Title: The pain you wake to is not yours
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Sylvia Plath
Warnings: AU during movie; non-con
Pairings: pre reboot!Kirk/Spock, post OS!Kirk/Spock; Nero/Kirk
Rating: R
Point of view: third
Wordcount: 315
Notes: written for st_xi_kink to the prompt Nero is mindlessly focused in on Spock - on *hurting* Spock, even more so than just killing him. And he recognized Kirk "from earth's history". So he MUST know alllll about Spock & Kirk being the ultimate dream team, BFF's, fucking like bunnies, what have you. And now he's got Spock's captain here, beneath his hands. What better way to get revenge?
And then! Rescue! And awkward aftermath.
But of course, he'd want Spock to SEE. I'm sure Nero would feel the need to explain, in explicit detail, exactly why it's Spock's fault that he's chosen to (whatever you pick, pervy, violent, etc.) poor Kirk. I think it'd be interesting to have BOTH Spock's reactions. Not to mention Kirk's. I can see Kirk maybe being all indignant - WTF, you're torturing me to hurt Spock? But he doesn't even like me! Or perhaps he'd get a funny look on his face as he realized just what those feeling/memories he'd received from Spock Prime's meld were.
I know your face, Nero murmurs, from Earth's history. He stares down at the human, at James T. Kirk, at Spock's beloved. Perhaps, even more than Vulcan's destruction, the harm of this man would break Spock.
Yes, he whispers. You were a great man, James, he says slightly louder. But that was another life.
Kirk blinks up at him, trying to buck him off, but Nero refuses to be moved. The human looks very intriguing, all bloody and bruised. Had a bad day, James? Nero asks, honestly curious.
Get the fuck off me, Kirk mutters, shoving and twisting, but only trapping his hands between their bodies. He's panicking, Nero notices in fascination. Apparently, he doesn't like to be held down.
Captain! Ayel calls. We've captured the Vulcan. It's the other Spock.
Nero looks up from Kirk and smiles. Take us to warp, Ayel. He strokes Kirk's face and the human turns his head aside. Let's leave Earth—we've already destroyed their fleet. Everything I want is right here.
Aye, sir, Ayel says and passes along the command.
Nero reaches down and grabs the small communicator that Kirk had been scrambling for. Oh, no, James, Nero says softly. He crushes the device and smiles as Kirk closes his eyes.
Spock is dragged in, left arm hanging uselessly. His gaze immediately goes to Kirk, Nero notices with a smirk. He is right, then. Hurting the human while Spock watches, both within reach, will provide far more satisfaction than killing Vulcan from afar.
Nero keeps his gaze locked on Spock's and leans down to gently kiss Kirk. His hands tighten around Kirk's, until Kirk gasps into his mouth as the fragile bones splinter.
Spock jerks forward; three of Nero's crew hold him back and Nero laughs against Kirk's lips. We'll have fun, the three of us, he murmurs. And every time he feels pain, Spock, she'll be avenged.