Keiko: hey, heyyyy! Miss me?
Ikuto: -punches keiko in the face- YOU ABANDONED US!!
Amu: IKUTO! Harsh.
Keiko: expected…
Keiko: nothing, nothing. Anyway, the reason behind my 'disappearance' was because…well…I lost intrest. It happens and there is nothing I could do about it. But I've been trying and, well, here's a new story for ya!
(btw, I deleted my ongoing stories cuz……….I lost major interest. Ah ha!)
Okami no hime
This story takes place some time ago in a village near a forest.
Deep, deep into the forest, a man and woman, both holding a baby in their arms, approach. They finally reach their destination, near a shrine, and kneel in the dirt.
"should we really be doing this?" the woman asked the man.
"it's for the best…" the man speaks slowly, as they both place the baby's in the dirt.
"what if someone finds them?" the woman asked shakily, nervous.
"they'll be dead by then" the man grabbed the woman's arm and they walked away, the woman looking back towards her two children for her final good-bye, as they disappeared.
The children, realizing what had happened, that they were all alone, began to cry. That cry, sad and abandoned cry, attracted Terasu, wolf god and mother to us all.
She, a giant, sliver wolf gracefully leapt down from her den in front of the two children. The crying seized, as if magically. She walked over to the children, sniffed them as if deciding their fate. She sat down when she was satisfied, and let out an ear piercing howl.
Almost instantly, two more, smaller, silver wolves appeared and scooped up the children in their teeth that could tear them to pieces in a split second, and carried them up the cliff face, into a well-hidden cave.
And that will be their home ever since that day.
"WHAT!? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" a blue haired man, around 17?, yelled, being restrained by 4 men in suits.
"JUST BECAUSE MOM DIED, DOESN'T MEAN YOU OWN US!! YOU CAN'T SEND US TO SOME DESOLATED VILLAGE! YOU ARE NOT OUR FATHER!!" he yelled, being carried away by the men. A younger, but not by much, girl stood in the corner, tears down her face, and followed obediently after her brother.
The blue haired man was forced into the back of a black limo and his sister sat next to him in it.
The boy was trying to get out.
"it's no use…they're reinforced windows and the door is locked" the girls said.
"do you want to go to the fucking country, Utau!?" the blue haired boy asked his sister, Utau.
"no…but it's no use, Ikuto!" she snapped. Finally, the boy, Ikuto, just sat there, and waited to be dropped off in that so called country.
Keiko: DONE!
Ikuto: -mummblemumble- too short…
Keiko: it's just the preface! GAWSH! Well, since I haven't written ANYTHING in…forever, I hope this isn't too bad and I'm sorry if I'm a little….rusty….
Keiko: no, amu, that that kind of rusty…
(also…the title means "wolf's princess" please tell me if I got it wrong!)