The Obligatory Spiel: All characters belong to their respective creators; I am only playing with them. Thanks for reading, and as always, R&R!
WARNING: This fic contains adult content, including hints at cousincest. If this disturbs you, PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. This was written for FUN and is not to be taken seriously. Reviews are appreciated, but flames are not. If you have a problem with it, forget you read it and move on. We are all entitled to our own stories. Thanks for reading!
His breath shone in the frigid air, light and airy puffs of white against the black of his cell walls. Suppressing a shiver, he crawled to the wide open window. The sky was frozen, swirled with whites, greys and blues all mixed together in layers of cold. Black spots dotted the far skies, and Sirius allowed himself to shiver, though it had little to do with the cold. Dementors hovered almost everywhere outside. They were not close enough to see or feel, but he knew that the darkness of the sky and the crispness of the air had a lot to do with them.
Leaning back against the cold, mossy stone of the wall he reconsidered his plan. He was aware that no one had escaped Azkaban before. Everyone knew it. But Sirius had never considered himself 'everyone'. He thought of the boy. Innocent and pure, he would not survive another year if he was to be on his own. Sirius had nothing to lose by escaping; death no longer frightened him. If he was to be killed, let it be. He only wished he had a way to let Harry Potter know that he was his godfather, that he cared about him, and that he was not the murdering tyrant that had sent Lily and James to their graves.
Deciding it was pointless to linger on it, Sirius took a breath of icy air and moved to the front of his cell. Without his wand this was to be tricky. He did not have many possessions on him, but the one he did have he had kept close to his heart, sewn inside his shirt pocket and cleverly charmed to appear invisible. It had been on him the night he was arrested, and he felt relived that he had thought to prepare. After shedding his itchy woolen Azkaban robe and replacing it with his old clothes, he felt a sense of freedom already. His scabbed and dirt-coated hand slid into his shirt, feeling the bulge of metal next to his breast. Though invisible to the eye, he knew it was there.
He eased it up out of his pocket, feeling around the smooth edges. It felt just as he remembered it, though he had only once used it before. The Black family time-turner had been passed down through generations, though it was always taught that it was to only be used in dire times of need, and not for frivolity. Sirius couldn't think of a more dire time.
His blackened thumbnail traced along the edge, though it looked as though it were merely caressing the air. He felt the top for the button, and with careful ease winded it back three full turns. Three hours… yes, that must be right. Gradually his surroundings began to fade, then turned into a washed-out blur of colour and light, and he felt as if he were being pulled by a hook from his chest. Trying not to cry out, he gritted his teeth until finally he felt the ground again.
Though not bright, the window held more light than it had moments earlier, and he could hear chattering and other noises from outside his cell. A glance around showed him that he had not yet woken, just as he had planned. He stepped cautiously over himself as he moved to the far side of the wall, just next to the door and hidden in the shadows. He wondered how long he would have to wait, hoping he had not missed his oppertunity. He felt himself shiver, the anticipation driving him mad.
A sound drew his attention to the door, a clattering noise, like that of old wood landing upon stone. His evening meal had arrived. He remembered this noise. The other Sirius twitched in his sleep, and he knew it was almost time. The other Sirius sat up immediately, looking towards the door. Sirius shirked away from his gaze, hiding in the shadows, and the other Sirius, with a sharp intake of breath, began to howl and scream in agony. Taking a breath, the hiding Sirius waited anxiously, watching the door. With one swooping motion, it opened, and in floated a lone Dementor. Sirius waited until it swooped past him to attend to his screaming other, and then transformed.
Black fur replaced his skin, his nose grew wet and cold, and claws came from his fingers. He felt himself shrinking, and then he was on all fours on the floor, his vision and hearing more acute than they had been moments before. He watched for a second as the Dementor looked down upon Sirius, and Sirius' eyes opened once, winked towards the dog, and then went back to his fit. Sirius remembered having his fake fit hours earlier, and winking at himself in the future. All was going according to plan.
The dog Sirius slinked out the door, finding the shadows as he made his way slowly down the hall. Dementors were not particularly bright when it came to beings other than humans, and Sirius knew that he would be much harder to find in his canine form. He made it down two corridors before he even saw a Dementor, and even then, the Dementor was moving away from him. But it was not the Dementors that he was looking for. He remembered seeing the pale white face outside his door after the Dementor could not subdue him from his fit. He knew that any moment the Auror that said face belonged to would come walking down this passageway to see what all the commotion was about, and he knew that the Auror would have a wand.
Sure enough, as he stood hidden in a doorway, the very Auror he could remember seing ouside his cell came down the hallway, wand at the ready. Sirius realized that he would have to be quick, and also that he could not do this without making a sacrifice or two. Readying himself by balancing on his haunches, he waited. The Auror looked frightened at the sound of Sirius' screams, which still echoed down the corridors. He was now in front of the doorway, and Sirius took one giant leap, knocking the Auror down and taking his arm between his jaws. The Auror let out a shriek, but Sirius had already knocked his wand out of his hand.
Sirius transformed, knowing he had to be quick. The Auror looked thunderstruck as Sirius whispered harshly "Petrificus totalus!" The Auror went stiff as a board, and Sirius transformed again, grabbing the hem of the Auror's robes in his teeth and dragging him to the shadowed doorway where he would not be seen. He then took the wand between his teeth and quickly set off again. He could almost taste the air outside… He could feel the cold grass beneath his paws and smell the dirt. He was close. Very close.
As he turned another corner and made his way down a steep staircase, he smiled inside. He, Sirius Black, was going to pull this off! He started down another dimly lit corridor, the sconces casting shadows against the old the bricks. He had seen this hall before. Or at least heard of it. He padded by a few doors, the wood of which looked rotted and dry. He reached the last door at the end of the corridor before turning down another staircase that would lead him to the underground dungeons where he could tunnel out. He hesitated at this door. He knew it from his dreams, and from hearing about it, reading about it and talking about it.
He gazed down the staircase longingly, knowing that his freedom was only an hour or so's dig away, but he could not bring himself to descend it. Not just yet. First, he had to make a stop.
Slowly he moved towards the door, looking down the corridor for Dementors. The passages were hauntingly empty at night, but this is how he needed it. He silently transformed, letting the wand fall from his jaws and clatter to the floor. His human hand reached down for it, picking it up slowly and wiping off drool on his pants. He stood before the door, eying the rotting wood and rusted metal bars of the window. He glanced inside, but the darkness was thick.
He felt himself hesitating about doing this, knowing that it could very well bring about his downfall and ruin his plans, but knew he would not regret it. Taking an inhaling breath, he pointed the wand to the lock on the door, and whispered gently, "Alohamora."