Taste refers to the ability to detect the flavor of substances such as food, certain minerals, and poisons.

Ziva would kill me for ever thinking she tasted good. I mean, thinking she smelled good was one thing, and the whole thinking 'she-looked-hot-covered-in-dust' is another, but I'm pretty sure she'd kill me for thinking she tasted good. But, what can I say? If I said she tasted like over cooked fish covered in dirt, she'd kill me too. However, she didn't taste like over cooked fish covered in dirt.

Her kisses tasted like whatever she was eating at the time, and strawberry gum. Always like strawberry gum. That, or just plain strawberries. Strawberries, strawberries, strawberries. Something's never got old. I didn't like strawberries that much, but I would kiss Ziva over and over again just to taste them. There were times after she ate a spicy meal that I'd kiss her cheek instead. Strawberries and jalapeƱo's don't really mix.

Not only her kisses tasted though. Her skin had a taste too. I was told as a kid, after eating three garlic cloves, that the smell of what you eat oozes out through your skin. Hence why I smelled like garlic for four days. When I licked my arm, I tasted like garlic. Well, the same went for Ziva. After she ate a bag of peaches (which she did often), her neck tasted and smelled like peaches. I'd sit next to her on the couch, my head on her shoulder, and I'd lick her neck. She would always laugh, and bat me away. When I knew she'd forgot about me licking her neck, I'd move my head back onto her shoulder and lick her neck again. This time, she would laugh and tackle me onto the couch.

Once, I gave her a hickey. After having sex. She tasted like sweat and, as corny as this sounds, lust. I don't know how she tasted like lust... but she did. Mostly just sweat, but there was something else in there that got me thinking. Nothing; not the sight of her, smell of her, or sound of her after having sex compared to how she tasted as I kissed her golden skin.

And nothing compared to her.

Yeah, I know it's super short and everything. But, I greatly enjoyed how this ended. And since there are only five basic senses, this won't be continued. NOT up for discussion.

I have another idea, but for the time being I'm taking a break from this. I have my best friend coming up from San Diego, and I'm totally STUCK on Forever Tomorrow. So, kind of a break. I'll be back though, and I have another collection of oneshots that I'm doing. Thank you to M E Wofford for the idea too. I already have one chapter planned out, and the idea in my head. :)

So, for now, this shall be the last time I saw this for a while.

Thanks for reading.
