into a small grin. Tris and Briar tried to hide theirs, with no success.

"What are you smiling about?" Sandry demanded yet again. "Whatever it is, it isn't at all funny!"

"I'm not laughing at you, saati," Daja said. "We're glad you two got together. We'd known you would," Tris put in eagerly. Sandry's eyes clouded in confusion. "What? Am I hearing you?" She asked incredulously. "Yes, you are. Whenever you thought you no one was looking, Sandry, you'd be stealing little glances at Briar, and blush. And you, plant-boy! You start laughing, and I'll tell you the number of times I caught you staring at Sandry!" Daja finished.

Briar had his mouth open; he shut it. "Anyway. There was this one time, before we left. Sandry had to go riding with Duke Vedris again. You wore that new dress that the duke had given you; remember? It was, a pale blue-green color? Right, Tris?" Daja asked, shooting a glance at the weather-mage. Tris nodded. She was trying not to smile.

"Yeah. Anyway, you were just leaving, and I saw Briar looking from his window, and staring. His eyes were so wide! He was just staring, and he thought no one was looking! Tris and I both saw him! Come to think of it, Lark may have too!" Daja grinned at her two friends. "We'll let you go back to whatever you were doing now," Tris said quickly before anyone could say anything else. She gave Sandry a teasing smile before she turned around. Daja did the same, and the two left.

For awhile, Briar and Sandry just leaned on the balcony wall, staring across the city, or across the harbor. Finally Sandry laid her head gently on Briar's shoulder. Absentmindedly, he wrapped an arm around her, hugging Sandry closer. Sandry grinned and leaned up quickly and kissed him firmly.

~Stop surprising me! I thought I'd known all there was about you, and now you're giving me too much information!~ Briar said in exasperation, but he melted right into her kiss.

~Oh, I don't mind. When I show you more, you'd be surprised.~ Sandry teased. Briar turned red again.

~Sandry... one of these days...~


Pasco was, amazingly, still dancing with Evvy. Both had a pink tint to their faces; from embarrassment or excitement, only Pasco & Evvy knew. "H-how was Yanjing?" Pasco asked, stammering nervously. "Oh, it was wonderful! I saw so many dancers, and all those ladies had beautiful dresses, and there was also the..." Evvy started rattling off a whole bunch of things, and finally she stopped trying to remember to act stiff and formal, and both of them relaxed.

Tris and Daja were watching from their position next to the fern plant. "Look at those two," Daja nodded. Tris maneuvered her gaze so it settled on Pasco and Evvy, who were dancing to the energetic beat of the song. "They like each other, and they don't even know it." Tris commented. Sandry settled into place next to Tris. "I was watching them, earlier. We should get them together." Briar, who was standing next to Sandry, nodded. "Tomorrow, we'll start trying to get them together."

The four just stood there for a time, watching Pasco and Evvy, and then watching everyone else. Finally, Sandry spoke up.

"I'd forgotten what it was like, being fourteen. It was only two years ago, but that was when Pasco became my student."

"Evvy became my student too."

"And my half-students studied the basics and meditation with me." Daja supplied.

"Mine also." Tris said softly.

"Can you imagine, that just six years ago, we came to Emelan? To Winding Circle? And we all met each other for the first time?" Sandry asked wistfully.

Briar nodded absentmindedly. "Our birthday," he said.

Tris nodded, almost sadly. "It's been a long time."

"I miss being young sometimes." Sandry whispered, so soft that only the four of them could hear.

"Don't we all?" Briar enveloped Sandry's small hand in one of his. She smiled gratefully.

"One day, we might be living at the opposite ends of the world. We might not even be able to see each other for years." Daja said.

~We'll always be together. No matter what.~ Tris said firmly.

~Yeah.~ Daja agreed.

~Friends?~ Briar asked all of them.

~Forever...~ Sandry smiled in her mind. All the other saw it, and smiled.


in Sandry's room...

Tris and Daja had gone to bed. Together, Briar and Sandry had told Duke Vedris about... the two of them. Amazingly, Duke Vedris just smiled at his great-niece. He also said, "I knew if I gave you two a push, you'd find each other in no time." Sandry's mouth dropped open in shock, and then she closed it and hugged her great-uncle tightly. "Thank you," she whispered to him. Duke Vedris patted her on the back and sent her off to bed.

"Now we're back here." Sandry spun, and her dress fanned out. Her long golden-brown hair also fanned out, because Sandry had let it down as soon as she had gotten into her room. Briar caught her in his arms, taking in the sweet scent of Sandry's hair. "I never knew you to like all that romantic stuff," Sandry commented as he held her hand. Briar smiled. "Well, I like it with you," he said earnestly. Sandry blushed and looked straight into his eyes.

"I love you," she whispered softly after a time.

"Love you too," Briar said, lowering his lips onto hers.

Sandry was glad she had Briar's arms wrapped around her. She almost wobbled and fell when Briar had kissed her. Again. 'He just has that effect on me,' she thought giddily, opening her mouth for him. Sandry felt him smile, and he explored her mouth, while still keeping her helpless with a prolonged French kiss.

When he lifted his face from hers, Sandry's eyes fluttered open. "Oh..." she breathed, her chest heaving with each gasp of needed air. Briar grinned lopsidedly. "Told you I was good," he laughed. Then Sandry smiled mischievously and Briar's grin disappeared. Sandry stood up, and Briar wavered. "Still haven't shown you what I can do," she said seductively. She walked right up to Briar and wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping him close. She gazed into his eyes for a long moment, then looked down.

Briar made the mistake of following her gaze. From his position, right next to Sandry, he had the perfect view of her chest! "S-S-Sandry!" Briar almost shouted, trying to back away, at the same time trying to tear his view away from her chest. "Not yet..." she whispered sexily into his ear. She kissed him, hard, sending waves of heat over his body.

When Briar had regained control over himself, he ran his hand up and down the small of her back. ~I'm not letting you get the better of me!~ He told her roughly. His hands traveled over her slim body, just brushing the bare skin of her shoulders, making her shiver in delight. Finally he stopped his pleasing torture at Sandry's plea. ~Stop! Stop! You're driving me crazy!~ she yelled frantically into his mind.

"You should go to sleep now," Briar said huskily, tucking her into bed. Sandry tried to protest, but she was tired from the long night. Finally she relented and fell asleep. Briar padded back to his own room.


next morning...

Briar leaned on the balcony of Sandry's room. The curtains were waving behind him. The sun hadn't quite risen yet. 'Glare's there... but not sun yet,' Briar thought.

Sandry appeared beside him again. Just as he began to pull her in for a good morning kiss, the sun shone on them. Sandry gasped. "This is the most beautiful sunrise I've seen this winter! Look at the sunshine! It's golden!" Sandry breathed.

Briar stroked Sandry's cheek bringing her attention back to him.

They kissed.


FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okai... I don't have to go crazy... *shakes head*
anyway, maybe this chapter was mushier than I thought. Especially that last part. Oh well. Every story has its ending, right?

