Title: As the King Sleeps
L. Lindsey
Penguins of Madagascar
Furries, homosexuality
E for everyone
While Julien sleeps, Maurice and Mort are granted with a few hours of peaceful quality time.
DreamWorks and Nickelodeon own the Penguins of Madagascar cartoon
A/N: …IDK…rule 34, anyone?

The two plebeian lemurs froze as their "king" grew restless in his slumber. Fortunately, Julien only shifted before sinking further into unconsciousness. The feelings Maurice felt overwhelmed him as he cradled Mort in his arms, yet he melted anyway as the small mouse lemur coyly slipped his tail around the girth of the king's right hand man.

Still, Maurice stared nervously at Julien, who snored like a bear by the way. He wasn't sure why, but he was afraid of what his king's reaction would be if he happened to awaken whilst Mort was so delicately embraced in his arms. "Mort, do you think Julien suspects anything?" If Maurice had been in his usually state of mind, he probably would have berated himself for asking something so unwarranted. The ringtail just wasn't as perceptive as Maurice gave him credit for.

"Nope," was Mort's simplistic reply, but it lessened the sting of guilt for keeping secrets for them both (as if they didn't have a right). Mort nuzzled his face into the gray lemur's fur, taking a deep breath to memorize the smell: fruit and Madagascar. Julien had very nice feet, that was a fact, but in the back of Mort's little mind, he wondered if he liked Julien's feet so much was because they were forbidden. "You smell like mango." Mort giggled adorably, batting his large eyes in Maurice's direction.

The Aye-Aye's laugh bubbled deeply in his chest, vibrating nicely against Mort's pelt. "…Well, that is what I ate last," he conceded.

Mort hummed an agreeing sound, sniffing again. "Something else, too."

"Oh, yeah?" Maurice rolled his eyes, "and what's that?"


It took a moment to click at first—the zoo, after all, was their current home. "Madagascar?" Mort nodded and grinned cutely. "I hope that's a good thing…," he mumbled drowsily. He modified the arrangement to rest into a bit more relaxing position whilst Mort gripped Maurice's fur tightly in his tiny paws, mostly out of instinct.

Once settled, Mort was quickly dozing off, and, though Maurice's impulse was to place Mort somewhere else to nap, he didn't have the heart. Instead, he returned the offer and curled his own tail around Mort soothingly.