AN: Hey everyone. You're all looking at my first complete Draco Hermione story. :)

It's not cotton candy more like...sweet tarts or something like that.

Review. :)

"Happy hour sweetie." The bartender said, looking at the girl. He rubbed his stained beard and scanned the rest of the bar.

"Double down." She smiled, but it was a slick one. Unhappy at best. The man nodded and poured two shots of firewhiskey for her. They sloshed as they were pushed towards her.

"Bottoms up eh?" She said, grasping the first chipped glass. She threw back the shot and went for the second. They burned as they slid down her throat. She set the glasses down on the scarred wood.

"Again." She said. The man nodded and held the bottle out, pouring the firewhiskey into the double glasses again.

A man, too regal for this setting, sat beside the girl. When the shots were pushed back to the girl he grabbed one and knocked it back.

"Go away." The girl snapped at the regal man. He shrugged and gestured at his shot glass again.

"I'm not really up for that Granger." He said, staring at the shot handed to him. With similar grace he put it back. Hermione did the same.

"Why are you here?" She refused to say his name. Granger was a common enough last name. They didn't need the present fame and infamy that would come with recognition. The girl-wonder and death-eaters-son, lovely combination really.

"I could ask the same."

"At least I'm suited for grit and grime." Her voice held an edge that he didn't miss.

"Blood status is really unimportant." Draco said, looking back at the girl. She smirked and knocked another shot back.

"How many of those have you had?" He asked. She shrugged.

"Four maybe. I don't now. Don't really care." She sat up further, stiffening her back. "You see Mal- You see I'm trying to get forget-everything drunk right now." She cut herself off, not wanting to draw attention. Of course his pressed robes and glistening blond hair didn't help either.

"Why?" He asked, fondling the glass, rolling it between his fingers.

"Get out of here. I was hoping not to be recognized for once." Hermione grumbled, starting for another shot. Draco slipped the class from her fingers and knocked it back himself.

"So far I'm unknown." He said, looking at the girl. She glared and requested another shot from the bartender.

"This place is crawling with scum. Some of his minions must be around here somewhere." Hermione said.

"I don't fraternize with the lowest of low." He replied. "They'd only know me from the Prophet and other assorted periodicals"

"Of course." Hermione sneered. He looked down at her and made show of trailing his finger down her cheek.

"Has your mark…" She trailed off and pressed her fingers against his wrist, she was off but they both knew it.

"Nothing. I'm not removing it." He answered her next question.

"Why?" Hermione asked, meeting his eyes, and a familiar curious innocence boiled to the surface of her eyes.

"That'd be too easy. If I fuck up I can't just erase it can I?" He replied. She nodded and then looked away surprised by his answer. He did that a lot, surprised her.

"How's the thing with Astoria?" She changed the subject quickly. He met her eyes again. By thing she referenced their young marriage.

"Over." He replied. She nodded, not offering her condolences but he knew. They both knew Astoria was only temporary, she was not going to last.

"Luc…Your Father must be furious." She said. He shrugged and no words were exchanged. She rest her forehead against the gritty bar and turned to face him.

"You're taking me home." She whispered. He nodded and rest his hand on her arm for a brief second. Momentary comforts.

"Whose your father pushing for next?" She asked. Draco gave a noncommittal grunt before answering.

"No one. He just wants me to have an heir." Draco swallowed hard. "Doesn't care at all about their blood-status or who it's with." His eyes narrowed for a moment as they locked with her copper ones.

"Wouldn't you like that?" Hermione caught his innuendo. He shrugged.

"I'm not asking for love." He said.

"No, just a child." She snapped back.

"We get along." He put back a shot. "well enough, you're healthy, I'm healthy, I can support you financially, you're intelligent and a long shot from boring."

"I'll be your trophy wife is what you're asking of me." She replied, sitting up again. He looked away for a second and then back. Again silence descended upon them.

"Are you going to reply?" Something sharp cut his words.

"Are you seriously proposing?" She retorted. He looked down.

"Yeah. I am." She met his eyes, copper and silver.

"I don't want a kid right now Draco." She said his name. He nodded.

"It can wait a bit." He replied, refusing to look away.

She didn't reply immediately. She stared at him, not breaking eye contact.

"Fine." She finally said, breaking eye contact.

"Fine as in yes?" He confirmed. She nodded quickly and then looked away. He grasped her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. A scathing kiss followed.

A few galleons were dropped on the bar and he stood up.

"Come on Miss Hermione Granger, I wouldn't be a good fiancée if I didn't take you home now would I?" He helped her stand. She glared at him as the bartender finally realized who the girl was.

"Thank you. Malfoy" She hissed. And the bartender's eyes shot up into his hair. The Hermione Granger, The Draco Malfoy and they were sitting in his bar.

Draco coiled the girl in his arms and with a crack disapparted from the bar.