
"…And Hermione I have a surprise for you…your grandmother never died…"

Hermione stared at Gabriel I disbelief. Too shocked to say anything Gabriel continued. "Hermione your grandmother was only died in the muggle world. We had to make it look like she died so that she could come to the Fallen Angel side without having to keep constant appearances in the muggle world. She was not allowed to tell anyone about it because of the trouble it might have caused. When the first war happened your mother was the leader of the Fallen Angels and worked with the army and a group of wizards and witches that believe in us and kept us hidden. Before you began Hogwars the elders had a vision of Voldemorts return and the mayhem would come with it. So, she died in the muggle world so she could live among us and be able to lead us until you gained your power."

Harry turned to look at Hermione who looked ready to faint. "Harry I need to sit down." Harry grabbed Hermione and led her to the couch that had appeared to the left of Hermione. As she sat down Hermione placed her face in her hands and began to cry. Harry attempted to comfort his wife but was blocked by a shield that she placed around herself. "Come on Hermione don't block me out please!"

"Harry I suggest that you step away from her, or she will hurt you," Said an unrecognizable voice behind Harry. He turned around and came face to face with an older woman who had gray hair and beautiful white wings like Hermione's. "Harry, I know you want to help her but right now she is blocking you out because she's in shock about my fake death. By, the way I am Elizabeth Amelia Granger current leader of the Fallen Angels but you may call me Granny Liz since you are married to my granddaughter. Oh my, have you grown! I haven't seen you since you were a year old..." "Granny Liz…"

Harry and Liz turned to see Hermione standing up and she rushed over to hug her grandmother. They held on for dear life enjoying each presence has it had been almost ten years since they had last seen each other. Bot woman were crying in their embrace. When they both let go of each other Liz spoke "My dear little Mione, I know my death put you in a lot of pain but I had to protect you. After the war I still had individuals wanting me dead and attempting to kidnap you. Therefore, it seemed easier to just fake my death and place you and your parents in hiding."

"Oh Gran, I have missed you so much but I understand why you faked your death. I had to send my parents to Australia to keep them safe and away from the war."

"Excuse me your highnesses I hate you break such reunion but we do have a lot to go over considering the fact that tonight will be a big night for Mrs. Potter-Granger," stated Gabriel has begun to manifest a library around them. "Ah yes, Gabriel you are correct. For tonight will be a big night for all of you. You will both step out into our society for the first time since you were born and you be named our Queen and King of the Fallen Angels," Granny Liz said in excitement has she had been waiting for this day since Hermione was born.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean to be crowned the Queen and King? I barley have any idea what this world entails and you want me to become a leader Granny this is all too much to take in. I know I was the leader but I didn't imagine I would be a queen!"

"My dear Hermione, you being our Queen is in your blood. When you are crowned you will know everything you will need to know about our world. There is nothing to be scared of. Harry has been in training since the summer before your first year at Hogwarts. He became a Fallen Angel the night Voldemort attempted to kill him. We knew that when he turned of age he would be a Fallen Angel but because of his life being in danger triggered the gene a lot sooner than expected. But, due to him being so young we couldn't train him just yet. Since, he entered Hogwarts we hid his identity of being a Fallen Angel and his true self to those around him that could hurt him. But, you two becoming friends was fate, you were born for each other. And I am glad that you two finally stop being so damn stubborn and finally got together," Hermione looked a Granny Liz in shock.

"Now, you two there is a lot that Gabriel and I need to go over with both of you. So, please sit down and pay attention. We have eight hours to educate you in the best way that we can about our society!"

Well hello my little angles. So, first off I want to apologize for not uploading in over a year. I had a difficult year with family and with myself. I'm still battling my depression but the first couple of months were hard for me but it is getting easier. I was going to leave the story but I had someone who was still reading this story and asked me to update soon and well given the fact that I am a lot better now I figured why not. All of you that have been patient with me have shown me that even after such a long time you wish to still be a part of this creative process with me. So, I have made a schedule so that I guarantee that I update weekly if not earlier. Chapters are being written and checked. But, this one is a little short because I wanted to give you something after a long ass time. Thank you for being patient with me and still being there for me.

Love always your angel Ali 3