
This is my first story everyone!

If you don't like this story, just tell me and I will stop it.

Don't know if you're going to like it. I'm still a beginner!

Here goes chapter 1:

Disclaimer: I own nothing, Meg Cabot true star!

(I also don't own guitar hero either!)

We were all at the Annual tent event.

You know, the one in Carmel-By-The-Sea?

Well, Me, Gina, Holly, Charlotte, Carla and Carla's and Holly's sisters.

So we were sitting on these leather, black sofa's in a tent!

Yes I know, crazy!

Anyway, we were all huddled up on two sofas and all having a go on Guitar Hero 3 - Legends Of Rock, Carla was on it, holding the plastic guitar.

She was on easy! EASY!

Okay I'm sorry but couldn't it of been Medium, I can play expert and its not that hard!

'Do you see the dude on the sound system?' Holly asked gesturing to a guy - 17 years of age, dark chocolate hair in a mop cut, tall, fairly built but also tanned.

I seriously don't know why but my heart kept skipping beats as I stared dreamily, I could hear some of the other girls like Carla gasp in delight.

Okay so I don't look 15, I look more like the guy on the sound system's age.

Don't get me wrong it can be an advantage but most of the time it brings me shit!

Guys aged 18-22 come and try to chat me up. It annoys me so much!

'Well, he called Alex and he goes to the academy!' Holly mused on as all the other girls had totally forgot about Guitar Hero and was smiling with delight whispering all sorts of things.

'Well, he's just another guy who's got a girlfriend.' I stated. 'Anyway since when did he start the academy?'

Seriously, Father D would have told me about it.

Especially if he was that cute!

'Don't worry I got research off his sister!' Holly chirruped, 'his sister an my sister go to school together and I asked a few questions, he hasn't go a girlfriend and he applied for the school just as term started.'

Wow, he don't have a girlfriend, surprised I am!

'Well, I don't care if he's 17 or 12 he's mine!' Carla announced.

I don't even know why I hang round with that slag. She owns every guy there is!


'Umm, Carla, sorry to break the news, he hasn't got a girlfriend so you cannot just go and say he's yours, he doesn't even bloody know you.' I really couldn't care less if that was harsh, I hated her and okay maybe I liked him, but who couldn't.

'Oh, well I can if I want to. But if there is another girl who likes him then speak up now or he's mine!' She stood up looking cruelly at me.

Damn that bitch she knew I hated saying emotional feelings aloud, I know I'm shy but it's freaking now or never!

She was even dressed in slag clothes so I seriously need him.

I took one deep breathe and stood up.

Okay as I said, the beginning is never my best part but if you seriously don't like this I am happy just to stop this