Italic is for the elfin or troll language!

Normal is for english!


Life went back to normal for Arwen, or so she thought. She never realized that she was watched at all time by Nuada, he was like her shadow, ready to protect her.

One day, Nuala came to the library saying that she needed a book, but Vriar knew better and after a moment, she confessed to him the feelings of her brother for the young girl... Vriar was very much shocked, but he knew the power of soulmates and only hoped that Nuada would be good for his "daughter". It was her choice now, she could say no or yes to his love and he could not force her in any way.

Unfortunately, the prince did not think so. He was sure that she could not refuse the bond, that she would accept it and return it. All soulmates did that.

But love is not so easy to give and accept...


If Nuada had spent the last month watching over his love, he had not forgotten his previous plans at all.

He would wage war against the humans. Wake up the golden army. He would get rid of all those filthy hollow things that destroyed the beautiful lands of earth.

At night when he was watching Arwen sleep, he often remembered that she was human too... but after being abandonned by her own mother and attacked by those vile men, how could she still hold any affection for any of them? Yet, if she did...

He decided to go and see her.


The next morning, Arwen was putting some books on the shelves when the doorbell rang, as she was standing on tiptoes on the ladder she slipped and prepared for the hard contact with the floor... but fell into a warm and strong embrace.

She rose her eyes and saw the worried face of the elfin prince. She blushed deeply, smiling sheepishly and got out of his grip.

- Thank you for helping me my lord.

He smiled, already missing her warmth.

- Please, call me Nuada.

- but...

- I insist.

- Well, all right then.

- What were you doing up there? It is dangerous, you could have hurt yourself.

She laughed and he really liked it.

- It's not the first time I do that and fall and it won't be the last. Since I am very little, I like to clim on the shelves, so...

- I see.

He rose her chin and if she was very surprised by this move she was more by the intense worry in his golden eyes.

- Please, promise me you won't do it again.

She blushed deeply again under his gaze and lowered her eyes, what was happening to her? Her heart was beating wildy in her chest. The doorbell rang and their head turned to the visitor...

- Granny!!!

The girl sauntered to the old troll and hugged her tenderly.

- I missed my little frog, answered the troll.

Arwen grumbled and glared at her guardian.

- Granny, I hate it when you call me a frog!

- But a frog is so cute!

Arwen laughed. This is when Lucy noticed the royalty and bowed to him deeply. The prince waved it away.

- I brought dinner for you my sweet.

Arwen looked at her expectantly, then gasped in horror when she saw the furry animal in the hands of her "mother".

- Ahhh! Lucy! I... how... I beg you stop doing this, it drives me crazy!

- But a cat is so delicious! You should try it!

The girl grimaced, the prince was deeply amused.

- I'd rather eat a tooth fairie. Granny pelase, if you have to eat it, go somewhere else! You know I hate it when you eat cats.

The old female grumbled, putting the cat back into her large pocket.

- Alright, alright! I'll leave and come back when i am finished.

- That's it and please, remember to wash your hands. Last time you went back with blood on it and Vriar almost had a heart attack when you stained his books!

The troll snorted, walked to the door and closed it behind her. Arwen turned to the prince, sighing full of relief. Nuada smiled.

- She is quite... interesting.

Arwen laughed.

- You have no idea.

She looked at him with question in her eyes.

- Did you come in pursuit of a book? Maybe I can help you find it?

- I did not come for a book.

She genuinely looked at him.

- I came for you.

Surprised washed over her, she looked into the burning golden eyes and saw that emotion again... she felt herself uneasy.

- Me...?


They were both sitting on the stairs of the library room and were looking at each other. Arwen shifted uneasily under the flaming eyes of the prince. He spoke very quietly, very slowly, as if choosing his words carefully.

- Do you...

He paused, sending her an heated glare.

- Do you care for humans?

She looked at him, frowing slightly, looked at her feet and waited some seconds before answering.

- I know that humans are senseless... they do not care about anything besides money or fashion. But sometimes, there are peopel that are worth a try.

Nuada refrained the need to snort. But he let her continue. Her voice became quieter and somewhat... sad.

- I can't say that I met any... but I know, that there is bad and good trolls, so it means that there are good and bad humans. If I can believe in good magical creatures, then I can believe in mortal ones.

Nuada gritted his teeth but she didn't notice. He managed to get control on himself, but not enough to hide the anger in his deep voice.

- Don't you know what they have done? To those that you call your family? They are without souls, without kindness!

Something burned into the heart of Arwen and she met the blazing eyes of the prince with her own heatbroken ones.

- I do not know?

Her voice was as quiet as before, but full of contained sorrow.

- My mother left me when I was a baby... at first, I thought it was for a good reason, poverty, something else.... But I saw her at the festival... with a child. A child that she definitily wanted... and loved... but when she saw me, she knew who I was and she fled away, afraid that I could... break her little world.

He couldn't say a word, so this is why she was so careless! She had be shaken to the core. Destroyed by her own mother!

- I do know what humans can do. They can betray their own flesh... for no other reason than the one they decide.

It was too much, the tears began to flow and the facade broke. She had held it back for so long! Nuada felt his heart brake at the sight of his love, he sat closer to her and slowly put his arms around her shaking form. He brought her closer to his chest, rubbing her back tenderly as she sobbed.

- Do not cry my love... please, do not cry. My heart will break if you cry.

Arwen was crying so hard that she didn't hear what he was saying, for now she was relieved to have someone comforting her. She felt so good into Nuada's embrace, protected, untainable. Her tears stopped, but she stayed in his arms... until she felt his lips on her head. She looked up at him, startled.

- Nuada...

He just looked at her with his burning eyes.

- Why?

- Did you not like it...?

His eyes were... worried? She had liked it. Very much, but why? She shouldn't be comfortable about being kissed by any man?!

- I... I did, but...

He smiled and she blushed.

- Arwen...

- Yes?

- There is something I have to tell you.

Arwen just looked at him, waiting...