How Do We Deal With It?

How do I tell him…what do I tell. These are just a few of the thoughts that were distracting Brennan the whole ride home. After she rejoined Booth, the rest of the game past in a very awkward state of silence. He hadn't said a word to her and barely acknowledge her when she came back. Now twenty minutes in the car and he still hadn't said a word. She kept glancing over at him but he never took his eyes off the road.

What am I suppose to do…why didn't Angela ever call me back is it because she doesn't want to be the one to tell me that Bones is not interested in me. Booth had tried to call Angela but she didn't pick up. That more than anything scared him because he knew if it was good news Angela would want to tell him right away, if only for the told-you-so moment she was due. But he never got a call not even a text. So he had spent the last few innings not speaking afraid that he had pushed Bones too far with his kiss. That's why he sat staring straight ahead, even though he knew that she was watching him from the passenger's seat.

"Booth…are you ok?" Brennan finally asked she needed him to say something anything.

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you ok?" Booth asked hopefully not sounding too scared or worried of her answer.

"I'm fine. It's just that you haven't really said anything to me or even looked at me in the past two hours and I was just wondering what I did to make you mad." She said not trying to hide the fact that this hurt her more than she would have ever thought possible.

Booth winced he never wanted her to feel like this especially if he was the reason. He always tried to protect her from being hurt, and here he was the one who was hurting her. "It's nothing. You didn't do anything." He reassured her.

"Then why won't you look at me." She said almost pleading him to look.

Booth turned at that and saw the fear in her eyes. He had seen that look enough to know that she was afraid of him leaving her just like everyone did before. "It's just that I thought that maybe you would like some space just to think." Finishing as they pulled up to her apartment building.

"Booth I would like to talk with you…do you want to come up?" Say yes please say yes. Was the only thing running through her head at the moment.

Not sure what to say Booth just nodded and got out of the car and into the rain that was just starting to come down.

The ride up in the elevator was very quiet. Neither wanting to start what was about to happen until they were safe behind closed doors.

Now safely in her apartment Brennan made her way to the couch, with Booth right behind her. Setting she faced him wanting and not wanting to begin. She knew that it was irrational to be nervous of rejection since he was the one who kissed her. But that fear was all that kept her from leaning over and kissing him right there.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Booth finally asked just to break the uncomfortable silence that had settled around the two.

"Um…about earlier at the game the…the kiss." Brennan said looking at her hands, the flood, and the fabric on the sofa everything except the person beside her.

I knew it I scared her and pushed her away. Now there is no hope. "Oh you can just forget about it. It was just an innocent kiss, nothing more than that." Booth started to get up he didn't want to sit around and wait for her to tell him that she didn't feel that way. "I'm just going to head out I'll talk to you tomorrow." With that he basically ran out of her apartment, and went straight to the elevator.

Before she could even process what he said, she looked to see that she sat alone on her couch. Temperance got up and ran after him. When she reached the elevator the doors closed and she wasn't able to catch it before the doors closed. Knowing that she couldn't leave it like that Temperance headed for the stairs. After everything that we have been through I'm not waiting another day to tell him how I feel…is all she could think as she ran down the stairs to the lobby.

The elevator doors opened and Booth walked out and headed for his SUV, wanting to get away from everything that had happened. He was reaching for his kiss when he heard footsteps behind him, but he didn't think anything of it.

"How could you say that it was nothing?"

Booth just froze. He slowly turned on his heels, and there she was. He just stood there not sure what to do and not sure what to say.

"How could you say that kiss meant nothing, to just forget it? Booth do you realize that that kiss was the best thing that has happened in my life. That kiss is the reason I was finally able that Angela and everyone else was right, that I do care for you as more than just a friend. And then to hear you say that we should just forget it." Brennan had to hold back tears. She knew that it was irrational to cry, but that didn't stop them from threatening to escape from her eyes. "Booth I love you…and you hurt me up there." Temperance couldn't take it anymore she had to turn away from those brown eyes that held no indication of what he was thinking.

While Bones was laying her heart out on the line all that Booth could think was I have to be dreaming…she isn't here she doesn't feel that way about me. Then with her last sentence Booth was pulled out of his thoughts because even though he had dreamed about this moment a hundred times a day not once had she ever said that she loved him. Then he saw the tears that were starting to come. I can't hurt her not again. "Bones…" He didn't say anything more he walked over to hear put his knuckle under her chin forcing her to look at him, he looked in those blue eyes that he always found himself lost in. She started to turn away again when he leaned down and placed a kiss on her unsuspected lips.