It was pretty dark outside and deserted, when Reba had finished work and was walking home thinking to herself. Ugh, I have to cook dinner, do dishes, and laundry. I just wanna rest!

She was in such deep thought that she barely noticed her surroundings. The kids will probably want something too. Ugh, sometimes it would be nice to unwind a little and just...she was interrupted from her thoughts when she felt her body being pushed to the ground. She opened her mouth to scream as instinct, but a strong hand prevented her from doing so.

The unknown man put his hand to her mouth and said, "One word, you say one word, I promise you'll regret it!".

Her lip quivered in fright as the man grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into a nearby alley. He pushed her to the ground and her back hit the hard black concrete. The man climbed on top of her, his weight holding her down. He knew that she would scream and he was prepared and pulled out a roll of duck tape. He quickly pulled off a piece and threw the excess duck tape, causing it to roll out of the other end of the alley. He slapped the tape on to her mouth then he went for what he wanted. His hands immediately went for her blouse buttons to open the shirt. He didn't take the time to undo the buttons, instead just ripped her shirt open, causing the buttons to scatter all over the alley. He started to kiss her stomach while his hands roamed her body. He was determined to have his way with her.

--Meanwhile at Reba's house--

Cheyenne walked in the kitchen seeing her husband there and asked, "Van, how come I can always find you when it's time for dinner, but never when I'm cleaning?"

"Um, I'm just so busy cleaning because I want to make you happy." Van lied.

"Aww, sweetie." Cheyenne said leaning up to give him a peck.

"Speaking of dinner," Van started,"Cheyenne, what do you smell?" Van asked putting one arm around her shoulder and the other out to show what he was talking about.

"I don't smell anything." Cheyenne said confused.

"Exactly! Mrs. H usually has something for us by now." Van said.

"She isn't home yet?" Cheyenne asked pulling away from his arm.

"No, I've been waiting for her because I am starving!" said Van as he was searching the fridge.

"That's weird. Mom is always home. It's not like she has anything better to do." Cheyenne said.

"I tried calling her, but her cell phone is here." Van said pointing to the table in the living room.

" Van I'm worried about mom."

"Me too, but what are we going to do about it?" Van asked popping a grape into his mouth.

"We are going to go to her office." Cheyenne said to Van. "Kyra!" she called.

"What do you want?" Kyra asked coming down the stairs obviously annoyed.

"Can I ask you something?" Cheyenne asked.

"Yea, When it says lather, rinse, and repeat, you don't really do it." Kyra said with a smirk

"Well you could have told me that before I went through all those shampoo bottles!" Van said a little mad.

Cheyenne rolled her eyes, but continued, "Will you watch Elizabeth and Jake while we look for Mom."

"Depends, What's my pay?" Kyra asked.

"5 dollars an hour."

"20." Kyra said

"10." Cheyenne shot back

"15 take it or leave it." Kyra demanded.

"Fine!" Cheyenne said pouting a little.

The door opened and in walked Brock. "Hey guys," he said casually, "what's going on?"

"Cheyenne and I are going to look for Mrs. H."

"She isn't home yet?"

"No, and I want food!" Van whined.

"Here," Brock said handing Van money, "take this and go out for pizza. I'll go look for Reba."

"Thank you! You're a good man!" Van called as everyone ran out the door for food.

Brock was driving to Reba's office when he saw a roll of duck tape come rolling out of an alley. Something told him to go down there and what he saw made his eyes grow red with anger. Brock drove the car to the spot where the man was attacking a woman. Brock got out of the car and yelled at the man. "What the hell are you doing?!". The man ran away as Brock said that, so he didn't get a chance to the face of this horrilble man.

"I'm sorry that happened m'am." Brock said turning to face the woman. His eyes grew wide as he realized the woman lying there, was his precious red-head.

"Reba!" Brock yelled as he rushed to her side. He soon realized he shouldn't of done that. When he did that he scared Reba which made her jump. He could see how bad she looked with her shirt torn open, scratches all over her, her hair messed up. Brock wanted to kill that man. Brock was going to kill that man.

"Reba, it's ok. It's me, Brock." She just looked at him. He was deciding whether or not to do what he was going to do next. He opened his arms and leaned close to her and held her in his arms. To his surprise she didn't pull away, but instead moved closer and buried her head into his chest and sobbed.

"Reba, come on let's go home." He took her hand and helped her up and put his jacket on her. They drove home and parked out front. Brock went to Reba's side of the car and helped her out. Reba was reluctant to go in the house, but Brock comforted her and said "Don't worry, your ok as long as I'm here."

They walked in the house and everyone was back from pizza.

"Mom, oh my gosh, are you ok?" Cheyenne asked running to her mother and giving her a big hug.

"What's wrong with her?" Van asked.

"I found her in an alley ." Brock started, " She hasn't said a word to me about what happened, in fact she hasn't said anything."

"Awwww, Mrs.H" Van said, " whoever did this to you, I'm gonna kick there a--"

"Van!" Cheyenne exclaimed before he could finish.

"Sorry I'll kick their behinds." That caused Reba to giggle.

Just then Barbra Jean came running through the back door screaming "REBA!" all Van, Cheyenne, and Brock could say was " Uh-Oh"

Barbra Jean ran to Reba, arms extended ready to give her "best friend' a huge bear hug. This made Reba hold on to Brock as tightly as she could.

"Barbra Jean, I think it's best if you leave Reba alone." Brock said.

"Why?" Barbra Jean asked. "

"She is in a very emotional state right now." said Van.

"Yeah and I think she has had enough 'excitement' for one day, you should let her rest." Cheyenne said. "I get the drift, tell me if anything and I mean ANYTHING goes wrong, call me." Barbra Jean said.

"BJ, I'm gonna stay the night here to make sure she is ok." Brock said.

"Ok, bye, love you." BJ said giving him a small peck.

"Ya bye." He thought about her last words love you. Did he really love her back? He walked Reba upstairs to her bedroom and watched her as she got under the sheets. Reba saw him and smiled and opened her arms for a hug. Brock was more than happy to accept. He loved the way she felt in his arms and wanted to stay there for forever.

He was disappointed when the hug ended. He looked into her beautiful blue eyes and was tempted to kiss her. He realized what he was doing and got up, said good night and left Reba's room, shut the door, and leaned against it thinking, again, about what BJ said love you. Did he?