Sara: It's so short!

Serena: That it is! Make them longer!

Sara: I'm trying!

Serena: Yeah. That's why you spend half your afternoon sleeping?

Amy: Now Serena! Be nice! Now that your somewhat of a bitch you don't need to be mean to Sara!

Everyone, but Serena: That's right!

Serena: -.- there ganging up on me now?

Darien: I'll defend you Serena!

Serena: Back off f*cker!

Sara: Now now Serena you'll get your payback soon.

Serena: If you say so.

Lita: Sara owns nothing!

Serena's hummer pulled up in front of the Ikazuchi Boruto. All the boys in the café stopped eating and looked out side at the beautiful paint job on the Hummer. Serena looked at a man in the café spilling his coffee on himself and she laughed with Amy.

Amy looked at Serena and said, "It's been 5 minutes think we should let them know who it is?"

Serena smiled an evil smile and Amy knew what she was thinking was going to be good at all. Serena turned the volume up on the radio then popped in a CD that they made in high school and a song started to play.

Lyrics: 1985 SR - 71

Debbie just hit the wall
She never had it all
One prozac a day
Husband's a C.P.A.
Here dreams went out the door
Once she turned 24
Only been with one man
What happened to her plans
She was gonna be an actress
She was gonna be a star
She was gonna shake that ass
On the hood of Whitesnake's car
Now her SUV has become the enemy
Looks at her average life
Nothing has been alright... since

Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana there was U2
And Blondie and music still on MTV
Her 2 kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 1985

She's seen all the classics
at least a hundred times
Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink,
Fast Times At Ridgemont
She rocks out to Wham!
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan
Never knew George was gay
Hoped they'd hook up one day
Where's her fairy tale, where's her dream?
Where's the quarterback
From her high school football team?
Where's her fairy tale, where's her dream?
How many times will she ask herself
What happened to me?
(the rubber broke) ... When

That was all that Mina, Raye, and Lita needed to know who it was. They ran outside and Serena rolled down the windows to let everyone know who was behind the wheel.

Mina laughed at how Serena had gotten' then to know who it was and she asked, "How does it feel to have your car?"

Serena smiled and said, "It the best!" they all laughed then they got in Serena Hummer.

Serena went threw the songs and Raye said, "You still have your CD? Me too!"

Lita, Mina, and Amy said, "Same here!" at the same time.

Serena dropped Mina and Raye off at there house and said, "Come over so we can plan the whole tour thing." They nodded and went into the house. Next Serena drove over to Lita's house.

They dropped Lita off then it was Amy and Serena and Serena said, "Want to go and get a change of clothes?" Amy nodded and Serena drove over to Amy's house.

Amy ran inside and grabbed some clothes and Serena stayed outside reading something when Amy opened the car door. Amy said, "Do you ever not have your nose in a book?" Serena smiled and put her book mark in the book.

They drove over to Serena's house and Serena parked the car in the drive way. Amy and Serena walked into the house to find an unwelcome guess sitting in the living room. Amy was surprised to see Darien sitting then she looked over at Serena not knowing if she was going to do something. Serena saw Darien and she was pissed off, but didn't show it, well she showed it, but she was more pissed off than she let him know.

Serena glared at him and said, "Why you here?"

Darien said, "We need to talk."

Serena said, "Talk then."

Darien looked at Amy and Amy started to walk away. Serena looked at Amy and thought, if you leave him with me alone. He may not live you know that right? Amy stopped in her tracks then came and stood next to Serena knowing from Serena's look that if she left nothing good would happen.

Serena said, "You can say what ever you need to say in front of Amy." Serena went and sat down in a chair and Amy quietly took a set on the sofa. Darien looked at Amy and knew she wasn't going to go anywhere with the grip Serena had on her.

Darien said, "I didn't know you would wait for me for 3 years. I thought you had moved on so I did."

Serena said, "And I care why?"

Serena had gotten' up from her spot to walk into the kitchen when Darien hugged her around the waist and whispered in her ear, "I need you. I didn't know it then, but I need you now. Your then best thing that had happened to me so please forgive me."

Amy looked at Serena and saw a smirk on her face and she knew Darien was in trouble. Not like Amy was going to stop Serena. Darien got what was coming to him.

Serena turned and faced him place her hands on his shirt and whispered in his ear playing her game, "Really? If that is true then follow me."

Serena then walked out of the room and Darien saw Amy grabbed her backpack. He saw Amy pull out an Ipod and played the music loud so she wouldn't hear anything and Darien smiled thinking he was going to get lucky. He walked out side and the back yard looked different from the last time he had been here. There was a pool, next to it was a hot tube that was on, and fence most likely to keep perverts from looking at Serena in the pool. Darien looked around for Serena and found her sitting in a beach chair in a bathing suit. Darien walked over and kissed her cheek. Serena smiled at him then locked her arms around his neck and he kissed her lips. Serena stood up and led him to the hot tube and got in. Darien watched Serena and couldn't help himself. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the side then he unbelted his pants and threw them by his shirt and jumped into the hot tube in his boxers and went over to Serena. (A/N: I know your thinking. This is Anti Darien / Serena. Just wait for it.) He looked her in the eye and got on top of her. He kissed her and she waited for the right moment then she kneed him in between the legs and he fell over holding himself. Serena picked him up and used her strength to throw him over the fence and land on the ground hard on the other side. Serena picked up his clothes and thought, ummm. Should I throw them over or not?

Then Serena sighed and threw the clothes over the fence and yelled, "Don't come back!!" Serena grabbed a towel and walked into the house.

Lita, Raye, Mina, and Amy all sat on the sofa and watched Serena walk in drying her hair with a blue towel.

Amy started to laugh at Serena and Mina, Raye, and Lita lifted an eyebrow at Amy and she said, "Darien got here before you. Serena showed him something he will never forget."

Serena smiled and said, "I'm not done with him yet!" Mina, Raye, and Lita wondered what Amy meant by, 'Serena showed him something he will never forget.'

Serena smiled and Amy asked, "How did it fell?"

Serena rubbed her back and said, "Yeah it felt good. Could you rub my back? I think I pulled my latissimus dorsi muscle." (A/N: I muscle in the middle of the back on the left side.)

Everyone but Amy had no clue what Serena was talking about. Amy walked over and started to rub Serena's back and said, "Yeah it's pulled."

After a few minutes Serena went and grabbed her Pjays and the girls got into there Pjays.

Mina said, "Ok. So how about we pack up the 18th then we come over here and pack up Serena's Hummer then stay the night. Then the morning of the 19th we get on the road?"

They all nodded and they went to sleep knowing they had a lot to do there last few days of there days in Tokyo. Serena knew she had a lot to do before she left and she wasn't going leave without them done.

Sara: Ok if your wondering about the start ... let's just say I was bored. My little brother got a kick out of it.